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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. Omg. You even older than me. 🤣🤣 one of my all time favorite shows 😂 I remember the very first one. I don’t think we missed an episode.
  2. I have 5 pandas in a 10. Not ideal. But like you it was one of my first tanks ever. They are doing fine after a couple of years. Still chasing each other around. The sizing could be better. But it’s not horrible. You might just want another 2 for better behavior patterns. It’s more a matter of keeping a small tank’s water in check. The smaller the tank, faster the nitrates build up. If you’re diligent, and keep it down, everyone should be just fine.
  3. cps? Chain pet store? The next question is what are you losing? It may be nothing you're doing at all. I couldn't keep guppies alive from a box store for any reason. I had to order mine online to get a better strain that is now thriving. Neon tetras are the same way. They can have loses of over 50% from box stores. And that's with you doing everything right. good news is once you get them past a couple months, their survival goes back to where it should be. I'm going to guess your corys are mostly fine.
  4. I've been doing more thinking on this. There are a couple more suggestions. For some reason the gold ocellatus is very intriguing to me. very colorful, lots of personality. can't get them out of my head. lamprologus ornatipinis is also supposed to be exceptional. then of course all the julidochromis.
  5. shell dwellers would be fun. either red fin caudalpunks or multis would be cool
  6. I’m going to call in the expert. @Colu
  7. Possibly stress coat if it’s an injury. If it’s bacterial or fungus, you’ll need something stronger than melafix or pimafix. They’re mostly tea tree oil. They do have some preventive actions. But won’t cure an active infection.
  8. Looks like something else. Ich will look like he’s been sprinkled with salt. Tiny white spots relatively uniform. Could be bacterial. Could be fungal. Does it look fuzzy? Could even be minor injuries.
  9. @Mordecai13 Think of it as an insurance policy. hopefully you never need it. But useful when you do. If you have a power outage while no one is around or knows about it. and extra oxygenation is never a bad thing.
  10. 🤣 That was not my story.🤣 I borrowed it from Jason Adams🤣. But they do have that reputation. He's also said that silvertips will form kind of a fish tornado in very large groups 😁
  11. My personal favorite would be either silver tip tetras or red tail rasbora (brilliant green rasbora) both very tight schoolers. so much so, my eight year old was playing with the rasboras at our lfs. they were tightly following her hands around the tank.
  12. problem with rummynose, they seem fine. then the next day ich everywhere. then the next day, no more rummynose
  13. yeah, you're probably just fine. The best way to do water is to match your tap and buy local. almost all fish have a great deal of plasticity and will adapt just fine. there are exceptions of course. mainly discus, rams and apistos. 85% of the US has neutral to hard water. so, it's not worth fighting what you have. Now, wild caught fish and trying to breed sensitive fish is completely different. then you have to be more aware of what they need
  14. The main thing wrong with crushed coral is that it's slow to respond to large water changes. It takes time to dissolve. meanwhile your gh and kh are suddenly lower. sometimes drastically. doing water changes with equilibrium means you can adjust and keep more stable water. it all depends on how often you're going to do a change keeping in mind that you'd also need to adjust your kh as well.
  15. I would be concerned about the active ingredients in esha200. nobody seems to know what's in it. It may not be useful at all. @Colu
  16. That actually may be a better fit than a standard 15g. longer swimming path for the shiners.
  17. Really. I never knew that. but then mine stays under 15dgh. Have they run droplet tests on that?
  18. Yes, it some cases. depends on the silica levels. Mine occasionally gets recharged. not horribly, just a bit
  19. It will. for a couple weeks, then a month off while the slime dies. then it will again. although, I had a black sand, supposed to be premium quality, everything was covered in an inch of diatoms. I gave up on that tank for 6 months. moved the fish out. kept it running. It's fine now... 2 years later 🤣
  20. Welcome! Ask lots of questions, we like to help!
  21. You could try. Not everything is set in stone. Just have a backup plan. It depends on the personality of the animals. I have a honey gourami with a betta. And pandas. An oto. And the last neon. Shouldn’t work. But the betta and honey ignore each other. Completely against the rules. But I had/have alternatives if/when it doesn’t work.
  22. Run both. That way, when you want to start another tank or need a quarantine tank, your sponge is ready to go 😁
  23. There are actually university studies going on currently. University of London has one. The problem is not whether some animals have consciousness or not but how much. and which ones, and to what degree. how self-aware are they. to what level do they have emotions? Not to over anthromorphize things. but there is more there than we have been aware of. pain for fish was controversial 30 years ago. fish memory was controversial 15 years ago. can you imagine how controversial this is? our understanding changes all the time.
  24. for the most part, they are very peaceful. but mating behavior has a way of messing that up for everyone. she was just trapped by an aggressive male. I'm beginning to believe that most females need to come in groups for just one male. spreads the aggression around
  25. second tanks can get instantly cycled off the first. By the addition of a spare sponge filter transfer. you can transfer a cycle You really can't purposefully season a tank, only cycle one. Seasoning takes time. and life. fish and mulm and crud and pest snails, and invertebrates. everything that goes into a tank. It all has to marinade and simmer like a good soup. and after a while it all comes together and becomes more than its parts. it becomes its own ecosystem
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