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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. Crushed oyster shell should do the same thing as crushed coral. Not sure standard seashells would work. Unless you’re going to pulverize them. Could also use aragonite, cuttlebone, even chicken grit. I use equilibrium in my ro
  2. Could you get a hob and put a pre filter on it. That way the purigen is in water flow I use it in a couple of non planted tanks. Not sure it will do much without flow
  3. Perfectly fine. Some people keep a low level of salt all the time. But, no plants, or Corys, or snails (I believe). Aquarium or marine salt only. Regular salt has additives
  4. I do too. Turns out that may be a lucky place to get a chip. If you can get it resealed. We never like giving bad news. But it’s better to hear the truth than to temporarily get it fixed and have it fail. We had a girl on here a couple of months ago. Got given a large tank. I believe it chipped upon moving. Right in the middle of the corner. Just heartbreaking to tell her. Or, it would be for me to hear that.
  5. It is. Also raises gh to a good level
  6. Give them a couple of weeks, then add 4 more. 😁
  7. Not ich. Ich will look like he got salted small white dots. Possibly a slight injury. Could also be the start of something like columnaris or fungus. Keep an eye out for further odd behavior or changes in the spot
  8. Yay! They are just so fun to watch, aren’t they!
  9. Besides setting up another aquarium. You may be able to swap him for another female. Depending on where you got him. Petco/petsmart probably not. Or get him another female of similar size to harass. for excess fry. You could let nature take its course. As long as you have plenty of cover for new fry. Platy tanks will kind of balance themselves out. With all ranges of platys. From fry to older adults. With the knowledge that platys will eat fry and your population will stabilize. If you don’t like the idea of that. Then, yeah, you’re going to need a plan for lots of fry.
  10. I had a couple of thoughts @Beardedbillygoat1975 covered most of them. I’d make sure you have a fairly high gh for start. Second, there’s no guarantee that they’re not reproducing and then disappearing the fry. I’d definitely include more cover for the fry. Hornwort works really great for this. Or guppy grass, or water wisteria. That at least gives the fry that you could be having some cover.
  11. Seachem has a dosing calculator on their website. Plug in current kh, desired kh, and gallons of the desired water. I usually base mine off a 30g trash can with zero from ro water.
  12. How big is the tank? If it’s less than 40g , I’d scrap it, and pick up a new one. I know, seems like an absolute shame. But that looks like a structural crack. I’m sure you can fix it… temporarily. When it goes it’s all going to go. Could be every gallon on the floor. I just wouldn’t
  13. Well. That’s a problem. Used to be you could sneak it through on Amazon. @Colu? Looking at your angels. Quarantine meds are not really going to do the job. Better would be the kanaplex. But no plants or invertebrates. Maracyn2 would be next. Not sure about oxy. But since you can get it Canada probably not much meds in it
  14. Reminds me of my male marble. I had 6 in a 75g with 2 pairs. One pair was mild. The marbled pair were not. My male would turn sideways and go after anything on his side of the tank. Kept the other angels backed into a corner. Even kept praecox rainbows on the bottom of the tank. Needless to say that pair is in a solo breeding tank now. They just haven’t had any success in the new tank. but breeding can make angels just nuts.
  15. That honestly doesn’t look like brown algae to me. More of a string/hair algae. Brown algae usually is a surface only algae and doesn’t leave trailers in the water column. You’d find it covering the surfaces of everything. It goes away when your silicate levels drop. I wouldn’t expect this to disappear. You may need to consider some maintenance issues. Light down to 8 hours per day and keeping your nitrates at 20 or less. Amano shrimp would be good. Florida flag fish. Or depending upon tank size, Siamese algae eater
  16. @Mississippi fish guy even the angel can go after guppy fins
  17. If it’s gone in an hour or so it should be good. I have the same problem. How much is too much. I generally break the wafers into pieces so they can have their own piece. Without adding too much extra feed. They also make mini pellets that work
  18. Let’s ask our expert @Colu
  19. Looks like it might be some kind of parasite. Is he outside in a pond? Gets more complicated if he is. And it may limit treatment meds. @Colu is our expert.
  20. Tony s

    Mystery snail

    Do you know if you have hard water. Hard water has calcium in it. That helps to strengthen snail shells. And prevents cracks. If you live close to the sea, chances are you may have soft water. Or if your house has a water softener, that’s also soft water
  21. Plop and drop is fine.
  22. New leaves are currently forming. At the end of the bare stalks of all places
  23. That’s shouldn’t be an issue. The bottoms of most tanks are rated 17 or more lbs per gallon and you’ll carry from the bottom. So no big deal
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