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Everything posted by Tlindsey

  1. @Pepere I personally have a five gallon plastic bucket I use that is over 30 yrs old. I don't know if you have a home depot or lowes in your area both sell durable buckets.
  2. @Hurric Sorry for the loss. I never kept the Von Rio but had that experience with a group Congo Tetras. That's possibly a male trying to spawn.
  3. @yakteriyaki Yes something definitely wrong because the Neon looks bloated. How long have you had the Neons?
  4. I have a set of 3 lens magnifying glass. The highest magnifying lens 20x. I can view something like for example a Cyclops very clearly. There are also magnifying phone apps.
  5. Hello Ryan! Is this your first aquarium?
  6. @seevuplay How does the one look that's at the surface any torn fins or missing scales? How did you find out it was a proven pair?
  7. My poor male loaded with eggs again. Recently added that Java Moss 4 ghost shrimp and a Nerite Snail so far no issues.
  8. Oh ok got it. Yeah I was hoping you could avoid removing your fish.
  9. @LDZ I personally would toss it.
  10. @EggShappedFish I suggest sterilize aquariums with part bleach and water and rinse out. The traces of Chlorine from beach won't be a issue once dechlorinator is added to aquarium water.
  11. @EggShappedFish was aquarium cleaned with anything prior to setup? If so what was used for cleaning?
  12. @Stef I personally would replace the filter especially if it not running properly. If you decide to go with another Fluval AC 50 yes place a pre-filter on the intake. I would personally raise intake.
  13. @Fish Folk awesome videos. You're son is a great knowledgeable fishkeeping hobbyist. Thanks for sharing.
  14. I suggest calling the vendor to find out the PH of their aquarium that held the C. Habrosus.
  15. @purpledantastic I personally would drip acclimate.
  16. @Moz Welcome to the forum.
  17. @Finding NiMo looks like a bacterial or viral infection to me but not sure. I suggest doing larger water changes to reduce the Nitrate level.
  18. @EggShappedFish I agree with you. The white mold is fungus remove asap.
  19. I don't have any experience with rice fish or the shrimp but wanted to welcome you to the forum.
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