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Everything posted by knee

  1. Depends entirely on your light. I’m using week Aqua and I have the lights hung really far from the tank but I’m still able to grow the plants. ignore the towel and the other emmersed plants. My light is 14” above the tank surface and I’m still able to grow ludwigia in that tank
  2. The hygger led will be fine for low light plants and maybe some other less demanding plants since you only have a 10g. It seems like some plants are still growing with the stock light that you have so I’ll keep dosing ferts. I’d maybe dose half of the recommended and keep it that way even with the new light.
  3. i have that same brand in my amazon cart. Didn’t even know that it was only made for rimless tanks. Really glad I saw this thread. Thank you for finding a solution
  4. Plants require PAR to grow. If you don’t have enough PAR it doesn’t matter how long you have the lights on. There are plenty of affordable lights that can grow most plants like Hygger and nicrew.
  5. These are popular in the planted tank community when they want to do a more affordable setup. They grow plants well but you’re stuck with just one color. If you’re not looking for anything fancy those lights will definitely do the job.
  6. The only time I was able to catch them was when I broke down the tank 😂 You can also try at night when the lights are off. How many pairs are you planning to stock? Those two males in the video are very nice looking. I’d say put those two in the main tank and try to get females to put in with them. I can help sex them if you’re able to take photos or videos of all the fish.
  7. They’re both males. The pelvic fins are touching the anal fins. My 5 females and even the other females I’ve had before always had short pelvic fins and they are never able to touch the anal fin. I’ve only seen that with males. They won’t really bother each other and do enjoy each others company unless they’re trying to spawn. They do have very nice fins. Trailers are very long and they’re also starting to get trailers on their dorsal fins.
  8. Juncus repens like softer water with co2 for the best growth. I've tried this plant in my tank and I have pretty hard water (Socal), and the plant didn't thrive at all.
  9. One of the emerald eye rasboras I got from Aquahuna was also missing a gill plate. I thought that fish would eventually die, especially after I had an outbreak in the tank I keep it in. It's been two months and the fish is fine, very active and has grown a little bit. I just made sure I kept the water super clean as a precaution.
  10. My opinion on guppies, mollies and platies is that if there’s a male and female together, the female would be pregnant 99% of the time.
  11. You can always add ferts to help the algae. Just a warning that you might not get the algae you want. Two of my tanks get the same fert and same photoperiod but grow two different types of algae.
  12. You can also try this. Cheaper than ac https://www.amazon.com/BDXXJ-Portable-Operated-Stroller-Rechargeable/dp/B0CTBRC38X/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=2AIA7R3AXBJL&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.CIaQJsL1kcExYiblo3xgUYgWF4ymRBql_2clrvtI64QKDQRnkVcet1FvfcAHYFpz5NMW2u_lpZqkbeZxKrrNj9-cNsu02pfCSbCJcHmu4H0hj-a56nbOtVBmOhGsRo9_aDSQ2RzYIIs4X03VHeHSgdBDbk2PK9P8zF-r5SLQ4AfrCSptBd5BILXWOaeBlUHmb9yBJCvsZ_SN1JjLp4kTww.MiTawPZvOCo0f3iTCTAwjNYsfrAkFgP-a4iHR0iAJ5s&dib_tag=se&keywords=mini+fan+clip+on+usb+desk+fan&qid=1712766754&sprefix=mini+clip+fan+for+desk%2Caps%2C150&sr=8-3
  13. This is the dad I love how he turned out because he came from my group of swordtails I had before that I sold off. His dad didn’t have a double sword so I wasn’t expecting him to look like this. This is grandpa (dad of the swordtail above) And this is him as a baby
  14. Your ph will not fluctuate as long as you have a kh reading. Not sure if you have actual seiryu but most seiryu sold now are actually Ying Stones from China, a type of limestone that will increase both gh and kh (also raises the ph). Your ph is already at 7.5 so I'd say that's not the the acidic side. It will dissolve the limestone at a much slower rate, or not at all. That's probably why you don't see a change in the ph. Icelandic lava rock and yamaya stone are both inert and very similar to Seiryu if ever you're looking for replacements.
  15. I remember before living in an apartment without AC in the living room and that's where I had my tank setup. Tank temp got to 85 which was not ideal for my planted tank and stocking. I froze water bottles to float on the tank and also got some mini fans with clips. I did have to top off a lot because I had the an blowing on the water surface tho but that's better than my fish suffering from the heat.
  16. Top photo could be a female. I just need to see the pelvic fins and the shape of the body from the side to confirm. They both look healthy but stressed. The fish in the top photo looks less stressed to me
  17. Top photo I’m 99% sure it’s male. Bottom photo 100% male. If you can get another photo or a video of them swimming around I can confirm. Here’s some photos of my females to compare Left is male and right is female on this photo
  18. I’m starting to love them. Their breeder box is the first thing I check now when I wake up in the morning 😂 I’m definitely keeping them to grow out then I’ll keep maybe 1 or 2 then probably sell or trade the rest. The male and female look very different so I’m excited to see how they will turn out
  19. I haven’t even thought of asking him lol 🤦🏻‍♂️ Thanks for the suggestion! Gonna message him now 🙏🏻
  20. My swordtail gave birth last Saturday and I was able to catch about 25 babies. Put them in a breeder box and they started eating grindal worms on day 1. It’s now day 3 and I fed them grindal worms again but I noticed that they already grew bigger. I’ve always kept community tanks and just let things happen in the tank but my roommate was very adamant on catching the babies. I’m super excited to see how they will turn out. Vid of their first day and then today
  21. I do but every three days. The way I have my tank scaped makes it very difficult to gravel vac but I do as much as I can. I have messaged Ron and asked if there are any drawbacks to not doing a gravel vac when feeding medicated food and the only reason he gave me was that it can cause a reinfection. When I used it on my 20 long i just vacuumed the front part of the tank and I didn’t encounter any issues.
  22. I have read plenty of good things about ich-x and definitely don’t doubt it’s effectiveness. Actually the only bad thing I read about ich-x was that it didn’t work for their tank. Thats why I was a bit shocked because I detected ammonia and nitrite after dosing it the 2nd time. I do know that overdosing anything can cause problems so I was assuming it was from my own error of not dosing correctly. I can confirm that it’s not the medicated food because I have been using it in my other tanks without issues, and the fish eat them so quick that it doesn’t have enough time to foul the water.
  23. Thank you. I’ll test again later and do a water change. I’ll probably skip the ich-x but keep them on the medicated food for a few more days.
  24. Last week I noticed that 3 or 4 of my rummy nose tetras had white fungus on their dorsal fin. They still remained the same, active and didnt isolate themselves. I started feeding the whole tank medicated fish food from rons cichlids and all of the fish including the ones with fungus ate them voraciosuly (idk why but they go crazy for this medicated food more than their staple pellets). I also remembered that ich-x can treat fungus so i dosed the tank and followed the instructions on the bottle. I opted for ich-x over salt because I have kuhli loaches, glass cats and cory habrosus. I dosed 30ml (5ml per 10g) the first night and the next day my tank was still fine. I noticed that the fungus wasn’t as prominent the following day but it was still there. I did another treatment of ich-x while still feeding them medicated food. Btw when i feed the medicated food I do crush the pellets up just a bit because I mostly have nano fish and it does make the water a bit cloudy but disappears after a few minutes. When I woke up the next day after the 2nd dose i noticed that the water remained cloudy and some fish were at the surface. I tested my water and it showed little ammonia and nitrite. I’d say about 0.25-0.5ppm. I did a 60% water change then added some quick start. By this time the fungus is gone so i stopped ich-x but still fed the medicated fish food. I didn’t have any casualties but wanted to see if it was the ich-x that crashed my cycle. I might have overdosed the 30ml. I know i don’t have 60 gallons of water in the tank. If i gad to guess I’d say i have 45-50 gallons in there due to rocks and driftwood displacing the water. TL;DR - i might have crashed my cycle because I think I overdosed on ich-x
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