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Everything posted by knee

  1. From my observation with my Bolivian rams, that’s how they start the courtship. It will go from little head twitches to flailing the whole body. I also noticed the females would challenge the males and they tend to pair with the male that won’t back down from them. I’ll try to take a video when the lights turn on later.
  2. Has anyone kept them and are they a real dwarf fish? Saw a video on them and I fell in love. Now I want them 😂
  3. Do they warp eventually? I was looking at the single thickness sheets but was worried about warping. I was leaning towards buying the twin wall polycarbonate
  4. I bury mine in the substrate 😂😂
  5. Plus one on the panda cory. When I neglected my tanks and most of my fish died only the panda cory were able to hold on without a single one dying. Also wanted to add that Corydoras habrosus stay small like the Pygmy and they act more like an actual cory compared to the Pygmy. They stay on the bottom compared to the Pygmy which swim all over the tank.
  6. Chili rasboras or other boraras species and clown killifish are small and they will only be able to fit baby shrimp in their mouth
  7. If you want to use aquasoil without worrying about it leeching ammonia, use UNS controsoil. I’ve been using that brand for years now and never encountered an issue with ammonia spikes.
  8. Are these juncus repens? Juncus needs high ligjt, co2 and softer water to thrive. I tried keeping them in my tank without co2 and low/medium lighting and they didn’t do well. Looks like the plant is struggling to grow so algae took over. It’s probably filamentous algae and some of the debris and mulm got stuck to it.
  9. I first heard about them back in 2018 and I’ve been searching ever since. Every time i see them in online fish stores they’re out of stock. I really wish for all your fry to survive and even more fry to come 😁🙏🏻
  10. Controsoil doesnt leech ammonia. Other aquasoils like ADA or tropica do but not controsoil. You can use it in a cycled tank without problems. I added half a bag of the 9L to my 20 long and my fish were fine
  11. Sounds like a pond snail. I’ve observed my pond snails do that sometimes and I would also see their body outside of the shell (already dead) and I just leave them in there for the other snails to eat. I have hundreds of empty shells in my 20 long
  12. I agree and thats what im planning on. Im trading a few extra supplies i have for shrimP later when i get home from work. The tank they’re going in has been setup for more than a year now. It’s been overrun with pond snails at the moment. Do you think i can use the pvc cutter for cutting polycarbonate? I dont mind buying an actual cutter but if i can use what i have I would prefer that. I want to switch all my tanks to polycarbonate cause I’ve broken a few glass lids when trying to clean them and have cut myself a handful of times 😣
  13. Finally done setting up my 60 breeder and now I have an empty 20 long which I’ve decided to house shrimp instead of pea puffers. I will keep the tank unheated but I do have a bunch of extra ACO heaters incase I need it. I have an unheated 5g that doesn’t go below 60F even during the winter so I’m assuming a 20g will be better at keeping the temp stable. What fish can I keep in this tank that won’t harm the shrimp? I’ve already planned on adding heterandria Formosa but I want to see if there’s other fish I can add. I do prefer to keep the fish small and maybe the same size as the heterandria but I’m open to other suggestions as long as they will not harm the shrimp. This tank will focus on the shrimp instead of fish. My other question is about polycarbonate sheets to be used as aquarium lids. My 60 breeder doesn’t have a lid and I want to use the twin wall polycarbonate as lids. To the people that use them what do you use to cut the sheets? Does it block a lot of light? What’s your overall feedback regarding them?
  14. Wow! Congrats! One of my dream fish to keep. They're so hard to find 😫
  15. J Can you tell me why the pea puffer isn’t a right fit? I have an empty 20 long that I want to make into a dedicated pea puffer or shrimp tank but I’m still on the fence about it.
  16. Took some photos of my favorite male Bolivian Ram. He’s picking out a territory and getting ready to spawn after moving into the 60 breeder.
  17. Finally moved all the fish yesterday. I started around 5pm and finished 12 hours later 😅😴😴😴 The 40 breeder has yamaya stones and Icelandic lava rock. I really enjoyed the driftwood placement on the previous scape so I kept that part. Water is still a bit cloudy cause I messed with the media of the filter. Added some quick start to help the bacteria. I’m keeping the kinda dark shadowy vibe of this tank and will probably add some epiphytes and floating plants. The 60 breeder didn’t take long to clear up. I used dragon stone and maple leaf stone for this tank. Wasn’t able to use my other driftwood piece cause of space. I preferred the other piece because it’s grey and doesn’t blend in with the stones. Had to settle with this piece so I tried to make it work I kinda like the more open look to this tank. Planning to add more stem plants that aren’t demanding, some echinodorus and more crypts. Might do some floating plants as well.
  18. I put the 20 long and saw the clearance then removed the tank right away. I’ll probably find a shallow tank to put underneath. I’ll just keep the stand for my 20 long so I can use it for another project.
  19. I think I was initially gonna go with this for my 40B but chose the other one cause of the outlets 😂
  20. Gotcha. I thought you were just calculating the water weight that’s why I was a bit confused. Particle board unfortunately. I did get some 2x4’s to give me some peace of mind 😂
  21. The 4ft stand will hold a 60B and the 3ft stand will hold a 40B and a 20 long underneath. Tbh they’re the same as the imagitarium stands but made to look prettier with shelves and the outlets. This was cheaper compared to having a custom stand built to my liking because I want to use all three tanks I have (and probably the 2x 5g tanks I have in storage). I thought it was 8.34lbs/g
  22. I received the two stands I ordered from Wayfair and got them setup. Took me about an hour each to setup with the help of my roommate. It’s easy to do alone but it will be faster with another pair of hands. Will try to do the move all the fish this weekend. I think I have enough hard scape to achieve the look that I’m planning to do. Still haven’t decided if I wanna use co2 since the 40 and 60 won’t be stacked anymore. Also don’t wanna deal with weekly trimming so I might put co2 on hold for now. Also ordered a new HOB filter to put in the 20 long because that tank will be empty except for the pond snails and until the pea puffers arrive. Aquahuna offers 6 pcs per order so I might get 18 but not sure if that will be overstocked. I’m not planning on adding other fish besides the puffers unless I can find something small enough that can work with them. I got the Netlea HOB because it’s new to me and looks pretty good. If anyone has tried this HOB you’re more than welcome to let me know what you think of it. Also ordered some fish from Aquahuna that will most arrive next week Wednesday if they get sent out on Monday. I got some threadfin rainbows to go with the fish in the 20 long, and some male apistos for my two girls in the 40B. Will probably get more fish for both tanks after a week or two just so everything can settle and bacteria can catch up
  23. I just received them yesterday and they’re all setup. All of the connections are metal and it feels sturdy. I stood on both yesterday and it felt really sturdy.
  24. I’d wait a bit to see if they’re compatible after the eggs hatch. I had 8 rams before and one male has spawned with all four females. One female he fought with when the lights turned off and he ignored another female after the fry were free swimming. There was only one female where he remained bonded with until the last free swimming fry was alive.
  25. Nice! I love week Aqua. Not sure if you did this already but they came out with a new Bluetooth chip and it makes the ramp up/down smoother instead of it jumping to a different brightness. Do you use the presets or did you make your own light settings?
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