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Everything posted by knee

  1. Thank you! I always try to show off my bolivian rams because they dont get as much love and attention like their german cousins 😂
  2. This is really interesting. Maybe this is how the dwarf red coral platy started? Are you planning to breed them? My swordtail gave birth this weekend and i was able to separate 25+ fry. Will try to grow those out and keep the smallest male and female.
  3. Only to each other but not even that bad. They’re still very young so they just chase each other around but it’s more playful than anything. I’ve kept and attempted to spawn filamentosus and maculatus before but the eggs never hatch. I recently saw an article that kept both of them and they were able to hatch the eggs with temps on the mid 70’s so I’m gonna try them with that temp. Did a very minimal rescape for the 40B. I moved the driftwood towards the back to open it up a bit more. Surprisingly it made the fish much more comfortable swimming to the front during feeding time. Before: After: Moss has grown a bit since the major rescape. Debating if I should trim it or just let it grow wild. Also ordered some alder cones because I don’t wanna keep putting almond leaves for tannins. There’s about 5 whole leaves and 3 leave that I cut into smaller pieces in there at the moment. I really wish I can show the rock formation through photos but I’m finding some difficulty when I take photos and when I edit. I think I just have to do a video to really show it off.
  4. Can’t wait to see them in the tank! You’ll love them for sure.
  5. Thanks! I really enjoy taking photos of my aquariums and learning about photography in the process. I do prefer having depth when I take photos and when I aquascape. I just feel like it makes it more dynamic 😄
  6. You can separate either the snail or betta during feeding time. I used to keep female bettas in a community tank and I would separate them during feeding time so they don’t over eat and get bloated.
  7. I currently have espei and emerald eye rasbora. From my experience they’re not good dither fish. I’m actually trying to get some gold ring danios to be their dither fish. I’ve kept them in a 20 long then upgraded to a 40 breeder and they’re still skittish. Maybe it’s because my tanks are always heavily planted and they have lots of hiding places. I also keep them with honey gourami, CPD and emerald dwarf danio. They’re all skittish but the danios are braver which surprised me. Very pretty fish but I only see them during feeding time 😂 I keep them in this tank and they all stay mostly in the shadowy areas towards the back. You can see them if you zoom on the right side. I think they’re better kept in a more open setup but I don’t mind them being skittish as long as they’re all healthy and have amazing color.
  8. Add snails and get the cycle going then I’d add the shrimp. I saw that you used the seeds from Amazon. 99% of the time those carpet seeds is a non aquatic plant that sprouts quick and gives you a nice carpet. It will then try to grow above the water surface because it’s non aquatic. Constantly trimming it to keep the carpet look will cause it to melt eventually and mess up your tank. But you also could lucky and get an actual aquatic plant.
  9. They won’t always stick together. I have about 15 Pygmy cory and I would only ever see one or two swim to the front of the tank. Is the loner acting weird?
  10. You can do aquasoil and sand to make it easier on you. It’ll achieve the same effect plus sand is easier to plant in. Unless you have a concrete plan on how you want your tank to look, having gravel and sand might get messy when you’re starting to scape the tank. Both gravel and sand are inert so they’re not really adding or improving plant growth and health. When I scaped my 60 breeder I only put aquasoil towards the back of the tank. All aquatic plants feed through the water column so don’t worry too much if you don’t have the whole tank covered in aquasoil.
  11. Some photos and a video of my other favorite dwarf cichlid and other tankmates in the black water 40 breeder. I didn’t really plan on it being black water but it worked out better for my stocking.
  12. I think @nabokovfan87 has a red tail shark.
  13. You can do 3cm of aquasoil and then cap it with 6-9cm of sand. May I ask why you want gravel in between the sand and aquasoil? I’d also suggest putting the aquasoil in mesh bags before capping with sand incase you need to redo or breakdown the tank. Doing this will avoid mixing of the sand and aquasoil so you can reuse them for other projects or for a rescape.
  14. Anubias Minima and Minima dragon claw both fit this description
  15. Yes that’s normal. I have a group of 13 and they like to stay in the shadows. They don’t really swim much but they’re not as skittish because I also keep them with fish that are always swimming all over the tank
  16. I went through that a couple of weeks ago and when I broke down their current tank so I can transfer them to a bigger tank, I found that I still have all 15 of them alive 😂
  17. Looks like a male plakat
  18. This is how I place the intake and return on mine. You can have them next to each other like this or you can separate them on either side of the tank. Haven’t cut the hose so it’s not perfectly aligned but I’m not bothered
  19. Maybe the bottom part isn’t getting enough light? I’ve experienced plants losing leaves on the bottom part of the stem because I didn’t have the light strong enough.
  20. My guess is rotala rotundifolia or macrandra
  21. I’ve been looking at this product for months and don’t see any other info on it. I have a lot of fish so I need A LOT of surface agitation specially at night. This doesn’t offer much surface agitation and I’d have to lower my water level just to get it running like that so I passed.
  22. Couldn’t get a new video but here’s one of my old pairs. You can see the male trying to court the female
  23. I do get where the employee is coming from but I doubt that 12 Pygmy Cories would crash the cycle. Those fish are so tiny the mystery snail and other snails probably poop more than 12 of them.
  24. No. You put the hoses (intake and return) on the back of the tank like you would with a hang on back. Drilled tanks are usually for sumps but if I do get a drilled tank I’ll probably try to incorporate it with the canister.
  25. Some more fish pics. Couldn’t get photos of the other inhabitants because they swim too fast. One of the three or four pairs that formed since moving to the 60 gallon new male agassizii I got from aquahuna Female agassizii from another member in this forum Bolivian Ram females I think this is the 5th pair that will form soon. The male and female are still chasing each other Remember this surprise baby that showed up when I gave all my swordtails away? This is him now #glowup I did notice that swordtails would constantly peck on mystery snails. Had to move my snail to the 40 gallon because they did not stop bothering my snail. Has anyone else experienced this? What about with platies?
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