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Matt B

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Everything posted by Matt B

  1. All I want for Christmas is some Super Nano Nermys!! . This was soooo easy to install! These are definitely game changers! The difference is really obvious when placed side by side.. Awesome flow with these little guys and sooo much easier to assemble without the need for an airstone!!
  2. It's definitely a predaceous diving beetle. It would be interesting to key it out and find out exactly what kind. There are some resources onliine. 🤔
  3. I was curious about this same subject and what others do with their substrate. ? I do not gravel vac. , the way I keep my tanks, it always does more harm than good. Heavily planted in a mix of different sized gravel. I have done tiny probing in the gravel and it will release tiny bubbles....As far as someone complaining about the smell of one of my tanks.... I say: "How about you get away from my tank!?" Ha Ha. The plants do pearl at times. This is a Java fern pearling..
  4. I was so focused on trying to get a picture of how the new easy flow upgrade looked, I didn't notice the Endler fry checking it out as well...
  5. I would agree with others on this. I wouldn't worry about it. I have a small 3.7 gal tank that has several places on the bottom and sides like that and it has never leaked.
  6. The easy flow kit is incredible!! . Great flow and its now sooo quite with everything installed. And the USB pump that's attached to it had been starting to make noise, it's now running silent! ...My guess is unrestricted flow? It's really got the duck weed moving!! I'm definitely going to be ordering more of these!
  7. @nabokovfan87 You'd probably be shocked if you new some of the tools I've used to accomplish jobs when the 'right' tools were not available. Sometimes you just have to use what you have. When all else fails, get a bigger hammer.
  8. Ok, so I used a multi tool to do this.... . I'm such a hack! Anyway, with some cuts here and there and a little light sanding to clean up the cuts. This is what I came up with! Definitely some options with all the bits and pieces!
  9. @Cory. Of course! Now why didn't I think of that? (Face plant) That's why a like this forum, lots of good info sharing! Thanks Cory!
  10. I set this one up on a medium sponge filter. It's in a 20gal long, so the tank is a little shallow. Still experimenting... The flow is definitely unrestricted without haveing to go thru an airstone. It really flows! It is louder. I'm guessing when ordering the new sponge filters, they have the option to either be set up with the easy flow kit or an airstone?
  11. My order just arrived in less time than in the past! Then again, I'm in extreme Northern California, just down the block from the Co-Op ... I guess it's true what they say....Location Location Location...
  12. Honestly, I think that is really cool. That kind of stuff goes on all the time in our 20 gal outdoor wine barrel ponds. Last year, we watched the transformation of a dragon fly larvae to adult. It's was really neat to see the dragon fly unfold it's wings and eventually fly off!
  13. @sairving I really like the look of that stand. The ability to store things behind the doors and the stand blends in as just another piece of furniture allowing all the focus to go to the tank.
  14. Stopped by one of the big box pet stores for a dog leash. Of course I had to check out their aquarium stands. Definitely low quality for the prices and I was a little surprised at the size of the aquariums on them.
  15. This 10 gal has been setup for over a year. The back hasn't been cleaned in all that time. That's a lot of stuff building up. At this point, I'm just gonna go with the crusty look.
  16. I really don't think there's any possible way removing the suction cups makes any difference whatsoever. I only did it because I was not useing them and they work so well, they would suction on to things when I'm goofing around in the tank! I was also wondering @Macready. Has your heater reached its EL flashing point? That is why I turned it facing towards the back of the tank in the first place. Every other day, useing the cord, I give it a little turn to check its temp reading and then just turn it right back. One other thing, I have the cord hanging over the top of the HOB filter. That's what keeps it suspended in the water column.
  17. When I read this question, my first thought was, well of course it's possible....However, I imagine it would take so much to do so. Spikeing your nitrates maybe. Like Galabar asked, I would also be curious what the Nitrate levels are? I have been adding 3x the recommended doseing in a 10 gal shrimp tank in an attempt to increase algae and plant growth. The Vallisneria has exploded in growth as well as the Tiger lillys. And I'm still only at 30ppm. I have a Hillstream loach, Ramshorn snails and 30+ Cherry shrimp that are as happy as can be!
  18. @Macready I was wondering if you have your heater free floating and near an intake of a HOB filter?
  19. @madmark285. They do Not come pre-assembled. It takes very little skill (in my opinion) to assemble. And another set of hands always helps!
  20. I'm always goofing around with lighting!
  21. Everything is made in China! . But seriously I really like this new MDF material. And these new aquarium stands are well engineered. I guess when it comes to useing actual partical board, I have a 10 gal on the kitchen counter, which is just laminated partical board!
  22. @Galabar Yes, those are the lights. First LED aquarium lights I bought sence getting back into glass tanks. I like them. We didn't have so many lighting options back in the day.
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