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Everything posted by tuculover

  1. Afternoon all! Has anyone managed to keep a frog population in a stock tank pond? I'm in Washington, so would only be looking at tree frogs. I'm hoping to keep my pond going year round and only small, cold water fish. Thanks!
  2. Yup good notes! The Brazilian and African elodea are on the noxious weed list. Elodea canadensis is native here. https://www.nwcb.wa.gov/weeds/brazilian-elodea https://www.nwcb.wa.gov/weeds/african-elodea
  3. This is great! Do all of these show up in the nurseries or do you locally collect? I'm sure the yellow lily is easy to come by. Thank you!
  4. Hello all! I'm moving up from a laundry tub to a full 6ft stock tank. Looking for suggestions on plants and fish that could stay out year round if possible. I managed to keep at least one white cloud over winter and plenty of hornwort. I'm thinking more clouds and some medaka but would love other ideas. I'm also impatiently waiting for pond plants to come to the nurseries. Any thoughts on hardy plants? Thanks much!
  5. Thanks. My guess was flukes as well, the tank is only 20 gallons with air and a hob. Unfortunately I must not have started the meds early enough. I'll keep on it for the female.
  6. Hey all, I've had a pair of super reds for a couple weeks now and just lost my male. In the last three days or so he started gulping a lot like he couldn't breathe. Tried general cure yesterday but unfortunately didn't seem to be enough. The female looks like she may be doing it as well. The tank is well established and has a few danios and corys that look to be doing fine. Parameters ok, soft water and low pH (6.7). Any thoughts? Thank you!
  7. Please help identify what might have happened to my Endler. She is the newest addition to the tank but was doing ok for a week before this large white spot showed up on her dorsal fin area. It doesn't look like a fungus, no fuzzy edges that I can see. The fin is almost gone as well. I'd guess a bite or something but the only thing in the tank that could do that is a honey gourami that doesn't seem to pay any attention to the other fish. So far she seems to be swimming around and eating, her fins aren't clamped and she's not hiding much. Any thoughts? Treatment? Thank you!
  8. They're basically the same. The USB air pump is a small hobby motor that spins a 3-sided diaphragm pump. Different mainly in that the USB pump doesn't change the direction of motion, it's rotary motor to rotary diaphragm; while the normal pumps change from rotary motor to vertical diaphragm to power their pumps. Some pumps may also use a magnet to pull the diaphragm in one of the directions and a spring to push in the other. But the one-way valves and diaphragms are all the same. Linear air pumps are a whole different beast, that's why they're so quiet. Think two syringes connected by one-way valves, going in opposite directions; while one is emptying, the other is filling. Constant air pressure and very, very quiet.
  9. I have really good luck spot treating with Easy Carbon. I turn off my filters while I spot treat everywhere I see it and then start things back up again. I don't worry too much about how much EC I'm adding to the tank, I try and clear it out with a water change a few days later. Between an SAE and some Amano, the now pink BBA gets cleared out. That said, I totally agree with @MickS77, nutrient control really helps to keep it down. That said, I am going to nuke a tank this weekend that I can't seem to get a handle on. Boil/peroxide everything and start the cycle over.
  10. Ostracods for the win! Thanks for the tip @HenryC. No need to nuke but maybe I'll add a fish or two to keep the numbers down. 😎
  11. Super bummer 😪 I just lost my beta to dropsy on Monday. Came on really quick and never let up. I was trying the med trio but three days in he let go.
  12. Can anyone give me an ID on these little crustaceans in my shrimp tank? Very tiny (1/16"), look white on the glass but dark gray on plants. I don't really see them free swimming. Should I keep them around or find something that might eat them, or are they really bad and nuke the tank 🤔? Thanks!
  13. Any ideas on this spot on her tail? The other female also has a fin missing. The only thing in the tank big enough to do this is a honey gourami but I've never seen him interact with them at all. Thanks for your help!
  14. You guys and your super clean setups...😖 Didn't want to spring for the blender until I tried this a few times. Can anyone tell me what the white spheres are that settle with the shrimp?
  15. Could snails be a problem? The white cloud pond is full of pond snails and ramshorn. I added some Java moss and weighed down some Hornwort to increase breeding sites.
  16. Irene, How did you decide to dose the levamisole? I have an endler that is doing exactly what you described. He's been in the tank for two weeks now but only just showing signs in the last two days. All the others are doing well, including some new fry. But this guy likes to hang out on the bottom until the food comes out. Then he perks up for a bit, chases the girls and finally hangs on the gravel again. I added some more crushed coral thinking it could be a mineral issue but I have some levamisole I could try as well. Thanks!
  17. Thanks for all the tips! I'm currently feeding bug bites and Easy fry food with frozen mixed in occasionally. I've tried baby brine with a 2L bottle and it's a big pain and I'm not happy with the hatch rate. I was hoping to get used to working with that before jumping on the artemia blender but I might just have to make the plunge. I'm also holding out a little bit for the full Easy Brine line 🙂 I'm also trying to keep a racoon out of the pond. I don't think he's caught a fish but he definitely moves everything around and likes to tear at the sponge filter.
  18. Greetings all! I'm very excited for this forum, I've wanted to ask you these questions for a while but it's tough during a live stream, so this might be a little long. I have been trying to get some sort of breeding going, not for profit but just to say I can. Guppy's and Endlers are easy, I'm skipping them at the moment. I am trying a pair of Apisto Macmasteri. They live in a 20 tall, heavily planted with 3 caves. 78 degrees, 6.8 pH. The female is constantly harassing the male with fin wags and colorful flares. The male is pretty disinterested and doesn't seem to follow her into the cave. The female is older, I had her with another male that was lost to calamanus worms. The current male is younger but I've had him for 5 months now, I would think he'd be ready to go. Any tips on getting the male interested? Is there a feeding/lighting/temperature trick I could try? My other project is 12 white clouds in a 30 gallon bucket pond. This should be easy but I don't see any fry! The pond has lots of cover with hornwort and salvinia (and hair algae), some java fern and anubias on the rocks at the bottom, and a sponge filter. Other than the hair algae, the water is clear. I haven't checked the chemistry recently so I don't have values. I didn't think white clouds would be difficult, any tips for these guys? Thanks and I look forward to chatting with you fish nerds in the future!
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