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Everything posted by FLFishChik

  1. Looks like diatom algae. It’s completely normal in a brand new tank (happens to just about every new set up) and should disappear once the tank cycles and everything stabilizes
  2. That’s the plan. Just gonna think about for now
  3. @Tony s @Lennie @Fonske I’ll have you know that overnight… I’m now back to Congo Tetra. and the saga continues…. H.E.L.P.
  4. well.. problem is... I am in love... With Congos, LOL... Diamonds are the close 2nd
  5. well, I was planning on having a larger school of Lemon Tetra (Originally with the Congo) but NOW *cough* @Tony s *cough*... Im not sure anymore But.. I keep going back and forth between Congos and Diamonds.
  6. I’m sticking with Diamonds😂 that’s my final answer… maybe… only issue with Congo is only the males are showy and they get bought unsexed😞 good thing I have a black background and black substrate
  7. Noooooo, lol. I JUST made my decision 😂😂😂😂
  8. @Lennie, @Tony s Now I think I want Diamond Tetra! Not as drastic a difference between the males and females!... Yes, I know I am hopeless.
  9. What I need is an 800g tank… so I can have all the Tetras😂
  10. The struggle is REAL. Congo Tetra…. Or Diamond Tetra??????? I blame @Lennie
  11. Now I’m rethinking my Current Congo Tetra choice 🤔
  12. Yeah, Lemon tetra have been my top choice for awhile… but I’m easily distracted when it comes to Tetra… I always see “a cool new shiny” one that makes me rethink my choice 😂
  13. I am set on getting Congo tetra, but I’ve been seeing diamond tetra online and wasn’t sure how big they were compared to the Congo. I was wanting something little smaller so the Congo would be the focal/Centerpiece fish
  14. Can anyone tell/show me the size comparison between a Diamond Tera and a Congo Tetra… and are they tank compatible? I can’t seem to find an image with both fish in the tank
  15. Got Peppered Corydoras on order. They’ll hang out in another tank for a bit until this tank it finished cycling. Could add a bottle of AquaSafe Plus and add them to the 75g - have had a lot of success with that approach so we will decide later. Corkscrew Val seems to be hanging in. Upped my lighting and added EG ti the tank hoping overall melt won’t be too bad. Crypts have a little melt.. couple of Buce have completely melted- hoping they will bounce back. Moved a reg Bal from the 29g into the tank that hadn’t grown very much because it was being overshadowed by the Aponogeton. Maybe it will take off now that it has access to lots of light.
  16. Ok… Crypts. Love how they look, that they don’t require high light and I’ve never had a huge issue with melt and have easily split older plants into 2 to get… more Crypts! Also Anubias. Glue it to a rock, toss it in the tank- done! I have a love/hate relationship with Pogo Stellatus Octopus… love that it grows fast and sucks up a lot of nutrients out of the water column… hate the constant battle of trimming it back before it swallows the tank whole
  17. Seems like I remember there being a much larger bottle of EG as well for refilling your smaller bottle.
  18. Took a trip to the BB Pet store for some frozen foods and also brought home 3 new friends for my Albino Cory. You forget how tiny they are when you first bring them home. My older girls are HUGE compared to the new guys!
  19. According to the bottle, 1 pump = 1ml (5ml = 1 tsp)
  20. Unless you are in a well system or have a separate well for your exterior taps, then the water coming from your hose is the same water coming from your tap inside the house. So if your interior water source has chlorine, then so will your exterior water source (unless it’s on a well system). as for temp.. if you are using a python/type water changer, you could try using a faucet from inside the house that you can adjust the temp closer to the water temperature in the tank. If not, then your other option is to store water in a large enough container with a heater prior to your water change or store it inside until it reaches room temp as long as there isn’t a huge difference between ambient temp and aquarium temp
  21. Hello, my fellow Floridian! Welcome to the forums! You’re going to love it here! Such a wide range of hobbyists here from “Brand spanking new to the hobby” to “Seasoned & Experienced Veterans with Decades of Knowledge” and everything in between! Everyone does their best to be helpful , informative and encouraging! Glad you found us!
  22. This will sound like a silly question, but when you refill… are you adding dechlorinator? If so, are you dosing for the full capacity for the tank and not just for the amount you are refilling? Are you adding the dechlorinator before or after you add water back?
  23. So, my BIL has these and according to him, they color up for breeding i did find this info on Aquatic Arts website….
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