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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. It was a full day at Aquashella! Amazing! Boy am I tired! So much adrenaline still pumping from all the cool stuff saw. To be continued here!
  2. Love it! 😂Love this. My gut tells me they fit into your pocket or make a pocket. One of those two. The name reminds me of a cookie-cutter shark. *I totally cheated and looked it up, they have pockets! What?!? Omg like, they can save some sushi for later. One of the first sharks mentioned in the book was sand tiger shark. I’m like ok, what’s a sand tiger shark? First result google: Noooooooope! #optout #unsubscribe #help
  3. Do you also keep lots of to do lists because you worry you’ll forget things? I do that. Often I will look back on a list like, half that stuff wasn’t as important as I thought it was. LOL
  4. As of 2016, they ended their orca breeding program, and the orcas they have are the last generation that will be in their park (according to their website). On average a orca lives about 41 years at SeaWorld. None of the whales are forced to perform. If they want to, they get rewarded. If they don’t want to, the show is changed to more of an educational talk while the orcas just swim around and do what they want. Also the trainers no longer enter the water with the orcas. SeaWorld is teaching guests about general environmental care, to recycle and pick up trash (even if it’s not their own trash) to help keep it out of waterways. As well as educating the public about marine life.
  5. Sea World. We visited 3 attractions today. My mom surprised me with an 18 month pass, so we don’t have to cram all of the things into one day 🙂
  6. Edit: I missed one. blue, ivory, magenta, and purple could yield any of those colors if they mate.
  7. I always go 1.5 - 2” with my sand cap to really lock it down. I can totally relate. I’ve heard it called as a “fixation” on something. Sometimes it’s trivial stuff, and sometimes it’s educational and productive. Just depends on my mood. Trivial fixations seem to occur when I’m procrastinating on doing something I don’t wanna do!
  8. Blue, ivory, purple, or magenta - you could get magenta babies. Right @Cinnebuns? https://forum.aquariumcoop.com/files/file/58-mystery-snail-genetics/
  9. Oh man, I had a similar issue once, right before bedtime. I had a clear tote with Christmas decorations in it. I dumped that onto the floor and rinsed the tote really well, then that became my new aquarium until I got to the store the next day. I also found the stand had swelled and that was why the tank leaked. So, new stand was necessary too. Fortunately that was an easy Amazon order of the Aqueon forge stand, which accommodates 2 tanks (😉) - just thinking about fish room versatililty here.. 🙂 I am annoyed by fiberboard stands. I think they are a bad idea because they don’t hold up over time to water. Approved! 💛
  10. Video of a similar process. Sometimes it is the best way, to prevent further suffering. I like the airstone idea @Colu I have also used baking soda instead of clove oil, on some occasions.
  11. Not a fish, but axolotls need to be in cold water. They are usually sold small but get fairly large. I do agree with the previous post that a heater inside the tank should be used also. Cold is ok for some fish, but fluctuating temperatures can be a problem. Try to keep it consistent.
  12. Thank you @Shadow! My neighbor is soo excited about the ticket! Thanks for the tip @Cory! We will check it out!
  13. You can also add a background as well or even one of those window privacy films, etc. Like this perhaps, protects from UV light.
  14. @Shadow I can ask the hobbyists I adopted out snails to. They have a bad case of MTS. Is it ok if they text or email you? Dm me
  15. I’d think hobbyists would want to always see inside the tubing just in case a critter gets stuck in there (ie: pleco etc)
  16. Walstad did a video with kgt’s wife. They built a jar together.
  17. Ahh very nice! My thread is here with the instructions I used from Diana Walstad’s shrimp jar article. I am excited to follow along with yours!
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