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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/07/2024 in all areas

  1. Good morning everyone. After a while of browsing as a guest I decided to join up. I’m a hobbyist breeder of of Celestial Pearl Danios, Fancy Guppies, Pygmy Corydoras, and sometimes Betta. just wanted to join in the conversation and look forward to interacting with the forum!
    6 points
  2. This is my CPDs spawning this morning!
    6 points
  3. I’m new with the CPDs. So far so fun. Haha. Attached is the first free swimmer I’ve had which was about 2 days ago😍
    6 points
  4. Garbage can on wheels! wonderful for syphoning water into while cleaning tanks. Goes right out to the garden for watering plants. Quilt stuffing from Walmart etc for hob filter material. And me too with the turkey baster.
    5 points
  5. Thanks. I’ve got a bucket of infusoria I’ve been culturing for a while that seems to be doing the trick with them. There are about 20 swimmers in the tanks right now. Fingers crossed and always happy to hear advice. I’ll take a look at that food for sure.
    4 points
  6. Man, when I saw the title of the thread, my first thought was turkey baster! Since that’s already taken, I will say 1) modified juice jug (water dispersion) 2) terra cotta pots. (Pot= cave or plant pot. Modded pot=tunnel or box filter. I even took a tiny pot and made a box filter for the specimen container, which became a trumpet snail “tank”. I’ve also hospitalized ill shrimp this way. Pot tray=feeding dish. Any part of the pot=bacteria growing surface or fish spawning site. Broken pot [sanded]=cave.) 3) Dip container or sour cream container. When you siphon stuff out of a tank, you can check for things (ie: shrimplets) you accidentally removed, because the container is white. I use “Dean’s” French onion dip container! Every single day. 4) gel superglue - mod equipment or decor; attach plants 5) Tupperware (worm farm, snail egg incubator, mini fish hospital, etc) 6) scuba o-rings- reduce size of a hole by placing an o-ring inside of it. Keeps a smaller PFS on without the need to use intake basket. (My intake basket is pretty wide, and I didn’t want a huge unsightly PFS taking up so much space in my tank) 7) magnifying glass 8 flashlight 9) craft mesh- covers gaps in lid to prevent escape artists
    4 points
  7. I looooove turkey basters for aquarium work!! I've only just started keeping personal tanks, but I volunteer at a local aquarium and we use turkey basters for feeding and cleaning (primarily sea cucumber and urchin poop...) all the time. I'll definitely be getting one for my own tanks. They're amazing for targeted removal of waste and debris. Better than siphons, in my opinion, because they're easier to use and don't remove much water. They're also better than siphons for fine substrate like sand because the suction is so delicate and controlled! Okay, I'm done being a shill for Big Turkey Baster now lol. But seriously, they're a game changer.
    4 points
  8. Old retired meat Thermometer for quick water checks. Measuring spoons (good luck finding a tbsp or tsp in my kitchen!) Kasa outlet plugs are my favorite and most used, shutting off filters, for feeding/maintenance, plus the perks like light control!
    4 points
  9. Pipettes, yeast, salsa jars, but meat thermometer is probably my biggest one. I can instantly check the temp on my tanks without having to have a thermometer in each one or try and read those little glass thermometers. Bonus, you can check the temp if the water for a water change. Definitely turkey basters so many uses! What are you doing with that?
    4 points
  10. After getting back into the hobby almost a year and a half ago, I have realized there are some tools I never thought I would ever use for a tank or really need in the house at all but low & behold, here they are...what are some of the tools you were surprised were suggested to you that you never thought you'd need and now cannot do without? I'll start....a turkey baster. 😂
    3 points
  11. Welcome! I set up my CPDs last night so I should have a batch of eggs this afternoon. Like @Guppysnail says... they grow SOOOOO slow! It's easy to get impatient and overfeed (from personal experience). Good luck!
    3 points
  12. It can be done. We loved this tank a few years ago… Water Wisteria (Hygrophila difformis) can keep up with Goldfish omnivorous appetite. A large mother-plant of Water Lettuce also survived.
    3 points
  13. First batch of fry moved to an upgrade last night. Feeding this morning:
    3 points
  14. Exited this morning to go to the gym and discovered this cutie! slug A little while later went out back to feed the birds and saw a crab spider hanging from silk. Doesn’t the pattern look like a frowny or worried emoji? Hehe
    3 points
  15. For the longest time I’d use them to make media bags. Especially in the rare cases I need to use carbon. I’ve now moved to drawstring media bags because I cannot ever get the knots out of the pantyhose and hence I had to cut (ruin) them.
    3 points
  16. Works great for me. 😅 Two things I like with the Lego pieces: 1. they're rigid and firm (I tried old credit cards and such but I found them too flexible) 2. they have a pretty sharp edge, while still being "glass friendly ".
    3 points
  17. I feed live baby brine shrimp, live banana worms drawn up from water in small glass jar, live daphnia, and thawed frozen foods (thawed in specimen container with warm water). It is just a liquid syringe with an extended tubing.
    3 points
  18. Moving a big tank and need a pond/pool to hold some fish while you work on the tank? --->Tote Working on trying to keep all the junk that you use neat and tidy on your table, but drips and things happen a lot? --->Tote Need to store all the stuff you use every few months or just have some "dust free" long term storage for the supplies you don't really use daily? (or need to store things in the garage to free up space...) --->Tote Need a qt tank and all you have is stuff around the house....? ---->Tote Need to move a tank and don't want to toss out 40 gallons of water? ---->Tote It's sort of been the go-to for me with buckets, anything and everything that can hold water has a use, at least once!
    3 points
  19. if you arent finding bodies either inside, or outside the tank (some shrimp like to escape), they have probably found hiding spots. upside down under leaves is always fun to find.
    2 points
  20. I’m sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted!!! I got sucked into a new hobby and I’ve been going all in!!! I went from relaxing next to my fish tanks to flying fpv drones and flipping and diving things 😂 I still have 2 of my tanks though because I can’t see giving up my fishies!! I have given up on breeding and just enjoy them. Sorry my weekly water changes went out the window and everything doesn’t look as pretty as it once was! Also my new phone doesn’t seem to get as good of pictures but here’s a few pics of my amazing fish still have both males and females 😍
    2 points
  21. Along with the dry foods I noted, I feed frozen bloodworms or frozen mysis shrimp once a week. I have a weekend feeding schedule; 1st day freeze dried Daphnia (to get some roughage for the tummy) and 2nd day, they all fast (let's empty our bowels, now 💩 ). It's been working great for my fish (Harlequin Rasboras, Rummy-Nose Tetras and a 2" dwarf Clown Pleco. My pleco gets 1/2 Sera Catfish chips once a week and cleans the tank for me. I recently lost my darling Betta, then decided to add my very first Neocaradina shrimp, yellow type, so things may change soon. I've got a lot to learn about the shrimp.
    2 points
  22. I read your routine mixes and I feel they are just perfect. You don't need to feed Xtreme, that's just what they sell on the co-op, unless you feel the need for a change. I feed similar to your mixes. Perfect, in my mind.
    2 points
  23. Every time I see your killi's it makes me really tempted to get some Striatum... They are so good looking and it's really cool that they get along well
    2 points
  24. Welcome! I know @jwcarlson is also working on breeding CPDs and is keeping a journal here
    2 points
  25. I really appreciate that! I’m happy I’ve been able to keep the 4 of them together it’s fun to watch the males show off to each other! Luckily I never see nipped fins on males or females
    2 points
  26. Gotta say, you’ve got some amazing killis! I am eager to get into striatum someday. Yours look as beautiful as anything I’ve seen anywhere.
    2 points
  27. This seems to be what has happened to me, but in my opinion very serendipitous. I'm a fan of squiggles and polka dots so this works for me. The fact that they are gentle is nice too, if they were more boisterous that would stress me out. Opposite of the point for me in this hobby. Thanks, he's lovely and one of my favorite fish buddies. I'll try anything at this point! Thanks for the tip. This makes sense!
    2 points
  28. I've never kept goldfish, but from the (excessive LOL) videos, blogs, and forum posts I have engaged with of the hobby, I've gathered this from the people who have: goldfish and plants don't really mix. Apparently they will eat almost any plant they come in contact with and finding plants they won't just devour is difficult. So before you invest hundreds of dollars into a planted aquarium, you might want to do some search into plants goldfish won't eat. Editing to add this post I found from the Co-Op on some plants they're less likely to eat: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/goldfish-plants
    2 points
  29. The plastic mesh bags that garlic bulbs are sold in can be stuffed with lava rocks to raise substrate, placed over the siphon hose, the HOB intake or inside the UGF lift tubes to keep critters out, and a diffuser if you are pumping water in A pond pump for pumping water back into the aquarium instead of lifting 40# buckets shoulder high Aerosol can lids fitted with a rubber suction cup acts as containers for plants and soil anywhere on the sides of the aquarium I have a 9" silverware cup from a discarded dish rack, fitted with 2 rubber suction cups serves as a water diffuser so I don't disturb the substrate, and as a corral for new plants, fish... Plastic jar lids fitted with a thin piece of Styrofoam and a 'donut hole' act as floating plant corrals. S/S stiffeners from your cars windshield wipers (my first hack) can be bent to hang on the rim, bent at an angle to recover tools, deceased animals etc. They can also be used as skewers for feeding and retrieving veggies in the aquarium. A skewer that is longer than your tank is tall will allow you to anchor one end in the substrate while they are feeding. Fitted with a wine cork on one end, it won't sink if you drop it.
    2 points
  30. Welcome to our group! So many wonderful sources of knowledge reside here and great to have you now, as well. I love the pics of your CPDs. Happy New Year!
    2 points
  31. Badis badis Blue Perch, Blue Chameleon, Blue badis Photo Program submissions of parent Proof of spawn -Spawning occurred in October
    2 points
  32. Congratulations. Sera micron works wonders for these guys until they are large enough to eat baby brine shrimp. Be prepared these grow painfully slow.
    2 points
  33. Welcome to the forum. Celestial Pearl Danios have been one of the favorites of my tanks.
    2 points
  34. Rubbermaid Brute can for mixing saltwater. Rubbermaid tote for sump. Walmart 3 drawer cart without wheels made into wet/dry trickle filter. Plastic Pot scrubbers for biomedia. Magnifying glass.
    2 points
  35. As an ex chef, I have plenty of meat thermometers but I use a thermometer gun, squeeze the trigger and shoots the lil red dot into where ever. Well guess what I'm buying when I'm getting at Home Depot? 😂 I couldn't speak more highly on Kasa plugs. They're awesome!
    2 points
  36. Rainbow fish are often cited as being at risk for TB. Bettas or fishes with labyrinth organs, Koi and fancy goldfish as well. As a healthcare professional my main take aways have been 1. Don’t put your hand in the tank with an open cut 2. Wash before and after getting into the tank 3. If you’re on immunosuppressant therapy- cancer treatment, autoimmune disease tx, or have a transplanted organ you need to really question your involvement in the hobby and potentially take precautions like gloves etc or just not keep tanks.
    2 points
  37. Now that is one I have never heard of before! 😂 Does it work?
    2 points
  38. I use lego pieces (the thin and wide ones) as algae scrapers.
    2 points
  39. Ancistrus sp. L144a Longfin Lemon Blue Eyed Pleco Photo Program submissions of parents. Purchased as very young juveniles end of 2020-beginning 2021 (need better photos ) Proof of spawn -spawn date end September.
    2 points
  40. 1. WalMart liquid medicine syringe + 6-in piece of airline. Every day. 2. Aquascaping skimming net. Use to harvest Daphnia and remove Duckweed. Every day. 3. Large granite Pestle & Mortar for powderizing fish flakes… or anything. At least every few days. 4. Knee-high panty hose to keep fish fry from getting siphoned out during water changes.
    2 points
  41. Mikrogeophagus ramirezi German Blue Ram total this survivors this spawn 196 Photo Program submissions of parents also hatched in my tank 1/15/23. Proof of Spawn Spawn date 10/29/23
    2 points
  42. Haven't updated in a bit, holidays and other things getting in the way of the hobby lately. Plus been monitoring Punk's health with his bad eye, currently treating with Ich X per recommendations from our fish friend @Odd Duck. I don't know what it is about Platinum Guppies but in the Medieval tank I've lost all but one (this is the 2nd batch too!!!). They're white so very hard to tell some outward signs (like Ich) HOWEVER, there are 8 perfectly healthy Ember Tetras and now probably at least approaching 100 Rili shrimp so it can't be all bad in there! I pulled the last Platinum with zero plans of ever getting those again and put him in my male Endler tank because, well, he looked so pathetic in the Medieval by himself and seemed, for lack of better terms, bummed to be alone. He put up quite the fight though and had to chase him. He gave up the ghost and let me catch and release into the Endler/Accidental tank. Took him all of 15 minutes to acclimate to his new surroundings and play chase with his new friends. The Parent Tank has issues. It's the oldest of my tanks (2020) and it smells. Most of that is that the residents are almost entirely bottom feeders. All of my unknown number of Otos, my 1 female long finned albino pleco, several Nerites and now NINE Julli Cory. Now, before you say anything, yes, I am quite aware this 20 gallon tall is SO overstocked. The only reason it is at this point is because the Cory and the Pleco were both purchased to help stock the 196 gallon tank that is up and coming. Another plan too is while it is being established, and the fish are being moved to their new house, I may set up a 40 breeder to house EVERYONE I currently have that is going into the big tank- and that size will be more manageable until they are released. I entirely acknowledge I have a problem. BUT the fish don't seem to. Everyone happily eats (and clearly poops, I baste and/or vacuum every day) and pals around. There is detrius EVERYWHERE. I have the HOB, 2 sponges AND a UV sterilizer in there. It's ridiculous! To prove a point though- my Julli are reproducing. I have 2 juveniles in my tank so from 7 we go to 9. Here is a somewhat crappy picture of one of them to the right of a couple adults: They are adorable little things. Super gregarious. Their only roommate who is NOT a bottom feeder, Industry, is still getting along ok in here. I don't think she LOVES it but I will catch her following the Cory in the mornings and monitoring the food bowls from time to time. Don't worry little girl, we'll get you somewhere else. The Medieval tank, along with the inhabitants, will be going to my Mum eventually, she will put her small menagerie into that tank (she has two 5.5 gallon tanks). The Accidental tank and its inhabitants will get a new home as well, where I'm not sure yet maybe to another local fish keeper if nobody in the family wants them. Endlers I've decided are just too small to put into the 196 gallon tank and I worry for their safety. Plus there's 2 hillstreams in there. The only small tank that will stay with me is Invictus the rescue Betta in the Dragon tank. Until he is no longer with me. I might keep the Dragon tank after that but no more Betta. Probably some small species- even maybe a few Endlers, or shrimp. Who knows. Changes are coming to my tanks that's for sure. It's still going to be some months but we're steadily headed that direction...
    2 points
  43. You don't want to be using dechlorinator that often. It is recommended at most once per 24 hours. So my suggestion would be to do one 50% water change per day until things resolve themselves. At most, do a water change every 12 hours (morning and night). Anything more than that, you're likely doing more harm than good. You can see it here in the FAQ section about how often to dose it. https://www.seachem.com/prime.php fritz complete is going to be very similar to prime. I'm sure they have their own FAQ section as well on the website, but I happen to recall these particular questions being answered by seachem.
    2 points
  44. I think the only reasons would be (1) for aquarist's ease of feeding, and (b) possible benefits from a vitamin-enhanced dry food diet to make up for any deficiencies.
    2 points
  45. I feel like the corys need to end up in a bigger tank soon. I guess I do have one bigger tray. They're taking BBS still and I'm feeding Extreme Nano pellets once a day, they seem to go crazy for those as well. CPDs in the other two trays, middle is about a week older than the one on the left.
    2 points
  46. Well since the eggs could have been fertilized by random other strains, there's no way to tell if the offspring is pure or just holding recessive offtraits. You could house them temporarily together then remove them to breed, but that's the only way I can tell to keep the strain pure
    1 point
  47. Apistogramma cacatuoides Cockatoo dwarf cichlid “triple red” color morph Photo Program submissions of parents. Purchased April 2023 Proof of spawn
    1 point
  48. I promise he's in there lol Here's a much better picture:
    1 point
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