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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/25/2023 in all areas

  1. Hey everyone! The hate for the ziss brine shrimp hatchery stand is pretty universal, so I decided to design this 3d printable stand that I designed. Makes it way easier to turn the nozzle, it lifts the hatchery itself up a bit more, and it has a drip tray that you can print so you don't get your table dirty. If you're interested in printing this yourself, here's the link to the files.
    3 points
  2. The train home is always a good place to angst about wether the fish have bred 😅. *Nervous laugh*
    2 points
  3. Maybe an extra point if you’re under 18? Or keeping fish at university? Dans fish would make an absolute killing of this 😂
    2 points
  4. 1 point for each aquarium you currently have running - 43 1/2 point for each aquarium that you have empty "just in case" - 3 1 point for every 40 gallons of water currently in your tanks - 20 1 point for each variety of prepared food you regularly feed - 6 2 points for each variety of frozen food your regularly feed - 2 3 points for each variety of live food you regularly feed - 3 2 points for each variety of water you regularly use in your aquariums/fish room that require some kind of preparation other than dechlorination (e.g., RODI, brackish, salt, hard water for African cichlids) - 10 1 point for each tank with CO2 - 0 1 additional point for each tank where CO2 is regulated (i.e., not yeast-based or chemical generator) - 0 1 point for each species of fish you have raised to maturity - 20 (I think) 1 point for each "grow out tank" you keep - 20 1 point for each species-only tank you keep - 10 (estimate as this changes from week to week) 1 point for each 100 comments posted on this Aquarium Coop Forum - 13 1 point for each cycled filter you have on hand, just in case - 6 1 point for each aquarium you have built yourself - 0 1 point for each aquarium stand you have built - 6 5 points if you have a multi-tank auto-water change system - 5 5 points if you have a air supply "loop" for many tanks - 5 10 points if you have structurally modified your home to accommodate your fish tanks - 10 10 points if you been collecting in the wild - 0 1 point for each city you've been to and visited the LFS as a tourist activity - 0 1 point for each $100 you've sold of fish in the last year - Pleading the 5th (What if Uncle Sam is reading this thread!) 😛 2 points if you regularly attend a fish club auction - 0 Award yourself one point for taking this quiz - 1 Ok so 183 for me.
    2 points
  5. The biggest difference between plant and aquarium ferts in gernerally the amount of ammonia in them, keep testing your water and water changes if you want to speed things along and when things are back in the safe numbers you are back to normal. If you have any plants in this tank they will be loving it
    2 points
  6. That’s golden! I have suspicions that my LFS only sells male neons and zebra danios. I can’t spot any visible females in the neon tetra school, and the zebras seem to be 5M : 1F. Kinda sucks.😑 However my Palaeatus Cory regime seems to be working! I’ve got about 10ish fry (it’s the farthest I’ve got them yet) Introducing Comet the female betta to my fave plakat went surprisingly well. He’s currently bubble nesting, and she’s chasing after him 😂. He stops to display, and then she avoids a collision at the last possible moment. It’s more fun than aggressive.
    2 points
  7. I made this into a little website for people! https://nermquiz.netlify.app/ Let me know if anyone has any suggestions or anything Also, my score was only 37.5😭
    2 points
  8. @Zeaqua have you tried fasting them for a bit and then feeding wafers or whatever else you’d prefer feeding? A hungry fish will eat what most full belly’s won’t.
    2 points
  9. Most of these ingredients are found in aquarium fertilizers I wouldn't replace your tank I would just it leave a couple of days and keep an eye on your water parameters
    2 points
  10. Did not know we had a spoiler feature, that's funny. I'm looking forward to the October selection. I'm going to try to watch at least 4 scary movies in October and something about fish will be a nice counterpoint.
    2 points
  11. Im feeling a bit awkward putting isopod stuff on my journal, and my info thread isnt a good place for me to journal either, so here's a new journal. Im a complete newbie to isopods, im planning on Armidilidum Maculatum, or Zebras. My container is a 9gallon, 18x10.5x11. Im generally following the guidelines of this video but my substrate is a bit different: This is the substrate Serpa reccomends (im basing mine off of it): Im pretty much using those ratios, but im using Potting soil instead of topsoil, and the coco chips are outside my budget. (the potting soil has coco fiber in it already). Im waiting for the Sphagnum and Orchid bark to arrive in the mail but i put everything else together already. I also think i may need to order more potting soil, i didnt quite realize how much of it i needed and it was a half full bag, fortunately its pretty cheap. I havent really done any ventilation holes yet because i havent quite decided on the species and dont want to make any mistakes (i only have one bin). My substrate so far (unit is ACO catch cup full): 3units potting soil 1/2 unit sand 1/2 unit charcoal. This is what it looks like: Not too deep, which is why i think ill need multiple rounds of this mixture to get a good depth. Thats the disadvantage of a bigger container, it needs more substrate. I think it will take me 1 or 2 more rounds of my mixture to get the depth that i want. Ventilation wise most of the species im looking at are medium to high ventilation species. So i though 2 big holes on the lid on the dry side, and a few smaller holes going the short way across the dry side, then no holes in the hydration station. Id cover the holes with a fine netting to keep things out, though its not a gasket container so that might make no difference. I plan on getting this all setup now and getting the springtail culture very established, then ill add isopods later when i have a budget for it. I have various botanicals and leaves collected for this too. Which leads to my next problem. A week or two ago i went out collecting leafs and magnolia pods for the setup, i boiled them to make sure they were safe then set them out to dry. After a day or two i thought they were dry and put them in storage. I was wrong, the magnolia pods were still wet and are now covered in a fuzz. Would this be harmful to springtails or isopods, or would it just be another food source?
    1 point
  12. So I really need help with my neocardina shrimp. I’ve been trying to keep them for about 9 months and it always ends in disaster. In my latest attempt I bought 12 mixed cherry shrimp. I’ve added a sponge filter, Java moss, I feed quality foods and have aquarium plants. There’s also mystery snails and danio in the tank as well as 2 glass shrimp. 4 weeks in, I’m starting to see dead shrimp again, also I very rarely see any shrimp. After testing water all is fine but my ph is quite high! I’m about to give up
    1 point
  13. So close. Maybe another week and they'll be fully formed. They look good! If you can add a little moss to their box for them to graze off. (May already be there)
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. I have. Same with me. I'd love to see an emerald green style green laser one day.
    1 point
  16. Either one of those would be non-standard and could produce some different genetic traits. Based on what I know about both of those lines, both should be pretty similar as far as difficulty. I think the first set with the dorsal might require more culling to keep it strong, while the second one would just be a bit more of a mix of genes and give you slightly more variation in patterns.
    1 point
  17. I hatch around 26°C and it takes about 18-20 hours to hatch the first part (like 60%), if i leave it for another 10, I get like 20% more hatched as well. I didnt notice a difference in light cycles either, I will sometimes create a batch in the morning and plop it down in the tank and there will be 6 hours of light in the evening from the tank lights and some natural light during the day. Sometimes I will create a batch in the afternoon, in the light directly, most of the hatching will happen in darkness. No aeration in my case, bbs dies in the hatch container around 30 hours, but sometimes the next day some are still alive ( those who hatched later I think). Sometimes I think they would hatch anywhere under any conditions :))
    1 point
  18. Good Job! Going down your list it dawned on me; that drilling holes in the baseboards for fish only electrical outlets is a structural mod. I picked up another 10 points. #23 how many pieces of backup equipment... should be a changeable number instead of a checkmark. It also doesn't change the score.
    1 point
  19. As far as being active and swimming midwater and using the whole tank my thing is Melini corydora. They are everywhere all the time.
    1 point
  20. Or -1 point for every fish that has died in our care. Man, how many of us would be in negative numbers!
    1 point
  21. Mollies? They’d like the high pH.
    1 point
  22. Cut back on the feeding and more fish will at least consider eating the algae. Angel fish might eat it. Mine seem to enjoy BBA, so hair algae may be on the menu.
    1 point
  23. The Ph in a multi tank could be on the high side for a Siamese Algae Eater, but I guess that all depends on how high you're keeping it. Otherwise, SAE's seem to be pretty good at mowing down hair algae, as long as it hasn't gotten overly long (I have found they tend to ignore the really long strands and nibble away on the shorter ones).
    1 point
  24. I managed to make a video of my pseudomugil luminatus fry. At around 0:14 you can see another fry moving in the background too, and there are the parents, not caring about the fry Exciting Also I made a gif of my whitecloud fry that is in my cube fry rearing tank now 🙂 they are starting to look like fish
    1 point
  25. Siamese Algae Eaters would be a good option, or Florida Flag fish if you can get them.
    1 point
  26. Agreed with @anewbie. There is still a visible yolk sac so no need to feed. As soon as that’s gone I use first bites for the first couple of days. Morning and night. I dip a cut off straw into the pouch, and then just a couple of taps is all you need. The nice thing about Angels is they can almost immediately take baby brine shrimp. I just usually wait a couple of days to ensure they can eat it and it doesn’t go to waste. If you have questions hit me up!
    1 point
  27. @Colu always with the rescue! Another thought that just popped into my head is that if you’re worried about it you could run some carbon in the tank.
    1 point
  28. Spotted 2 bladder snails today. The sediment seems to have settled and the water looks clear. We will have to see what happens.
    1 point
  29. When you say your ph is quite high, how high is it? Neocaridina can do well in ph from 6.5 - 8.0 also, have you tested your kH and gH?
    1 point
  30. Between my tanks being extremely tannin heavy and me not being very good at taking fish photos, I haven’t been taking many lately. Every now, and then I try, but they’re not very good. that’s some thing I definitely want to learn about. But I have a lot on my plate today. Soon. 😀 I love the almond leaves, but I need some other kinds of leaf litter to use as well, so that the tanks don’t get so dark. The small weekly water changes aren’t doing much to decrease the color, so I’m trying some poly filter. The water and all of my tanks is pretty hard, although I do use distilled water for River’s tank, and now Booker’s tank as well. River is still skittish. And pale. Ngl, kinda breaks my heart. I made a fish trap and am going to use it today to remove some of the guppies from that tank. Netting them is way too stressful. The bottle seems a lot easier on them. I have a larger minnow trap for the tubs. Soon.
    1 point
  31. Booker (formerly Simon the Second) is doing ok in the little tank. I can still only find 1 ghost shrimp in it. But I raised the temp a little and he’s doing fine so far. He’s eating and getting a little color. 💜
    1 point
  32. Not all of this done today but the last couple of days: setup ghl meter to monitor temp and ph setup co2 injection into 550 gallon aquarium; discover my 2 foot water jar thingy actually works - might not be as efficient as @Mmiller2001 horizontal unit but works a whole lot better than the diffuser i used on a 120; can easily drop ph to 0.8 without much effort (0.8 is the most i'm willing to go with fishes used to lots of oxygen). work on my dripper system - discover drippers have a front and back - discover 1/8 is not 3/8 - order more parts - today when parts arrive retest dripping system. measure chlorine of my system - discover it is measuring 0ppb (which is good ithink); cross check with tap which measure 389ppb (which seems low but maybe not - no real clue; need tap expert. notice my festum have settled down the past week and stop trying to jump out when the lights go off and stop running away from me - they seem to really be getting use to their 10x4 home and now come up to be fed (the large males used to run away from me when i fed them in the 120); really lovely fishes. discover my blacknight is still alive after not seeing him for 6 weeks; all i really saw was the white tip of his tail but that is more than nothing. need to spend more time working on the mist system for my blackwater setup - will take pictures when complete.
    1 point
  33. @tolstoy21 here is the tank the trifasciata are in. I just finished redecorating to accommodate dual territory. I was originally moving my hillstream loach group to breed. I will just redo the tank they are in to accommodate breeding. They are still juveniles.
    1 point
  34. @nabokovfan87 have you seen the red lasers? They’re really neat looking, but I’m partial to the green lasers.
    1 point
  35. I shared my process here: https://forum.aquariumcoop.com/topic/33733-helplessnewbies-20g-planted-tank/?do=findComment&comment=330545
    1 point
  36. Glad you like them! Happy to have met you in person. Next year I'm hoping to stay longer and meet more people. My kid enjoyed the Clash immensely. He now wants to go back next year, get a table and sell fish! He's so excited about the idea of that. Well that, and he wants to stay in the hotel and use the pool. (Kids always have ulterior motives!) The only thing I came home with was some tangerine tigers. Was going to buy some orange laser cories, but someone bought ALL of them right before I could get some! Very nice event. Well worth attending.
    1 point
  37. The Keystone Clash with @Guppysnail was tons of fun! Really had a fantastic time. I’d been nervous about it, but all the vendors, guests, and really just everyone, was super kind, friendly, and approachable. @GuppySnail found me a lovely little baby GBR, Simon the Second, so that River doesn’t get lonely. He’s in a 5 gal QT tank for a bit, but to say that I am thrilled (and also somewhat terrified) to have him is an understatement! Least Killis! That was one of the fish I was specifically looking for, they’re the smallest livebearer, AND they’re native, AND I found out that @Guppysnail had had a colony and that Jen of Small Aquatics had the remainder! Six teeeeeny little least killis came home with me! Jen is such a sweetheart, and wow, did she work the heck out of that booth. I was able to help a tiny bit, and actually got to wait on Father Fish and sold him some grindal worms! Along with micro worms and banana worms. What a sweet guy! He’s lovely in person, and it was great to buy some of his supplement without paying the shipping for it. I joined the Maryland Aquatic Club!!! Suuuper happy about that! And I got some peanut beetles from them, to try out and see what I think. The neighboring booth had an aquarist from Tennessee who’d caught some critters, which of course came home with me, to get a pickle jar of their own to see just what they are and how they grow. Dan from Dansfish, who I am a huuuge fan of, was super nice and fun to talk to! I mentioned the goodeids I had, and it turns out the redtails aren’t eiseni, they’re doadroi! (Sp - I’ll check on that) So I need to correct my logs with that name, they were identified by Gary Lang. Dan is just the sweetest guy! His commitment to shipping healthy fish is fantastic, and while some heroes don’t hold up when meeting them, Dan from Dansfish really did. Delighted to have met him! (Thank you @Guppysnail, lol, I was too star-struck to approach him on my own!) Jason from Prime Time Aquatics was one of the judges for the fish show, and he was super nice as well! Didn’t see him until we were on the way out, but it was cool to meet him just the same! (But by that point it had been many hours, and I was pretty tired/overheated.) Okay the heat. Was nearly unbearable. Since it was chilly and rainy outside, I wore jeans. BIG MISTAKE. Don’t do it. Wear shorts. And sandals. So hot, omg. But that’s what the fish needed, so the people just got to sweat! Heh. It was tough to handle, but I wouldn’t have changed it. Those fish in bags needed all the help they could get! Jen from Small World Aquatics sold me a 2nd pair of the gorgeous violet mosaics she has. Violetta is growing, and becoming one of the most beautiful guppies I’ve ever seen. Victor and Victoria joined them yesterday! Ten or so blue dream shrimp joined the growing colony that I am attempting to build, from two different vendors. I didn’t know that I was joining one of the clubs that hosts the Keystone Clash!! Next year I really want to be more involved and help out more. Jen was very kind and let me keep all my stuff at her booth, and I retreated to the chair beside her booth a LOT when I was tired and overheated. She works HARD, I was glad to help out a tiny bit. Hopefully I can learn enough by next year to be a bit more useful while I enjoy the Clash! Because that was incredible, and I’m DEFINITELY going next year. Also came home with tons of plants and mosses, which I’ll have to take pictures of later. Fantastic experience. The fish community is so welcoming and wonderful! ❤️
    1 point
  38. @gardenman @nabokovfan87 Thank you for the replies. So I was thinking along the lines of either of these (photos courtesy of Dans fish): Top photo is red cauliflower high fin swordtail and bottom photo is a Berlin Lyretail swordtail. I imagine the red cauliflower is the one that will be much more difficult than the Berlin, but not too sure. Thoughts?
    1 point
  39. @nabokovfan87 the addition of your sword plants adds such a charm to your tank. I love them. before: after: It may seem like a small change, but it looks good! It has improved! (And look how cool that red tail looks in front of the green plant) I remember when I was watching a bunch of Father Fish videos. He made one about preventing algae. And the secret is to have A LOT OF plants. The plants will suck up the nutrients that the algae wants. Now, you may have also forgotten.. you can cheat. You can add fake plants. Get some good ones, realistic, and it will fill in the tank and no one will know. They won’t melt. Then fill in around those with live plants that you can afford. Maybe some Aponogeton or Vallisneria? They seem to do well in deep tanks. Recently my Java fern turned to mush. It was doing great for a year and a half, then one day, blehhh.. that was after a bacterial bloom where I did water changes on 3 consecutive days and ran carbon (for just 2 days) to try to clarify things. It didn’t like that situation at all. Melted and made a huge mess all over the tank. 😐 Java fern: When that died and had to be removed, the fish felt exposed. I could tell they were confused and very nervous. There are plants on the side, but they prefer the middle. So I added this: They love it and went into it right away. Their whole demeanor changed. The Small Scape YouTuber adds fake plants into her tanks as well. There is one at big box sold as a mat that looks like Anubias nana petite. She cuts it up and attaches it to driftwood. As far as the filter, hey, you tried stuff. You like to brainstorm and experiment, and we like to follow along. So it didn’t work long term. So what? You gave it a shot. “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” -Thomas H. Palmer ”Do, or do not. There is no try.” -Yoda
    1 point
  40. All the ones in the photos are the ones I brought home. So one of ALL of them. 🤣
    1 point
  41. 1 point for each aquarium you currently have running. 4 1/2 point for each aquarium that you have empty "just in case". 0 1 point for every 40 gallons of water currently in your tanks. 3 (142g) 1 point for each variety of prepared food you regularly feed. 6 2 points for each variety of frozen food your regularly feed. 10 (when I’m raising fry) 3 points for each variety of live food you regularly feed. 0 2 points for each variety of water you regularly use in your aquariums/fish room that require some kind of preparation other than dechlorination (e.g., RODI, brackish, salt, hard water for African cichlids) 0 1 point for each tank with CO2 0 1 additional point for each tank where CO2 is regulated (i.e., not yeast-based or chemical generator) 0 1 point for each species of fish you have raised to maturity. 6? 1 point for each "grow out tank" you keep 0 1 point for each species-only tank you keep. 0 1 point for each 100 comments posted on this Aquarium Coop Forum. 13 1 point for each cycled filter you have on hand, just in case. 2 1 point for each aquarium you have built yourself. 0 (but I really want to) 1 point for each aquarium stand you have built. 1 5 points if you have a multi-tank auto-water change system. 0 5 points if you have a air supply "loop" for many tanks. 0 10 points if you have structurally modified your home to accommodate your fish tanks. 0 10 points if you been collecting in the wild. 0 1 point for each city you've been to and visited the LFS as a tourist activity. 3 1 point for each $100 you've sold of fish in the last year. (U would ask me that) 6 2 points if you regularly attend a fish club auction. 0 (no club in my area 😭) Award yourself one point for taking this quiz. 1 i don’t do public math. But mid 40s? I didn’t really count this ‘cause it’s mostly leftovers Does the summer tub count as a tank? U mean I’ve been around the forum longer than u? Sheesh
    1 point
  42. After 3 months, I plugged the heater in since the mornings have been in the low 50’s. I have also started a new add-on project to this area. Took advantage of the Petco 50% off sale and purchased 2 more 10 gallon tanks. My thought is to make them grow out tanks for the Endlers. Separate them male and female. Use the third as a hospital tank. So far, have added some substrate that was hanging out along with a few rocks. Purchased a sheet of acrylic to make my own lids for these. Cost $17 for a sheet compared to $18 per tank of Aqueons glass covers. This allowed me to drill a hole mid cover to pass an airline through for the sponge filter. Waiting for an airline splitter, check valves and additional sponge filters to arrive. For plants, I have an excess of moss in one of my tanks I’ll use along with water lettuce. I’ll update again when the tanks are up and running.
    1 point
  43. I know I'm not going to win, only 76 for me and I didn't look at my post numbers
    1 point
  44. 53.5 for me without the post count. Funny to think would’ve been well over 100 a year ago. Fun quiz! im definitely a nerm and proud of it 😎
    1 point
  45. Unplugged the heater on this tank. Garage is at 77, tank at 73. With the heater it ran at 78. I’ll just keep an eye on it. Have quite the layer of floating plants!
    1 point
  46. I kind of like the pattern on this shrimp
    1 point
  47. In the last couple months, the small group of Endlers turned into a growing civilization! Moved over half to the new, larger tank and left some in this tank while the new tank settled in. Went through a nasty algae bloom, turned the water green for over a month. Just stayed diligent with water changes to pull excess nutrients out. Eventually, it cleared itself right up! Don’t have the room in the new tank so will need to look at ways to reduce the population
    1 point
  48. Version 1.0.0


    Culturing_Live_Food_Introduction.pdf Culturing_Live_Food_Metazoans.pdf Culturing_Live_Food_Phytoplankton.pdf Culturing_Live_Food_Protozoans.pdf
    1 point
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