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My new rainbow unicorn


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I fell in love with this guy when I picked up some fish for my 30G and I picked him up today. 
He’s the most pale yet colorful opalescent rainbow unicorn betta I’ve ever seen 💕 I will get around to properly scraping his tank soon but what are some names ideas?? 

welcome to the fam!

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2 minutes ago, Betsy said:

So iridescent!!!  Very pretty betta!  I've never seen a unicorn before...I'm glad to know they exist!! 😜🦄

I was so set on a dumbo ear but I’m so glad I ran into this guy. I’m also very glad 🦄🦄

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@Lifeisgood I know! It was love at first sight that I called and made sure nobody could take him until I was able to drive out to get him!! but yeah those are some that popped into mind. I just feel he needs a very majestic name to go with how dope he looks!

@Eddie Dingle My other betta is Admiral Harold Mustard of the tank S.S. Valhalla.... so I defiantly vibe with your name suggestions.. I was going to look up old mythical creatures or something like that for inspiration

@xXInkedPhoenixX Interstellar is definitely something I will keep in mind. Maybe if I can incorporate the meaning of that along with a silly title I think that may be it.

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8 hours ago, m1ie said:

@Lifeisgood I know! It was love at first sight that I called and made sure nobody could take him until I was able to drive out to get him!! but yeah those are some that popped into mind. I just feel he needs a very majestic name to go with how dope he looks!

@Eddie Dingle My other betta is Admiral Harold Mustard of the tank S.S. Valhalla.... so I defiantly vibe with your name suggestions.. I was going to look up old mythical creatures or something like that for inspiration

@xXInkedPhoenixX Interstellar is definitely something I will keep in mind. Maybe if I can incorporate the meaning of that along with a silly title I think that may be it.

Right on, let us know of you decide on something, I have some female bettas in quarantine for my sorority and I'm struggling with names. I might name them after characters from books and short stories from my favorite author. 

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@Eddie Dingle Not any closer to a true name but he's a feisty one so that might help... I had an African dwarf from I called Hodr (nose god who's blind) SIP so I'm drawn to mythological names. Right now Aether is sticking, inspired by @xXInkedPhoenixX's suggestion of Interstellar; who "is the personification of the upper sky, space, and heaven, and is the elemental god of the "Bright, Glowing, Upper Air." Sir Aether Finnbar maybe?

If I had a sorority I might be a bit cheesy and name them after Sailor Moon characters, helpful if they also match the colors. Or go with goddesses actually, that might be fun but I'm sure whatever you choose will be fun

@OceanTruth He really does, its really hard to capture quite how he looks but this photo manages a darn good job

@H.K.Luterman He's so cool! He does seem a bit small (at least compared to my other bubba) so I'm wondering if he'll grow and evolve colors even more

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