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New project = new tank? (PLEASE VOTE!)

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I want the opinions of as many people as possible on this one.

If you are starting a new project, how important is it that you buy a new tank? Or, do you save a few bucks and buy a used tank? Is a used tank only as good as its glass, and you replace the silicone? 

The first responders, please simply post your comments as:

1. Buy a new tank.

2. Buy a used tank.

3. Buy a used tank, but replace the silicone 

'Like' the comments to vote for your choice. Or, leave your own comment if you have something specific to share. Thanks, Community, for your input!

Edited by HansE
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When I was setting up all my tanks in 2020, I bought many of them second hand. I wouldn’t pay more than $1/gallon, and I got super lucky that all of them were water tight and in great condition. I still have all those tanks running and haven’t had any issues. 

These days, if I needed or wanted a new tank, I would just wait until the Petco 1/2 off sale. The piece of mind for the tank being brand new, and if there are any issues I can just exchange it is worth it to me. Financially, I’m in a much different place than I was 4 years ago and have the luxury to buy new. I’m still frugal, though, and would wait for the 1/2 off sale to get the most preferred price. 

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On 5/26/2024 at 8:40 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

When I was setting up all my tanks in 2020, I bought many of them second hand. I wouldn’t pay more than $1/gallon, and I got super lucky that all of them were water tight and in great condition. I still have all those tanks running and haven’t had any issues. 

These days, if I needed or wanted a new tank, I would just wait until the Petco 1/2 off sale. The piece of mind for the tank being brand new, and if there are any issues I can just exchange it is worth it to me. Financially, I’m in a much different place than I was 4 years ago and have the luxury to buy new. I’m still frugal, though, and would wait for the 1/2 off sale to get the most preferred price. 

I totally do the same thing, when I was getting ready to buy my 29-gallon, I was checking online at my LFS's website every day waiting to see a good deal!

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Depends on what you want. For 40 and under, I’m buying new. For big tanks, I’m looking for used with a stand. Stands can be really expensive. I keep browsing marketplace for good deals. Unfortunately, not as many good deals there.

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Depends, smaller tanks 75 gallons and under, I’d buy new almost always. Anything larger than that I try to buy used. I’m experienced with resiliconing and everything so I take advantage of that. With the smaller tanks and the petco sale, I don’t see a reason to risk used with a smaller aquarium. 

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Old Project - I have a 29 g tank I purchased new. In operation for about two decades.

New Project - This past December, I re set-up an acquired years ago used tank (40 g breeder) and set up a quarantine tank (20g l) which I acquired years ago purchased new. I recently purchased a 10g which I'm deciding how to set-up.

So for new projects, 2 used (used purchased, used repurposed) 1 new

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Every time I have seen used tanks for sale on craigslist, the asking price has been higher than a new tank on sale at Petco…


I guess mineral deposits and scratches command a premium…

I would never pay higher for a used tank than a new one…

to be honest a used tank would have to be more than 50% cheaper than a new one to even consider it, and anything less than a 75 gallon tank just not worth the bother and aggravation to me. 

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On 5/27/2024 at 10:52 AM, Beach Cruiser said:

I like big tanks & i cannot lie. 😎

If you get a used tank, try to find one in current/recent use. Less likely to need a reseal from dried out silicone, etc. 


Yes the bigger the tank, it will be better if you can get a used if possible. But there are some banger deals at petco/petsmart for bigger ones as well. The empty ones are always cheaper if sold with the tank only. If around the same price of new and used, new should always be the choice, because if new its... new lol.

But if it is not the same price range and is in good shape, used is my vote 

again (IMO)

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My 20 gallon I bought online from FB marketplace and it was fine. I also bought a 5 gallon and it leaked so...

My suggestion would be look online and see if you find a good deal. If you wanna get it ask the person if they could fill it up like 75% for at least 24 hours before you pick It up. message the person after the 24 hours and ask if the water level has gone down. just to see if there is leaks ya know? Some people may not wanna go through the hassle but it sure beats the sky high prices of a new tank. 

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Buying used is a buyer beware situation. I am the original owner of 1 tank; all of the others were used.  If you arrive to find a tank with water in it, or in the living area, you are likely safe.  If the tank is half buried in the garage, crusted up, or ridiculously cheap , you might want to think about it.  Having said that, 2 of my three curb finds were ready to use.  If you are going to keep some kind of fish room, go used.  If you want to have a show tank in the family room, used is still an option, if you can find one that has been well kept.


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