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Anubias Appreciation

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This is a post to really appreciate anubias. The fact that such a beautiful plant can be so low maintenance, easy to care for and flowers occasionally truly deserves praise. 


Anubias in my 20g.

Nana Patite on Mopani.


Post your pics and praise for Anubias!

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Oh Anubias, how do I love thee, let me count the ways....

I have Anubias in all my tanks Nana, Barteri, Congensis....

What I've found I love most- Posting them high up so their roots grow in what I call a reverse universe of plant...

This is one of my Congensis, suction cupped half way up a 20 tall, impossible to capture the beauty of the green roots that have grown down (another Anubias species in foreground):


This is an Anubias Nana that is in my Flex9, posted in the middle of the tank on a piece of spiderwood that also looks like a root, it is managing quite a system as well (another Nana in foreground on a rock):


Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
Typos are lame
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I am not a anubis fan, I don't like the name (named after the Egyptian god of death) and it grows too slow for me...... With that said I was recruited to revive one of the first aquarium plants I bought back in 2012 which was then quickly given to my brother. We affectionately call this poor anubis Root. Root was was viciously attacked, and demolished by his roving gang of unruly cichlids. Root has a month to month lease in my aquarium and is about to be evicted on account of it being too darn big and taking up valuable real-estate! 😂



Edited by JoeQ
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On 6/8/2022 at 4:41 PM, Its Hutch said:

Poor Root. I always buy the heavily discounted ones at the big box stores and revive them for cheap.

One of my favorite things to do in the hobby. The challenge of "can I bring this plant back from near death"! Petsmarts plants are over priced but for 75~80% off for a mostly dead plant you can't go wrong! 

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On 6/8/2022 at 3:46 PM, JoeQ said:

One of my favorite things to do in the hobby. The challenge of "can I bring this plant back from near death"! Petsmarts plants are over priced but for 75~80% off for a mostly dead plant you can't go wrong! 


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On 6/8/2022 at 2:42 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Could not imagine running a tank without Anubias.  I enjoy that plant way too much now. 

I think my angelfish tank is my only tank that doesn’t have at least one species of Anubias, because I tried to stick to South American everything.  The only exception is the Fissidens moss I used on the wood.  I’m also toying with getting Amanos for that tank.

I don’t actually know how many species and varieties of Anubias I have currently.  🤷🏻‍♀️ At least a dozen?  A. nana ‘Petite Golden’ is my current favorite.  I have clumps in a couple tanks, now.


On 6/8/2022 at 3:36 PM, JoeQ said:

I am not a anubis fan, I don't like the name (named after the Egyptian god of death) and it grows too slow for me...... With that said I was recruited to revive one of the first aquarium plants I bought back in 2012 which was then quickly given to my brother. We affectionately call this poor anubis Root. Root was was viciously attacked, and demolished by his roving gang of unruly cichlids. Root has a month to month lease in my aquarium and is about to be evicted on account of it being too darn big and taking up valuable real-estate! 😂



Does Root really have little, bitty round leaves?  You know that’s rare for an Anubias, right? 

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On 6/8/2022 at 2:15 PM, Odd Duck said:

I think my angelfish tank is my only tank that doesn’t have at least one species of Anubias, because I tried to stick to South American everything.  The only exception is the Fissidens moss I used on the wood.  I’m also toying with getting Amanos for that tank.

I don't know if the angels will leave the shrimp alone 😕



On 6/8/2022 at 2:15 PM, Odd Duck said:

I don’t actually know how many species and varieties of Anubias I have currently.  🤷🏻‍♀️ At least a dozen?  A. nana ‘Petite Golden’ is my current favorite.  I have clumps in a couple tanks, now.

I think I have 4-5.  I have std "anubias", Coffefolia, nangi, petite, nana petite, and I'm REALLY eyeballing some others I've seen because I want to do a low tech only anubias tank in the front room.

Someone had posted a pretty big rock scape and they just looped anubias around, breathtakingly awesome for me. 

That new variety the co-op has looks pretty awesome and I nearly purchased it.  I opted to wait, but tempting for sure.

I equate a new Anubias to a new variety of coffee to try, LOL.  I can't have too many and they are so easy to maintain.

I really, really hope I continue to push back this algae in both tanks and the anubias recovers.  I want to propogate more rhizomes and re-plant. remove the damaged parts.

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On 6/8/2022 at 5:15 PM, Odd Duck said:

I think my angelfish tank is my only tank that doesn’t have at least one species of Anubias, because I tried to stick to South American everything.  The only exception is the Fissidens moss I used on the wood.  I’m also toying with getting Amanos for that tank.

I don’t actually know how many species and varieties of Anubias I have currently.  🤷🏻‍♀️ At least a dozen?  A. nana ‘Petite Golden’ is my current favorite.  I have clumps in a couple tanks, now.


Does Root really have little, bitty round leaves?  You know that’s rare for an Anubias, right? 

Yes, the small leaves are from after a month of rehab. The first pic was when I received it. Im wondering if the small leaves will grow tall, or if it was "trained" to stay short by the abusive cichlids. 🤣

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On 6/8/2022 at 4:21 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

I don't know if the angels will leave the shrimp alone 😕

That’s my big concern.  I’m not sure the plants are grown in enough to provide decent cover at this point.  They might survive if I release them at night, but I’m thinking I’ll wait until the plants have grown more.  Might go with green Neocaridinas so they’re unobtrusive and not worry too much about the angels eating the small ones if enough can survive.

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On 6/8/2022 at 4:29 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

If you get smaller ones, they should do better. Bigger ones have a harder time hiding and are much more "gutsy".

I watched an adult Amano in my pea puffer tank, bold as brass, drag off a full size algae wafer the other day.  Not a little one, either, one of my big, thick ones that was over half the size of his body.  😆 

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On 6/8/2022 at 2:35 PM, Odd Duck said:

I watched an adult Amano in my pea puffer tank, bold as brass, drag off a full size algae wafer the other day.  Not a little one, either, one of my big, thick ones that was over half the size of his body.  😆 

Oh yes. This is about half the Amano's in my black cory tank.  They care not and they will have their food. LOL.

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On 6/8/2022 at 4:35 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Oh yes. This is about half the Amano's in my black cory tank.  They care not and they will have their food. LOL.

They’re surprisingly fast with smaller pellets or any smaller pieces of food.  Actual shrimp pellets need at least one for each shrimp in that tank or somebody’s hoarding them.  Since that’s my only tank with MTS, I don’t worry much about having extra around for long.

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i think  Anubias is beautiful  love  the thick  leaves i tried to grow them had 4 . 3 died  but one is hanging on  it is a petite nano  since i have my tank  more balanced and algae more controlled  i might try  another Anubias one day just to see if i can keep it alive 

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Had to add Anubias pics after side tracking about amanos.

My newer clump of Anubias nana ‘Petite Golden’ in the 14 G cube, pic of the whole cube with the ‘Petite Golden’ top left, A. barteri ‘Dark Angel’ at the right side base of the big wood piece, and a little piece of Anubias ‘Chili’ at the very top right of the wood piece.  Then a wood piece in my 10 G “A2” that has A. minima and congensis ‘Mini’ on it front and center in the tank.

I also have some hastifolia, barteri, nana, nana ‘Petite’, nana ‘Golden’, ‘Mini Coin’, and a small remnant of nana ‘Pinto’.  I have 2 other clumps that I think are nana ‘Petite’ but not confirmed since I bought them from another hobbyist with no name.




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On 6/8/2022 at 1:01 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Oh Anubias, how do I love thee, let me count the ways....

I have Anubias in all my tanks Nana, Barteria, Congensis....

What I've found I love most- Posting them high up so their roots grow in what I can a reverse universe of plant...

This is one of my Congensis, suction cupped half way up a 20 tall, impossible to capture the beauty of the green roots that have grown down (another Anubias species in foreground):


This is an Anubias Nana that is in my Flex9, posted in the middle of the tank on a piece of spiderwood that also looks like a root, it is managing quite a system as well (another Nana in foreground on a rock):


What a cool idea! I never thought about putting them up higher in the tank to appreciate the beautiful root structure. I'm going to steal this for my next tank! 

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Anubias kind of saved the hobby for me. I'm not that ambitious when it comes to plants, but I was so sick of having nothing but artificial decorations, and I guess my tanks are rare in that Java fern does not do well at all. This is 'The Groot Tank', I've posted it before. It has these lush anubias, some floating and some anchored in the substrate. It flourishes with Pothos. 




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On 6/8/2022 at 4:09 PM, Odd Duck said:

Had to add Anubias pics after side tracking about amanos.

My newer clump of Anubias nana ‘Petite Golden’ in the 14 G cube, pic of the whole cube with the ‘Petite Golden’ top left, A. barteri ‘Dark Angel’ at the right side base of the big wood piece, and a little piece of Anubias ‘Chili’ at the very top right of the wood piece.  Then a wood piece in my 10 G “A2” that has A. minima and congensis ‘Mini’ on it front and center in the tank.

I also have some hastifolia, barteri, nana, nana ‘Petite’, nana ‘Golden’, ‘Mini Coin’, and a small remnant of nana ‘Pinto’.  I have 2 other clumps that I think are nana ‘Petite’ but not confirmed since I bought them from another hobbyist with no name.




I had no idea there are so many different kinds! Planning my next tank is going to be even more fun than I thought. I love anubias! 

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Oh man great thread!  I love my anubias!  I impulse bought the buce next to it at petsmart one day. Totally should have just gotten a 2nd anubias!  It fits so well on this structure!  My cories love it too and like to lay their eggs under it instead of the spawning mop at times much to my frustration!  But can you blame them?  ITS ANUBIAS!!



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Here's my anubias nana petite, around the cave at the right side of the tank.



And here is it previously in my old 10 gallon setup.



It's 4 or 5 different plants, which have not done equally well. I think I want to take some and move it to the large rock thing on the left side of the tank, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

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