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Why are suction cups so terrible?


Why is silicone so terrible?

(By “terrible” I mean “temporary”) 🫤

On more than one occasion the silicone has failed me on Geppetto’s PVC tunnel. It will be great for awhile, then one day the tube will just fall, leaving the suction cup behind on the glass.

This most recent repair I skipped the silicone and tried 2 scuba tank o-rings. One is around the stem of the suction cup and takes up space between the stem and the hole in the pvc. The other is inside the pvc tube and hopefully provides a boundary and friction in case the tube should want to slip. Perhaps the higher temp in his tank will cause the orings to expand slightly and perform even better. I guess time will tell.





If it doesn’t work I will get him a wall-mounted half coconut shell, because I am anti- zoomed floating log. I had one of those once and it smelled horribly like chemicals!  I didn’t use it. It went right in the trash.

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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On 10/22/2023 at 11:58 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Why are suction cups so terrible?

It's bananas to me.  I have brands I can tell you NEVER fail and this is after years of use while others are weeks if that of useful.  I loathe the eheim ones on the jager heater and it's a bit like using a piece of inverted plastic that just seemingly repels suction.

Material choice is one big reason (longevity) but so is the shape.

The ziss bubble bio ones. I have to use pry bars to get them off of glass, nothing removes that without taking bodyparts/fingernails.  My favorite ones come from fluval.  Zoomed also sells magnetic ones, might be the go-to for you.


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Some manufacturers just know they suck and give you extra with the product (which I appreciate).  There is a company/seller/brand (?) on Etsy called Stroodies which has some kind of magnet setup or patent for their betta tunnels and similar goods in their shop.  The magnets are encased in the 3d printed plastic of their products I believe, so they don't get exposed to water. While certain 3d prints are tank safe, I'm trying to get away from that stuff because the grooves in the products (such as my filter baffle) just collect algae/slime.

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Wow! That’s great longevity - congratulations! 😃 I wouldn’t have guessed that any tetras would live that long.

Was that Snoopy swimming around there too? I’m budgeting out for one bigger tank for Dorsigera - but I still want a Bolivian Ram whenever I see him or others. So I’m just going to have to extend the ‘ole budget out for another tank. 🤣

He/she would be the only one with some upper level fish group - would a 20 gallon be big enough for that?

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On 10/30/2023 at 6:55 PM, Pokey said:

Was that Snoopy swimming around there too?

Sure was! And a 20 gallon would work just fine.

On 10/30/2023 at 7:25 PM, GoofyGarra said:

those pristellas are super cool, swimming in circles.

They are ready for breakfast!

On 10/30/2023 at 7:25 PM, GoofyGarra said:

Are those red eye/monk tetras in the back?

The other tetras are black neons and head-and-taillight tetras. I got those by mistake. I was trying to buy more pristellas but LFS just got their shipment and everyone was pale. In QT they developed their color and I was like ummmm… these are not pristellas! But I kept them anyway and they fit in with the group just fine and school with them.

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On 10/17/2023 at 6:13 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Reminiscing about the aquarium I had when I was 12.  It was tall, hex, I think 20 gallons? And I had a western newt in there, of all things. They used to be sold right from the tank of tropical fish.


photo from web


Oh man that's a flashback! I remember going out on the woods after a summer rain to catch these!

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On 11/3/2023 at 7:10 PM, Guppysnail said:

I did not know they still held orcas in captivity. Are they still breeding them or bringing in new? Or is this a hold over from those days?  

And I simply must look up what a pocket shark is 🤩

As of 2016, they ended their orca breeding program, and the orcas they have are the last generation that will be in their park (according to their website). On average a orca lives about 41 years at SeaWorld. None of the whales are forced to perform. If they want to, they get rewarded. If they don’t want to, the show is changed to more of an educational talk while the orcas just swim around and do what they want. Also the trainers no longer enter the water with the orcas. 

SeaWorld is teaching guests about general environmental care, to recycle and pick up trash (even if it’s not their own trash) to help keep it out of waterways. As well as educating the public about marine life.

On 11/3/2023 at 7:10 PM, Guppysnail said:

hold over


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On 11/3/2023 at 2:43 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:


oh... horn sharks.  Those are cool little dudes.


On 11/3/2023 at 4:10 PM, Guppysnail said:

And I simply must look up what a pocket shark is 🤩

😂Love this.  My gut tells me they fit into your pocket or make a pocket. One of those two.  The name reminds me of a cookie-cutter shark. 

*I totally cheated and looked it up, they have pockets!*

That's an awesome little surprise from your mom.  Really cool that you could just take your time and enjoy it as opposed to rush. 


On 11/3/2023 at 2:43 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:


Such a cool view.  One of the most crazy looking sets of teeth out there in the shark world, but they just don't have the mindset to be that aggressive.

Given all the work we put into our own tanks, it makes your really sit and appreciate all the detail in those massive aquariums. 

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On 11/3/2023 at 11:28 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

horn sharks.  Those are cool little dudes.

Love it!

On 11/3/2023 at 11:28 PM, nabokovfan87 said:
On 11/3/2023 at 7:10 PM, Guppysnail said:

And I simply must look up what a pocket shark is 🤩

😂Love this.  My gut tells me they fit into your pocket or make a pocket. One of those two.  The name reminds me of a cookie-cutter shark. 

*I totally cheated and looked it up, they have pockets!

What?!?  Omg like, they can save some sushi for later.

One of the first sharks mentioned in the book was sand tiger shark. I’m like ok, what’s a sand tiger shark? First result google:


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On 11/4/2023 at 10:57 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Love it!

What?!?  Omg like, they can save some sushi for later.

One of the first sharks mentioned in the book was sand tiger shark. I’m like ok, what’s a sand tiger shark? First result google:


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They’re scary chaps 😳. Last time I went to Singapore I went snorkeling around an island resort just off the coast in Malaysia and saw a couple of black tip juvies. They get pretty curious! 

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On 11/4/2023 at 2:57 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

One of the first sharks mentioned in the book was sand tiger shark. I’m like ok, what’s a sand tiger shark? First result google:


Noooooooope! #optout #unsubscribe #help

Heehehe.  Yeah, they have some toothiness to them!


very very similar to a grey nurse shark (different than the normal nurse shark)




The diet of the adult grey nurse shark consists of a wide range of fish, other sharks, squids, crabs and lobsters.

Basically.... think of them as the puffers of the shark world.  They just need to break through some crunchy things.

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Introducing the new gang of ember tetras (9). They are getting color already. Here is yesterday:


And here is today.




I haven’t done anything as far as proactive treatment. I know they had a lot of transport lately. Also they were in a bin at Aquashella yesterday where a net was repeatedly dipped in and out of the tank. I did the increased dosage of Stress Coat though. (There is a normal dose and then a fish-are-stressed dose.)

Also they seemed to be searching and picking around, and searching again for food. I think they were fasted so I put a tiny chunk of Community Plus Repashy, and they are treating that like a drive through. They will swim around and then when going past the Repashy, take a bite and cruise on.

Also! They use the cave a lot, in and out and around!  It’s so cute. Not all tetras use caves. My other ones sure don’t.

These are also beginning to use multi-levels of the tank, so I think they are going to do just fine.

I do like to preventatively treat for parasites, but not for “all of the things”. I haven’t decided if I’d go the salt route or the paracleanse route yet. Both are already stocked in the fish meds cabinet. We just never know what’s going on internally. For now I’m just letting them rest and adjust for a few days.

And these guys are tiny!


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On 11/6/2023 at 2:39 AM, beastie said:

Be careful with the ember tetras, they are lazy and prone to over eating 🙂

No kidding. Right now they are all over the place lol. Their feeding behavior reminds me of guppies, how they pick at everything in the tank

On 11/6/2023 at 2:17 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Which tank are they going in? 

Shrimp because the fish are so tiny the shrimps don’t fit in their mouths. The tiniest of shrimplets might, but 2 LFS told me they are ok with shrimps and they will not decimate the population.

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