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On 6/3/2023 at 2:12 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

That's not how that works!!!! 😂

I posted a technique for you in my shrimp thread that talks about how to vac the sand and have no issues with shrimp getting sucked up the siphon.  Hopefully that helps and you're able to at least try it.  I'll work on a video when it comes time to clean Riddick's tank if I can get the phone to sit well enough.

I saw it! And I did that stuff! What they were doing was hiding IN 1/2” of mulm. And I had to keep stirring up the mulm. And every time I thought I found them all, I’d take the bucket outside to the garden and start to tip it and.. shrimplet. 😫

Check out what Torrey just posted above! ⬆️ Neat! Currently I’m trying to find a deal on a strainer on a trusted website.

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Everyone likes the new Snello.



She has scutariella japonica. This is in the 29g. 😩


Salt dipped, it was 10 sec based on her behavior. Then she was added to shrimp qt. She was lethargic for a few sec so I held the airstone next to her. Then she walked over to the media and started eating. So another success story, it seems. I have another I pulled from the tank TWICE today, because I thought I saw wiggling on his head. But he is not staying still for me to closer analyze. It could be his wild pattern throwing me off. I’m not sure. I’m calling him Sir RaceAround, because he’s doing laps in a Tupperware.


Dead flatworms in the salt dip container. The worms that had been living in her head…


I thought today was going to be pretty chill. 😞

Anyone who has shrimp, this parasite is subtle. Periodically use a magnifying glass on your shrimp! Often hard to see!

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On 6/3/2023 at 3:40 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Everyone likes the new Snello.



She has scutariella japonica. This is in the 29g. 😩


Salt dipped, it was 10 sec based on her behavior. Then she was added to shrimp qt. She was lethargic for a few sec so I held the airstone next to her. Then she walked over to the media and started eating. So another success story, it seems. I have another I pulled from the tank TWICE today, because I thought I saw wiggling on his head. But he is not staying still for me to closer analyze. It could be his wild pattern throwing me off. I’m not sure. I’m calling him Sir RaceAround, because he’s doing laps in a Tupperware.


Dead flatworms in the salt dip container. The worms that had been living in her head…


I thought today was going to be pretty chill. 😞

Anyone who has shrimp, this parasite is subtle. Periodically use a magnifying glass on your shrimp! Often hard to see!

How can you prevent these flatworms? 

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On 6/3/2023 at 10:42 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

How can you prevent these flatworms? 

Supplier choice, and quarantine. In my case, I’ve had the shrimp quite some time and it’s just now appearing. Or perhaps I had it but never knew I had it(?) Shrimps are small so it’s really hard to see. I just happened to have one this week that had a bad case, and now I’m hyperfixated on checking them all and pulling molts.

The silver lining is the colony in the shrimp tank seems ok.

I hope it continues that way.

Sir RaceAround was still racing so I just put him in qt without any treatment. I will inspect him in there later once he calms down.

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On 6/3/2023 at 6:40 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

She has scutariella japonica. This is in the 29g. 😩

@Torrey mentioned using prazipro on her shrimp. Maybe that is something you wish to do. Can you please help us out by explaining the dose or method you used?!?


I'm not nitpicking or anything!!!

I am looking at the half of my own tank and seeing just how much "junk" is in the sand. In this photo it might be a way to help push back some algae that is causing plant issues?  I just wanted to mention it, nudge you to try out that technique! Once you find the paint strainer thing that'll be awesome.

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On 6/3/2023 at 2:28 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Torrey mentioned using prazipro on her shrimp. Maybe that is something you wish to do.

No one else showing symptoms. It was one shrimp from 10g and one shrimp from 29g. Used magnifying glass on everyone today.

@TheSwissAquarist I found Kratos!


Should’ve known he’d be by a filter. It’s like getting room service. (Laziest snail ever)

On 6/3/2023 at 2:28 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

I am looking at the half of my own tank and seeing just how much "junk" is in the sand. In this photo it might be a way to help push back some algae that is causing plant issues?  I just wanted to mention it, nudge you to try out that technique!

😫 I cleaned that less than a week ago. They all went in the trench, under the crud line. Here’s proof!


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I checked the shrimps and everyone seems symptom free, except for Sir RaceAround (in QT) which I may salt dip later. For now, I’m off to spend time with my parents for the day.







The thing with him is that I can’t see the issue from above, but sometimes I think I see it from the side.

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On 6/4/2023 at 12:49 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Looks like both of these two have some on their nose.

Ugh. That stinks. May have to go to phase 2 or second salt dip. I read there should be one week between salt dips to keep stress down.

On 6/4/2023 at 4:10 PM, Bev C said:

Hope the shrimp is doing ok…what we do for our aquatic babies. when something happens i hunt  here at the forum and ACO and the web till i find info 

Thank you. Everyone has been great helping me out.

Get ready for this, guys. I made the most adorable filter for the specimen container. (Gravel/floss/coarse. Filter intake tube)




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On 6/3/2023 at 7:40 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Everyone likes the new Snello.



She has scutariella japonica. This is in the 29g. 😩


Salt dipped, it was 10 sec based on her behavior. Then she was added to shrimp qt. She was lethargic for a few sec so I held the airstone next to her. Then she walked over to the media and started eating. So another success story, it seems. I have another I pulled from the tank TWICE today, because I thought I saw wiggling on his head. But he is not staying still for me to closer analyze. It could be his wild pattern throwing me off. I’m not sure. I’m calling him Sir RaceAround, because he’s doing laps in a Tupperware.


Dead flatworms in the salt dip container. The worms that had been living in her head…


I thought today was going to be pretty chill. 😞

Anyone who has shrimp, this parasite is subtle. Periodically use a magnifying glass on your shrimp! Often hard to see!

If one has it... there's a very good chance it's living in your tank now.

I've dealt with it ...once.

Then I got religious about Q/T and properly treating shrimp proactively.

Shrimp don't seem to be fond of a lot of medications, but PraziPro at proper dosage levels (1 tsp/20 gallons... 5 cc = 1 tsp ==> 1 cc per 4 gallons) and for the full duration (1 whole week! Water change after 1 full week! Wait a week for eggs to hatch, and water change & treat again. Then a week later, water change. Wait a week, water change and treat again. 3 total treatments) seems to prevent this, and other worm related problems.

Definitely remove shells of sheds as fast as possible, until you have completed the 5 weeks of treatments, so you 1. Don't keep perpetuating the cycle, and 2. Don't develop resistant population 

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On 6/5/2023 at 2:27 AM, Torrey said:

If one has it... there's a very good chance it's living in your tank now.

I've dealt with it ...once.

Then I got religious about Q/T and properly treating shrimp proactively.

Shrimp don't seem to be fond of a lot of medications, but PraziPro at proper dosage levels (1 tsp/20 gallons... 5 cc = 1 tsp ==> 1 cc per 4 gallons) and for the full duration (1 whole week! Water change after 1 full week! Wait a week for eggs to hatch, and water change & treat again. Then a week later, water change. Wait a week, water change and treat again. 3 total treatments) seems to prevent this, and other worm related problems.

Definitely remove shells of sheds as fast as possible, until you have completed the 5 weeks of treatments, so you 1. Don't keep perpetuating the cycle, and 2. Don't develop resistant population 

My shrimp tank water changes are small because some weren’t surviving water changes. Would I have to do water changes over the course of a few days in this fashion?

I have shrimplets. New. The tiniest of shrimplets. Would they be ok with this treatment?

I am trying to launch a population of Malaysian trumpet snails. I put 2 in the tank a few weeks ago. Within this week I noticed my very first Malaysian trumpet snail babies (adorable). This treatment would kill them. Right?



I also have a diverse popular of microfauna.

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On 6/5/2023 at 6:58 AM, Lennie said:

Chick, I knew you are a funny person.


This was even beyond normal funny

Good one 

Guppysnail had MTS as her substrate. That is my life goal.


So guys I did the magnifying glass test this AM. One female has a worm that is retracting down into her head, she looks at a glance like she’s not a host, then it comes out, and a few others have it too. So now I want opinions since I have not bought meds yet and have a choice. PraziPro or Paraguard? Paraguard was in Rachel O’Leary’s article; she says it’s very mild on the shrimp. @Torrey has good experience with PraziPro. I’m inexperienced with this illness and have different information from different sources and just need a weigh-in?


Today is lolly day.


I salt dipped 2 today including Sir RaceAround, but I agree I need to do a tank treatment now that it is now looking to be widespread. 😭 I’m overwhelmed. Also 2 of my qt shrimp came from a DIFFERENT tank and are wild…



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I have no experience with curing shrimp ailments yet. I've been fortunate in that regard. I have dosed tanks with paracleanse with shrimp in them. However I didn't even think to monitor them so I'm not sure how much they were impacted. 😞


I hope your colony bounces back. you're a trooper, hang in there friend.

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