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What’s the weather like where you are?

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I live in winnipeg, MB.

This is currently what its like outside 😞


We just had a blizzard in the middle of april! The snow was almost gone, and then all of a sudden another blizzard. Today was -14Celsuis. Classic Winnipeg weather for you.

I'm typing this reminiscing of what life would be like in Florida.

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We saw some flakes on Thursday but no accumulation. It's been in the 30s and 40s all week, overcast in the morning with occasional rain, sunny in the afternoon but still cold and windy. We had a few days in February and March up into the high 50s, and we're ready for that to come back!

@FrozenFins Your username seems appropriate!

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On 4/17/2022 at 10:24 PM, FrozenFins said:

I live in winnipeg, MB.

This is currently what its like outside 😞


We just had a blizzard in the middle of april! The snow was almost gone, and then all of a sudden another blizzard. Today was -14Celsuis. Classic Winnipeg weather for you.

I'm typing this reminiscing of what life would be like in Florida.

I have a friend in Manitoba that must really suck.

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On 4/17/2022 at 10:24 PM, FrozenFins said:

I live in winnipeg, MB.

This is currently what its like outside 😞


We just had a blizzard in the middle of april! The snow was almost gone, and then all of a sudden another blizzard. Today was -14Celsuis. Classic Winnipeg weather for you.

I'm typing this reminiscing of what life would be like in Florida.

User name checks out!

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On 4/23/2022 at 3:05 AM, Baphijmm said:

Tons of wind today, in excess of 60 mph, and even more fire, this time significantly closer. They got it out pretty quick thankfully, but it could have gotten out of hand very quickly.

Are you in New Mexico? I remember reading Fire Season by Philip Connors before my trip out there; seems like it'd be a different job these days out west.

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On 4/23/2022 at 8:57 AM, PineSong said:

Are you in New Mexico? I remember reading Fire Season by Philip Connors before my trip out there; seems like it'd be a different job these days out west.

I sure am! I'm unfamiliar with the book, but if I had to guess he was stationed either in the Lincoln National Forest / Sacramento Mountains, or up in the Valles Caldera. Less likely, he might've been in the Gila National Forest. I'm in the Sacramento Mountains, and yeah, we just got off Ruidoso being on fire to having a brush fire just maybe five miles up the road. This year's been dryer than last year, and that's saying something because last year we were in extreme fire danger for most of the state, for most of the year.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/23/2022 at 1:46 AM, Fonske said:

Sandstorm two days ago, sunny and windy now. Lots of spring blooms 

Here is SW Ohio a sandstorm is probably the only storm we don't get!   

Yesterday, we had our version of a Monsoon that beat down whatever blooms the wind hadn't already ruined.

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We are in that season where it’s different day to day hour to hour.  Wake up to windows frosted shorts by afternoon and torrential downpour by evening. It even hailed a week or so ago. The other days it just dreary overcast. 

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Long Islander here (NY), today it's 60* and just finally starting to get a little sun between the rainclouds that have been lingering this week. It POURED this morning. 

The plants are finally getting a toehold over the cold weather, all of my Hostas are looking perky, the Gladiolus blubs are growing, and the lilacs are blooming in time for Mother's Day this weekend! Still a bit too inconsistent to put new fish or plants in the outdoor pond.

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