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Because of the prices and overall welfare of the fish in my city I decided to order my first additions from AquaHuna 🙂

I was SO impressed with their communication with me and the adjustments (two ivory mystery snails rather than golden) made for me before shipment. My 6 albino corydoras and 2 mystery snails were shipped Monday(3/28) and arrived TODAY (3/30) 😃

Below is a video of my, way over excitement, introduction of the fish to their quarantine tank 😜

So, the little guys will stay in the tank for 24 hrs to become acclimated to the new water parameters and then I will apply the med trio once, wait two weeks, and then insert them in my 29-gallon.

I will put the snails in the tank sooner, but I need to maintain "0" ammonia and nitrites for 24 hours first. I just got in Fritz Zyme from Aquarium Co-Op and applied it to the 29-gallon.

My 10 new plants arrive tomorrow, which I am thrilled about! This is all so new and experimental for me but I am currently enjoying the ride (except for maybe the patience part 😆) and my family still loves me despite my new obsession/hobby ☺️ 

Entry #3 Summary

  • Corydoras & snails arrived today from AquaHuna
  • Acclimation seems to be going well, will quarantine for two weeks
  • 29-gallon still has 0.5 ammonia and 5 nitrite readings 😡
  • New plants arrive tomorrow 

Questions I Have

  1. What do your mystery snails prefer to eat, and if you blanch foods can you tell me how...
  2. If you have any other recommendations for "cycling" my 29-gallon please share. Keep in mind that I am new to the hobby so I do not have other cycled filters or media.



My plants arrived and I have them placed in my 29-gallon now! Below are pictures of the plants and their placement around the ones I already had in my tank.

IMG_9420.jpeg.8bc7a4b96c3d9e2d34bb443325189264.jpeg IMG_9424.jpeg.081d693a15a7fcbe7a9ede20dbcad408.jpeg



Also, what in blue blazes is happening here!! 😧 

All the critters were doing fine and then I applied the med trio around 10:00 AM and come 3:30 PM they scare me half to death by pretending to be dead themselves!


I poked them and they frantically swam back to the bottom and acted normal for a few minutes before they sam their way back to the top. I read that they can play "dead" if they are stressed or feel threatened... I know meds can stress fish so am I correct in placing my blame on the meds? Do you think they will be Ok 😥

Edited by Katie B.
Added an update at the bottom & links to my #1 and #2 Journal entries.
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On 3/30/2022 at 8:41 PM, Katie B. said:


  1. What do your mystery snails prefer to eat, and if you blanch foods can you tell me how...
  2. If you have any other recommendations for "cycling" my 29-gallon please share. Keep in mind that I am new to the hobby so I do not have other cycled filters or media.

I have other kinds of snails that generally eat algae and whatever the fish/shrimp get. Sometimes algae wafers, shrimp tablets, flake foods, dehydrated blood worms. Blanching veggies is super simple, you can google how long to boil various types of veg as some like carrots take longer than others. I also preserve my garden veg by canning, and blanching first is a common step, which is generally where I look for times. Basically just boil enough to soften and then drop in cold/ice water to stop the cooking process. I did this with some carrot peel while making dinner last night and it was a hit in my shrimp/snail/skud tank and for my pleco 🙂

I think short of having an established tank to work with, you're hitting all good ways to get things going - plants, the BB to jumpstart, etc. Be aware that the beneficial bacteria do need something to eat. I'm using some for the first time myself on Friday to jumpstart another tank that is much larger than my nanos, but I'm also adding in all my gravel vac goodness from my other tanks so I'll have even more BB and a food source (mulm).

Glad you had a good experience with AH, which I have as well and use when availability allows and seasonally (I tend to get things from FL and TX in the winter since I'm also in the deep south). Good luck with your new additions - I can't wait to get some cories myself!

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I LOVED your video! It's so awesome to see your families excitement....

The easiest way to cycle an aquarium, IMO, is buying a cocktail shrimp, and letting it rot in your aquarium until you start getting a spike in Ammonia. And don't believe all of the 'it's going to stink!' crowd. I've always done this, and it's never stinky. Once you get an Ammonia reading, you're good and can take it out.

You can put it in a pantyhose, or mesh bag if you don't want it to fall apart all over inside your aquarium. But, I don't put it inside of anything. Your filter will help clean it up.

Edited by Jeff
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On 3/30/2022 at 8:04 PM, Jawjagrrl said:

Be aware that the beneficial bacteria do need something to eat.

What do you feed them?? Thanks so much for all the feedback!

On 3/30/2022 at 8:36 PM, Jeff said:

I LOVED your video! It's so awesome to see your families excitement....

The easiest way to cycle an aquarium, IMO, is buying a cocktail shrimp, and letting it rot in your aquarium until you start getting a spike in Ammonia. And don't believe all of the 'it's going to stink!' crowd. I've always done this, and it's never stinky. Once you get an Ammonia reading, you're good and can take it out.

You can put it in a pantyhose, or mesh bag if you don't want it to fall apart all over inside your aquarium. But, I don't put it inside of anything. Your filter will help clean it up.

Out of all the advice I've been giving for cycling, the cocktail shrimp is a first 😆

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You can’t do the cocktail shrimp with a fish-in cycle, only as a fishless cycle.  Just feeding lightly will eventually get your tank cycled. But for your 29 G without fish yet, it’s a viable option.  The whole point is getting an ammonia spike to trigger growth of the bacteria that convert ammonia to nitrites, then the bacteria that convert nitrites to nitrates (which is the longest step since those bacteria are slower growing).  Whether you use ammonia directly or blind feeding (the shrimp is a massive “blind feeding”), your biofiltration just has to develop with time.

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On 3/30/2022 at 10:17 PM, Katie B. said:

What do you feed them?? Thanks so much for all the feedback!

Out of all the advice I've been giving for cycling, the cocktail shrimp is a first 😆

In my case I am using mulm (basically compost, but in your fish tank) from another tank. in your case perhaps just a little bit of fish food (same idea as the cocktail shrimp, just on a much smaller scale). Irene (Girl Talks Fish) did a whole year of experiments in fishless cycling on her channel (3 parts, well organized) that you might find useful. Joey (King of DIY) did a concise video some time ago on 8 methods to cycle, one of which was the cocktail shrimp. His list was all fishless and several didn't require an established tank.

Cory also did a video on this that has a very different take (though methods are mostly similar) that I really appreciated and i think you would too - easy to get hung up on "the cycle" and not the broader idea of making your tank "alive". This is much easier once you have an established tank - and that gateway to MTS (multiple tank syndrome) 😄 I was feeling like you last summer... now I have 4 nano tanks, a no-tech vessel running, plus a 55 and two 75s in process! You've been warned....

But seriously, this is such a wonderful hobby and one you can enjoy for a lifetime. Get into YT mode and you'll see moving stories everywhere about how fishkeeping has helped people with any number of challenges. Joey and Zenzo both moved me with their stories and I have to say it's helped me a lot too. Cory and Dean hear this from fans at conventions all the time, and I'm grateful for their stories and experiences. I'd love to go to aquashella Dallas this summer to hear Dean speak - definitely check out some of his content on the Coop YT channel when you have a chance. 

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On 3/31/2022 at 9:10 AM, Jawjagrrl said:

In my case I am using mulm (basically compost, but in your fish tank) from another tank. in your case perhaps just a little bit of fish food (same idea as the cocktail shrimp, just on a much smaller scale). Irene (Girl Talks Fish) did a whole year of experiments in fishless cycling on her channel (3 parts, well organized) that you might find useful. Joey (King of DIY) did a concise video some time ago on 8 methods to cycle, one of which was the cocktail shrimp. His list was all fishless and several didn't require an established tank.

Cory also did a video on this that has a very different take (though methods are mostly similar) that I really appreciated and i think you would too - easy to get hung up on "the cycle" and not the broader idea of making your tank "alive". This is much easier once you have an established tank - and that gateway to MTS (multiple tank syndrome) 😄 I was feeling like you last summer... now I have 4 nano tanks, a no-tech vessel running, plus a 55 and two 75s in process! You've been warned....

But seriously, this is such a wonderful hobby and one you can enjoy for a lifetime. Get into YT mode and you'll see moving stories everywhere about how fishkeeping has helped people with any number of challenges. Joey and Zenzo both moved me with their stories and I have to say it's helped me a lot too. Cory and Dean hear this from fans at conventions all the time, and I'm grateful for their stories and experiences. I'd love to go to aquashella Dallas this summer to hear Dean speak - definitely check out some of his content on the Coop YT channel when you have a chance. 

If you make it to Aquashella Dallas, look me up.  I’ll be there!

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On 3/31/2022 at 9:10 AM, Jawjagrrl said:

 I was feeling like you last summer... now I have 4 nano tanks, a no-tech vessel running, plus a 55 and two 75s in process! You've been warned....

I appreciate your feedback! I have watched Irene's and Cory's videos on cycling but I haven't seen the others you mentioned so I will look into them! 😃 (over the past month I have never done so much youtubing in my life and now I am members of 3 channels and can't stop researching all the things 😆)

So, my hangup is that Cory said when you see growth that you can slowly start adding fish. I see lots of growth but still high ammonia and nitrite levels so am I right to avoid adding even hardy fish until those are down??

On 3/31/2022 at 9:18 AM, Odd Duck said:

If you make it to Aquashella Dallas, look me up.  I’ll be there!

I know I would love to go, and would probably make it happen, if I wasn't due to have a baby at the end of July 😆

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On 3/31/2022 at 10:18 AM, Odd Duck said:

If you make it to Aquashella Dallas, look me up.  I’ll be there!

Wearing a name tag with your screenname? 😉 Not a half bad idea, actually, at least if there were some sort of COOP meetup. Patient Spouse gets NERMy over videos with Dean and Cory and their awesome friendship. I did mention last night that Dean would be speaking to see what sort of reaction I'd get. I've never been to an aqua event, but it looks really fun. Reality is travel with 4 dogs, 6 cats, 9 chickens and likely 10 aquariums by July? I've become something of a hermit, but stranger things have happened...

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On 3/31/2022 at 10:20 AM, Katie B. said:

I appreciate your feedback! I have watched Irene's and Cory's videos on cycling but I haven't seen the others you mentioned so I will look into them! 😃 (over the past month I have never done so much youtubing in my life and now I am members of 3 channels and can't stop researching all the things 😆)

So, my hangup is that Cory said when you see growth that you can slowly start adding fish. I see lots of growth but still high ammonia and nitrite levels so am I right to avoid adding even hardy fish until those are down??

I know I would love to go, and would probably make it happen, if I wasn't due to have a baby at the end of July 😆

I would not add any fish until those levels are at zero. The tank is definitely "alive", but not good for most fish yet. Some people will buy feeder fish and sacrifice for the cause, but it's not something I'd consider for humane reasons, plus you run the risk of introducing disease to your setup. The larger the tank, the longer it can take to get there. Which is hard when you're newly NERMy and so excited to dive in! 

Congrats on the upcoming new arrival! I'm sure there will be lots of content from Dallas to enjoy from home while you enjoy your fish and the baby. 🙂 Just curious, what did you teach? A veteran myself.

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On 3/31/2022 at 9:23 AM, Jawjagrrl said:

Wearing a name tag with your screenname? 😉 PS gets NERMy over videos with Dean and Cory and their awesome friendship. I did mention last night that Dean would be speaking to see what sort of reaction I'd get. I've never been to an aqua event, but it looks really fun. Reality is travel with 4 dogs, 6 cats, 9 chickens and likely 10 aquariums by July? I've become something of a hermit, but stranger things have happened...

It does get challenging the more you add.  I’m lucky that it’s local to me.  I might even end up helping out a friend at his table, so chances are I’ll be there through a lot of it.

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On 3/31/2022 at 10:30 AM, Odd Duck said:

It does get challenging the more you add.  I’m lucky that it’s local to me.  I might even end up helping out a friend at his table, so chances are I’ll be there through a lot of it.

when I think of Dean's fishroom and how it functions when he is away, that's a life goal! Great that you are local - I keep hoping organizers would consider Atlanta for an event as it's a great convention location and an easy flight for most people.

...and I just saw you have a laser cory journal 😍 I am supposed to be rinsing gravel and trying to get hard water deposits off that 55 so I can get it set up tomorrow. Maybe just one more cup of coffee and a peek. So you have liquid rock, yes? Any advice getting old deposits off glass? Straight vinegar isn't getting it done and I'm afriad to try anything else. @Katie B. sorry to hijack your thread!

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On 3/31/2022 at 9:29 AM, Jawjagrrl said:

I would not add any fish until those levels are at zero. The tank is definitely "alive", but not good for most fish yet. Some people will buy feeder fish and sacrifice for the cause, but it's not something I'd consider for humane reasons, plus you run the risk of introducing disease to your setup. The larger the tank, the longer it can take to get there. Which is hard when you're newly NERMy and so excited to dive in! 

Congrats on the upcoming new arrival! I'm sure there will be lots of content from Dallas to enjoy from home while you enjoy your fish and the baby. 🙂 Just curious, what did you teach? A veteran myself.

I taught middle school math for 3 years and high school algebra and geometry for 3.5! Yourself??

On 3/31/2022 at 9:36 AM, Jawjagrrl said:

when I think of Dean's fishroom and how it functions when he is away, that's a life goal! Great that you are local - I keep hoping organizers would consider Atlanta for an event as it's a great convention location and an easy flight for most people.

...and I just saw you have a laser cory journal 😍 I am supposed to be rinsing gravel and trying to get hard water deposits off that 55 so I can get it set up tomorrow. Maybe just one more cup of coffee and a peek. So you have liquid rock, yes? Any advice getting old deposits off glass? Straight vinegar isn't getting it done and I'm afriad to try anything else. @Katie B. sorry to hijack your thread!

You’re fine!! That’s what the forum is for, to make connections and get questions answered! You’re in Atlanta?? I have family there! I am in Madison, AL 😃

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On 3/31/2022 at 9:36 AM, Jawjagrrl said:

when I think of Dean's fishroom and how it functions when he is away, that's a life goal! Great that you are local - I keep hoping organizers would consider Atlanta for an event as it's a great convention location and an easy flight for most people.

...and I just saw you have a laser cory journal 😍 I am supposed to be rinsing gravel and trying to get hard water deposits off that 55 so I can get it set up tomorrow. Maybe just one more cup of coffee and a peek. So you have liquid rock, yes? Any advice getting old deposits off glass? Straight vinegar isn't getting it done and I'm afriad to try anything else. @Katie B. sorry to hijack your thread!

I use a razor scraper, then vinegar to get anything remaining.  There will sometimes be a haze that will absolutely not come off no matter what.  I’ve heard people recommend Bar Keeper’s Friend but not which product (it’s whole line) so I haven’t used it myself.  I think it’s probably the MORE spray which says it’s for mineral deposits among other things.  I would rinse like crazy after anything like that, like outdoors and rinse copiously with the hose, level of rinse.

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On 3/31/2022 at 10:37 AM, Katie B. said:

I taught middle school math for 3 years and high school algebra and geometry for 3.5! Yourself??

You’re fine!! That’s what the forum is for, to make connections and get questions answered! You’re in Atlanta?? I have family there! I am in Madison, AL 😃

Anyone teaching middle school deserves a medal! Math courses were some of the toughest Bs I ever earned to the dismay of my engineer father. But it didn't compare to his response when I declared a major in Visual Communication Design at a uni known for Engineering 😐 Years later though I was teaching design and advertising at the Uni level and he was proud of that. And that I was still in love with science then and now. He actually gave me the 55 I am setting up again this weekend back in the 90s. Come to think of it, I should have a memorial fish in his honor!

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On 3/31/2022 at 10:45 AM, Odd Duck said:

I use a razor scraper, then vinegar to get anything remaining.  There will sometimes be a haze that will absolutely not come off no matter what.  I’ve heard people recommend Bar Keeper’s Friend but not which product (it’s whole line) so I haven’t used it myself.  I think it’s probably the MORE spray which says it’s for mineral deposits among other things.  I would rinse like crazy after anything like that, like outdoors and rinse copiously with the hose, level of rinse.

Dang it, I have a hazy spot right up front and center, and the other side has too many scratches from my Mbuna days. I use and swear by Bar Keeper's Friend products, but I don't have that product sadly. Spouse is all, "just use CLR" I was like😬 I already have it outside for hose duty just from the vinegar, but I'm really paranoid about chemical traces of any kind. I was at a building supply yesterday looking at substrate options and then the guy helping me mentioned that the sand is chemically treated but wasn't sure what with. 😞 

Looks like it's razor scraper time for me. So sorry about your cories - I think I saw some on Aquabid, not sure if they were wild caught though. I know I am not ready for that yet even if my current tanks are happy. I did score some plants from there though today, so we'll see how that goes.

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On 3/31/2022 at 10:02 AM, Jawjagrrl said:

Dang it, I have a hazy spot right up front and center, and the other side has too many scratches from my Mbuna days. I use and swear by Bar Keeper's Friend products, but I don't have that product sadly. Spouse is all, "just use CLR" I was like😬 I already have it outside for hose duty just from the vinegar, but I'm really paranoid about chemical traces of any kind. I was at a building supply yesterday looking at substrate options and then the guy helping me mentioned that the sand is chemically treated but wasn't sure what with. 😞 

Looks like it's razor scraper time for me. So sorry about your cories - I think I saw some on Aquabid, not sure if they were wild caught though. I know I am not ready for that yet even if my current tanks are happy. I did score some plants from there though today, so we'll see how that goes.

I think I’ve found a local source raising them, so it’ll be OK.

The Bar Keeper’s Friend MORE spray is citric acid and oxalis acid but it does have surfactant and fragrance.  You could do a vinegar rinse after using it and should be safe enough if vinegar and razor scraper doesn’t get the job done.

I’ve used both Black Diamond Blasting Sand (medium grit) and pool filter sand with no issues.  The black sand takes a little more rinsing, but I can still do the black in 10-15 minutes.  The pool filter sand rinses fast in 5-10 minutes.  I dump half the bag into a 3-5 gallon bucket, put my hose on high, and make quick sand!  The water pressure lets any debris or dust float away as the sand gets fluidized.  It takes very minimal effort to swirl and swish the hose through the sand if you have good water pressure.  You might have to turn it down a bit if you have great water pressure.  Then I repeat the same thing in the bag (or another bucket), drain each, and you’re done and ready to use.  The pool filter sand is usually a medium size, mixed colors, but overall a medium to light tan.  Check the new pic on my 100 G angelfish tank thread.  That’s pool filter sand.

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On 3/31/2022 at 8:17 AM, Odd Duck said:

You can’t do the cocktail shrimp with a fish-in cycle, only as a fishless cycle.  Just feeding lightly will eventually get your tank cycled. But for your 29 G without fish yet, it’s a viable option.  The whole point is getting an ammonia spike to trigger growth of the bacteria that convert ammonia to nitrites, then the bacteria that convert nitrites to nitrates (which is the longest step since those bacteria are slower growing).  Whether you use ammonia directly or blind feeding (the shrimp is a massive “blind feeding”), your biofiltration just has to develop with time.

Agree. It was my understanding that the tank would be empty. If this isn't the case, then I misunderstood. 

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On 3/31/2022 at 11:04 AM, Jeff said:

Agree. It was my understanding that the tank would be empty. If this isn't the case, then I misunderstood. 

You are correct, I’m pretty sure the main tank is fishless now.  I’m pretty certain she is talking about 2 different tanks.  Her 29 G is fishless at this stage.  She has the new fish in a QT tank.  Please correct me if I’m wrong @Katie B..

I only mentioned it to clarify since it wasn’t obvious to me and I had to go back and re-read sections to find that info.  I wanted it to be clear to anyone catching up on the posts without them having to back track and re-read the thread.

Edited by Odd Duck
Correct tag applied.
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On 3/31/2022 at 12:15 PM, Odd Duck said:

You are correct, I’m pretty sure the main tank is fishless now.  I’m pretty certain she is talking about 2 different tanks.  Her 29 G is fishless at this stage.  She has the new fish in a QT tank.  Please correct me if I’m wrong @Jawjagrrl.

I only mentioned it to clarify since it wasn’t obvious to me and I had to go back and re-read sections to find that info.  I wanted it to be clear to anyone catching up on the posts without them having to back track and re-read the thread.

Yes, that's my understanding- a qt tank and a fish less 29. Sorry we sidetracked so much. I guess since the QT tank is likely medicated it isn't a good option to seed from @Odd Duck? I rarely have ever used meds and can't speak to this.

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On 3/31/2022 at 11:26 AM, Jawjagrrl said:

Yes, that's my understanding- a qt tank and a fish less 29. Sorry we sidetracked so much. I guess since the QT tank is likely medicated it isn't a good option to seed from @Odd Duck? I rarely have ever used meds and can't speak to this.

Sorry about the wrong tag.  You are correct, meds tend to negate some/most(?) of the benefits from trying to transfer BB’s from any biofiltration media.  It’s not exactly been studied well on how much the various meds set back the biofiltration.  It’s known to do so, but how long it takes to recover would likely depend on the med, dosing, etc, so lots of variables.

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On 3/31/2022 at 11:43 AM, Odd Duck said:

I think I’ve found a local source raising them, so it’ll be OK.

The Bar Keeper’s Friend MORE spray is citric acid and oxalis acid but it does have surfactant and fragrance.  You could do a vinegar rinse after using it and should be safe enough if vinegar and razor scraper doesn’t get the job done.

I’ve used both Black Diamond Blasting Sand (medium grit) and pool filter sand with no issues.  The black sand takes a little more rinsing, but I can still do the black in 10-15 minutes.  The pool filter sand rinses fast in 5-10 minutes.  I dump half the bag into a 3-5 gallon bucket, put my hose on high, and make quick sand!  The water pressure lets any debris or dust float away as the sand gets fluidized.  It takes very minimal effort to swirl and swish the hose through the sand if you have good water pressure.  You might have to turn it down a bit if you have great water pressure.  Then I repeat the same thing in the bag (or another bucket), drain each, and you’re done and ready to use.  The pool filter sand is usually a medium size, mixed colors, but overall a medium to light tan.  Check the new pic on my 100 G angelfish tank thread.  That’s pool filter sand.

I'm likely going to screen cap a bit of this good info and move to the 55d journal, but wanted to thank you for the good info here before distracting @Katie B. with any more off topic  discussion. My spouse makes furniture and often uses oxalic acid to remove mineral staining from steam bent wood, so I'll add that to the list of options if needed. I have citric acid on hand also for DIY co2. 

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I feed my mystery snails mostly Hikari Crab Cuisine; it has calcium in it, and you can USUALLY get it right here in town at the Madison Petco (I just went to get more on Tues and they were out, unfortunately. Going to look again next week). I also feed them Repashy Soilent Green, which I typically order from the Co Op. 

My suggestion for cycling (beyond keeping filter media in established tanks for the set up of future aquariums 😉 ), is you can buy plants from local stores to try to seed your tank with any bacteria that might hitch a ride. Beyond that it's just patience. 

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On 3/31/2022 at 12:49 PM, H.K.Luterman said:

My suggestion for cycling (beyond keeping filter media in established tanks for the set up of future aquariums 😉 ), is you can buy plants from local stores to try to seed your tank with any bacteria that might hitch a ride. Beyond that it's just patience. 

Any thoughts on how long someone might have to get purchased plants into the new tank to benefit this way? I don't have a good idea on how long the BB survive in the instance and ai suspect it would be helpful for Katie and others starting up a first tank at home.

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On 3/31/2022 at 11:53 AM, Jawjagrrl said:

Any thoughts on how long someone might have to get purchased plants into the new tank to benefit this way? I don't have a good idea on how long the BB survive in the instance and ai suspect it would be helpful for Katie and others starting up a first tank at home.

It'd have to be right away, I think. I've done this by purchasing plants (with duckweed on them) from a Pet Supplies Plus that is just around the corner from my house. I don't actually know if it helped, but it SEEMED to make the nitrite spike phase go faster. Just anecdotal evidence, I suppose. But I have heard others recommending doing similar things - buying rocks or ornaments from petstore tanks to try to get the bacteria. More plants certainly won't hurt, at any rate!

Also that's how I got my duckweed infestation. 😉

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