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what's your favorite time with your fish?

scott the fishman

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Hi guys just was curious as what's your favorite time/ thing to do with your water box? for me its morning time i get up three hours before i head off for work. just so i can watch my fish and yes i count each and every one of them. it gives my time to observe any odd behavior. and look over all my plants. i often catch myself saying how fortunate iam to have such a thing in my life. and this morning i cant believe how clear my water is. i took a pic of it just now with low light and the moon setting. hope you enjoy the pics and have a great day.

sorry for the bad pics i only have my i-phone.








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I flip my strip lights up to hit my pothos first thing in the morning and in the evening just after feeding my corys and plecos. All my fish know no food yet or no more food so no begging. This is the time they have the most natural behavior and display mating etc. this is my enjoy time. Lights on means working in some fashion on the maintenance of the tank or making a list of need to dos. Flipped lights are pure watch and enjoy. 🥰

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On 2/21/2022 at 9:15 AM, Guppysnail said:

I flip my strip lights up to hit my pothos first thing in the morning and in the evening just after feeding my corys and plecos. All my fish know no food yet or no more food so no begging. This is the time they have the most natural behavior and display mating etc. this is my enjoy time. Lights on means working in some fashion on the maintenance of the tank or making a list of need to dos. Flipped lights are pure watch and enjoy. 🥰

thats very interesting i need to try that! i always thought the fish needed the light on to imitate the daytime. i think when the sun gets higher in the sky i will turn my leds up at the pothose and watch them take off. thank you friend for the insight😊

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On 2/21/2022 at 12:22 PM, scott the fishman said:

thats very interesting i need to try that! i always thought the fish needed the light on to imitate the daytime. i think when the sun gets higher in the sky i will turn my leds up at the pothose and watch them take off. thank you friend for the insight😊

Depends on the fish. My cpd do this at first sunlight in the morning corys and pleco evening after sundown but room light from lights being flipped. I do siestas as well in the afternoon when sun hits the tanks  and get to see more natural behavior as well. 

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On 2/21/2022 at 9:25 AM, Guppysnail said:

Depends on the fish. My cpd do this at first sunlight in the morning corys and pleco evening after sundown but room light from lights being flipped. I do siestas as well in the afternoon when sun hits the tanks  and get to see more natural behavior as well. 

I LIKE THAT IDEA !! thank you.

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One of my favorite times is actually hiding and watching my tank from afar, as odd as that sounds. I have pea puffers who are like water dogs so if I get anywhere even remotely close to the tank, they start saying hello and begging for food. Skulking around is the only way I can see them shoal and act natural. Ha! But I do love when they greet me and follow my fingers as well. Little cuties. 

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I love to get up and watch my fish in the early morning. I go out to the 75 around 6, watch everyone before the sunlight makes it's way through the slider into the 20g fry tank and then into the 75g. The harlequins love to play in the sunlight and they're so bright silver in the sun, it's unreal. After the sun passes I turn the lights on and feed everyone. At this time I look for illness, count everyone, then I sit and watch until my son wants food. Lol.

I also love to watch my fish in the evening on the weekend, glass of good spirit and just post up in front of each tank for a while.


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On 2/21/2022 at 9:36 AM, Minanora said:

I love to get up and watch my fish in the early morning. I go out to the 75 around 6, watch everyone before the sunlight makes it's way through the slider into the 20g fry tank and then into the 75g. The harlequins love to play in the sunlight and they're so bright silver in the sun, it's unreal. After the sun passes I turn the lights on and feed everyone. At this time I look for illness, count everyone, then I sit and watch until my son wants food. Lol.

I also love to watch my fish in the evening on the weekend, glass of good spirit and just post up in front of each tank for a while.


I feel you man its sooo therapeutic! i can just see those harlequins silver streaks dashing in and out of the rays of sunshine. glad i am not the only one to count my fish.

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On 2/21/2022 at 9:36 AM, Fish Folk said:

Oh boy! I love feeding time, morning and evening. I also do water changes, Fri, Sat, Sun — between different tanks.

But I sometimes “creep” on them after lights out. Wanna see?? 😁

Here’s some while-you-were-sleeping fish photos…




the top pic is very peaceful! they sleep like horses in a tight safety group. beautiful fish. and yeah who doesnt like feeding time.

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On 2/21/2022 at 3:39 PM, Flumpweesel said:

I like feeding time is my favourite time. I sit next to time tank in the evenings so it's only after they have been fed they start ignoring me and getting back to doing their own thing. 


On 2/21/2022 at 3:39 PM, Flumpweesel said:

I like feeding time is my favourite time. I sit next to time tank in the evenings so it's only after they have been fed they start ignoring me and getting back to doing their own thing. 

that sounds peaceful! 

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My favorite time is first thing in the morning, if I wake up before the lights come on, and I watch the fish sleep... then start to wake up and explore. 

My other favorite time is in the evening, when the red lights signal it's time for humans, dogs, fish and inverts to go to sleep. 


Bedroom tank above, living room tank below. Sadly, camera doesn't have the bandwidth to render the view as seen in person...


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On 2/21/2022 at 7:30 PM, Wrencher_Scott said:

For me it's when I feed my Discus and GBRs frozen (thawed) blood worms. They get so excited when I walk up to the tank with the little dropper and cup in my hand. 

Those guys seem to have good eyes and can see the my worm cup thing in my hand when I walk up!



sounds like its also your fish favorite time with their human 😉

On 2/21/2022 at 9:00 PM, H.K.Luterman said:

After dinner, when all the tank lights are on. If I'm just hanging out and watching movies or Youtube, I'll often just listen to what's on while I'm watching the fish. 

Ido that to listen to music on YouTube while watching my fish.

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When I can't sleep at night, which is far too often, I like to go and watch the tank for a bit. One of those times is when I caught my first fry. After 4 months of no success with breeding my guppy, I somehow bred a panda cory without trying. Hopefully he's still alive in there as, expectantly, I haven't seen him in about a week now. That night the excitement of seeing the fry made it harder, not easier, to fall asleep. The tank did its opposite job!!

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On 2/21/2022 at 9:26 PM, Cinnebuns said:

When I can't sleep at night, which is far too often, I like to go and watch the tank for a bit. One of those times is when I caught my first fry. After 4 months of no success with breeding my guppy, I somehow bred a panda cory without trying. Hopefully he's still alive in there as, expectantly, I haven't seen him in about a week now. That night the excitement of seeing the fry made it harder, not easier, to fall asleep. The tank did its opposite job!!

i am with you on that one. when i can't sleep i dont count sheep i sit in front of my tank and count fish just to make sure they're all there and safe. i think if i saw fry i would be so amazed that i too would be up for hours 😊

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On 2/22/2022 at 6:59 AM, sairving said:

My tank sits right next to my bed. My favorite time to watch it is when the light starts ramping up in the morning. I can wake up, watch my betta, and snuggle the cat. 

And last thing at night, is drift off to sleep to the red glow..


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My favorite tank time is between 9 and 11 pm when the light cycle's winding down.

@ 9 pm it's the lowest setting of the red and green led's together fading to black at midnight. The plants look super intense and the serpae tetras' red is beyond amazing. They just swim around, the black neons loosely school, the serpae mess about in the gravel, and the white skirts try to hold the area in the center at the largest stone. The black neons look coolest in the dim light. A 55 full o' tetras was the right choice for my first tank.

There are 13 black neons and 8 serpae along with three white skirts right now. I'm going to add another dozen, was down to either more black neons or glow lights. I'm pretty sure it's going to be glow lights.

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Favorite times are:

When early morning sunlight  briefly hits the planted 29.  The natural lighting and shadows are just more realistic.

Late afternoon when the sun hits the TFBs.  Again, the light is natural. Their color is more intense, and they are called Tinfoil for good reason.

Evening as the lights go out. The aquariums timers are set to shut down at different times so the room gradually goes dark.  The DIY lights on the 29 shut off in 3 stages. As the tank goes dim, the fish follow the light across the tank.  Seems to have a calming effect (on me)

Favorite things to do:

Feeding the TFBs. They follow me as I move around the room, and form a fishy mosh pit when I open the lid to feed them.

Watching the fishcam as I type this response.  Fishy business is completely different when I'm not in the room.

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