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Mystery Fry


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Hello all! I have been cycling my fishless 10 gallon for about a month now, and it's been teeming with microfauna! I recently saw some movement in the water column and realized I had a couple fish fry! I haven't had any fish outside of a few nerite snails, and suddenly these fish appear! I'll be growing these out no matter what out of my sheer curiosity, because this has never happened in my time fishkeeping. Here's a photo of it if anyone can give me an idea as to what it might be:


Really looking forward to seeing these babies grow up!

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On 12/9/2021 at 2:17 PM, PedroPete said:

Did you add live plants from another tank? For example, ricefish could attach their eggs to moss in another tank, and then you move the moss to your tank, and - voila - mystery fry 🙂 Very cool! Keep us updated.

I have! The only fish that I suspect could produce the fry in my tanks would be harlequin rasboras, panda garras, or guppies/platies. This doesn't look like guppy fry to me and I believe the Rasboras are egg scatterers and the panda garras are extremely hard to breed in captivity.

On 12/9/2021 at 3:21 PM, Colu said:

Rice fish and zebra danio are egg are commonly bought in on plants I would say it looks like a rice fish fry 

I would love to grow out some rice fish! There is an extremely, extremely minute chance it could be giant danio fry but I have them in with four predatory fish and it was a small clipping of Anubias nana petite😛 

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On 12/10/2021 at 4:02 PM, Odd Duck said:

Sometimes a video could help identify fry by the way they move.  At least as far as putting them into a group/type even if not down to species yet.

Is there any way to embed a video? I have one, I just can't get Imgur to work on my computer unfortunately

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another low-quality photo update! They've grown so much in the past two weeks already:IMG_5228.jpg.46a51863c5571d4782f5001c965de814.jpgI'm thinking that these could be Harlequin Rasboras, but I think it'd be cool if they were a different fish species! They're still feasting on the infusoria, sadly got exposed to covid so I'm stuck at home for the next few days, probably gonna try my hand at baby brine shrimp once I have free time, not taking F/T tubifex worms or flake food unfortunately.

Will continue to post updates! 😊

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