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New here, full beginner looking to learn before doing anything


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Hello everyone !

Long time dream for me, I've finally decided to let myself start an aquarium !

My project is to get a 29 gallon tank with the following fish :

- 1 Pearl Gourami
- 10 Celestial Pearl Danio
- 7 Black Phantom Tetra
- 4 Emerald Green Cory

I'm currently researching a lot and learning a lot before making any moves / before buying anything, I've used AqAdvisor to check the stock level and the water parameter compatibility of all those fishes and I am now researching any contraindication that could exist between the fishes I've chosen.

I'll be happy to read you all and to read any tips you could have for me !

Bye !

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Welcome. I’m looking forward to reading about your journey. Like others said live plants are beneficial to aquariums and make things easier. They also smooth out bumps in the road. They eat up excess ammonia and nitrogen keeping your fish safer. There are many very easy beginner plants that you just drop in the tank. No need to get overwhelmed learning to care for harder plants in the beginning. Best of luck. 

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Hello everyone !

Thanks a lot for your warm welcome !

Plants are absolutely in my list of thing to take a look at, first I was thinking about getting plastic plants but the more I think about it and the more I lean toward trying to get live plants going.

I'll get a journal going too and try to ask my questions as they come while I'm trying to figure out all the things I need to know and think about my tank !

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Welcome to a great forum-knowledgable and helpful folks here.  My best advice to you is to test your water frequently (daily) to make sure your tank is completely cycled before adding your new fish! There will be times when you think it's cycled and then a day or two later your numbers will be all out of wack again. I might be a little crazy, but I waited for my water parameters to be stable for a few weeks before adding fish-and then add them slowly-don't add your entire list all at once.


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Welcome.  Since you asked, I'd skip the CPD's and get at least there pearl gouramis instead of just one, ideally with females outnumbering males.  While they aren't shoaling fish like tetras, danios, etc, most gouramis are social fish (with dwarf gouramis being a notable exception), and seem to do better in groups instead of solo.

And I know whereof I speak.  I have eight of them in a 40 gallon breeder tank, and if it wasn't already so heavily stocked I might add more.  They're one of my favorite fish.

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