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Black light fish, not glolight ?


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I have a project in my head I’ll be starting in a week or so and it’s gonna be based around black light. I’m not a fan of glolight fish and was wondering what else would stand out in a black light? 
has anyone kept other fish under black light that really stood out? Or what kind would you suggest? Would need to be something fairly common, I wouldn’t be able to afford anything rare. It will be 10G, bare bottom, no plants, and viewed at an upwards angle so bottom dwellers not needed.

ive thought of glowlight tetra, ivory mystery snails, and maybe sailfin guppy if I could find the right color.

disclaimer: I have not researched yet long term exposure to black light for fish. It won’t always be on black light if it’s harmful in any way.

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On 10/28/2021 at 9:45 AM, Guppysnail said:

Guppies need lots of light for proper spinal development and health. I’m not certain a black light would fill that need. It sounds like an interesting project looking forward to see what you come up with 

This is what I was thinking for most fish right? But I’m not really concerned it needs to be black light all the time because what I have planned will be fine in any light i believe. Just want the fish to shine when I do turn it on.

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Dangit! Now I'm going to have to buy a black light just so I can see who glows and who don't. I'll bet more do than we think. I remember how much fun black lights were at dances and whatnot... a long time ago. I'm thinking tank light off, room lights off and black lights for a few minutes of fun watching before bed, you too?

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Ok you were killing me with this one. I only have a tiny flashlight black light not very bright or powerful. I use it when cleaning the cat boxes to know if there was any overspray. Either none of my fish glow or it’s not powerful enough.  But it turns my plants all really red. Not a great pickup on video though. 



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On 10/28/2021 at 9:21 PM, Ken said:

I'm thinking tank light off, room lights off and black lights for a few minutes of fun watching before bed, you too?

Yes exactly, not wanting like a glolight tank but I need the fish to look good when I decide to turn it on. I seen at the box store they sell lights that turn colors (more than white or blue) now and black light is an option.

On 10/28/2021 at 9:27 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

White fish. I mean c'mon white always glowed in a blacklight

That’s what I’m thinking or translucent (glowlight tetra)


On 10/28/2021 at 9:38 PM, Guppysnail said:

Either none of my fish glow or it’s not powerful enough

Thank you for trying! That’s what I need if anyone has found something that works by using an old glofish set up or something. I know it’s a weird question but I can’t go buy 1 of each and see what works. Maybe I can go to LFS “ummm I’m gonna need you to shut the lights off please”🤪🤣😂


what got this started in my head was looking through the thread “what’s your favorite tetra?” And I saw @Colu post a pic of redline lizard tetra ( to big to expensive) and this idea for a themed tank hit me like a brick. Also seen Congo (to big) and ember (maybe) tetra posted by @Fonske. Then the one I must have even if not for this, @Fish Folk posted… if you seen the thread you know what I’m gonna say the hummingbird tetra ($7-$9 a piece high but not real bad, but seems to be impossible to find in stock)

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In the days before LED lighting didn't we add a blue tube to the tanks to make the fish "glow"  Most fish will have elements on them that will glow but I am not sure what is best for a black light only viewing 

I was at LFS that had a set quite a high blue setting on a light and the fish in looked like they were out lined in white.  ( sorry I can't remember what they where if I go back soon I will take a picture) 

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I 've done this in the past and again just now with black lights only. I have several 18" black lights. The black lights highlight things you don't want to see, and turn the water murky.  The single blue glow fish is barely visible.  Unfortunately all of my shop lights have been converted to LEDs so I can't try the 48" tube.

The 18" black/white/blue? lights  used on bug zappers are a slight improvement because there is enough light to see what is in the tank, and still get some of the black light effect.   Somewhere in the future, I will try growing plants with these lights.

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Well I just did this inadvertently! I just stocked a 20 gallon with albino Cory’s and glolight tetras. I’m not a big fan of the glofish, but I like the idea of seeing them under blue light. The tank itself is ugly. I haven’t really put much as far as decorations in there and it’s a bare bottom (for now). That’s another story. BUT! I’m hoping to get some more natural decorations in there and more plants. This is a great idea. I can’t wait to see it! 

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On 10/29/2021 at 7:55 AM, Flumpweesel said:

Most fish will have elements on them that will glow but I am not sure what is best for a black light only viewing 

I think this as well I might have to just try a couple different breeds I already have and go from there

On 10/29/2021 at 10:26 AM, Tanked said:

The black lights highlight things you don't want to see, and turn the water murky. 

I was/ am worried about this probably shows every tiny micro particle. 😬


On 10/29/2021 at 11:15 AM, Marcy said:

Well I just did this inadvertently! I just stocked a 20 gallon with albino Cory’

I will most certainly have one of these in there I’m sure he stands out fairly well.


Am I just wrong I thought all the glolight tank set up especially the ones sold as a combo kit were black light. I didn’t know it was just blue light. Never was interested so never thought to much about it.

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On 10/29/2021 at 12:55 PM, Flumpweesel said:

was at LFS that had a set quite a high blue setting on a light and the fish in looked like they were out lined in white.  ( sorry I can't remember what they where if I go back soon I will take a picture) 

Just realised that they were Congo tetras. 

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On 11/4/2021 at 9:18 AM, Flumpweesel said:

Just realised that they were Congo tetras. 

I’m thinking of getting these but not for this tank it’s only gonna be 10G . Anything in here will need to be much smaller, im wanting 10-12 fish. Im almost certain im gonna use chili rasbora. Or maybe go with rummynose tetra because if they don’t work I’ll just add to my shoal.

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