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Glo Fish Bettas - are these new to the hobby?


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I was in the dog aisle at my grocery store today looking for a bone for our dog, and my son went to go look at the fish. He came back to me, and said "they have a Glo Fish Betta!" Of course I said, "I don't think that's a thing, are you sure you read it correctly?" He went back again to look and confirmed by bringing me over there.

Sure enough. Has anyone else seen these before? I haven't.



Edited by Jeff
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i saw a rack of them like this a few months ago, except they were under blacklight.. one of them was insanely cool though, he was huge (or seemed) and looked like an alien with his glowing pupils!


the temptation was strong..

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On 7/5/2021 at 2:59 PM, Jeff said:

I was in the dog aisle at my grocery store today looking for a bone for our dog, and my son went to go look at the fish. He came back to me, and said "they have a Glo Fish Betta!" Of course I said, "I don't think that's a thing, are you sure you read it correctly?" He went back again to look and confirmed by bringing me over there.

Sure enough. Has anyone else seen these before? I haven't.



I don't know how long they've been around, but I know I have seen them in the chain stores for a while. They always look super unhealthy though.

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I think glo-bettas came onto the market around 2 years ago, but some places still don’t stock them - and I second Johnny in that they’re said to be very fragile like all other glofish, at least compared to their regular counterparts

Edited by Bobbie
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On 7/5/2021 at 4:14 PM, Bobbie said:

I think glo-bettas came onto the market around 2 years ago, but some places still don’t stock them - and I second Johnny in that they’re said to be very fragile like all other glofish, at least compared to their regular counterparts

Interesting. Maybe they're finally coming onto the scene here in MI..haha. 


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I'm seeing and want to call out that @xXInkedPhoenixX is using a feeding ring for their Glofish - pro move on multiple levels.

I've seen multiple posts on different Internet forums where caretakers have expressed that their Glofish Betta's have vision issues (especially in bright "white" light) and surmised that it's related to the pigment manipulation.  This is with *some* Glofish,  not all.  Said owners have said that their fish are leading happy lives BUT need help locating food with something like a feeding ring,  so I would strongly consider picking one up along with a Glofish Betta if you choose to get one.

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On 7/5/2021 at 2:59 PM, Jeff said:

I was in the dog aisle at my grocery store today looking for a bone for our dog, and my son went to go look at the fish. He came back to me, and said "they have a Glo Fish Betta!" Of course I said, "I don't think that's a thing, are you sure you read it correctly?" He went back again to look and confirmed by bringing me over there.

Sure enough. Has anyone else seen these before? I haven't.



I have seen them at Petsmart for a couple of years.  They really are cute, I have a huge soft spot and love for bettas!!  Do you keep bettas or is this your first.

 I second the eye issues could become problematic.  I would start to train her now on how to take food pellets off your finger, to come when you call her or have a sound like a whistle when you’re ready to feed her.  I know it sounds crazy but I’ve kept bettas for years and most are very trainable and obviously love to eat.  

if you get her into a feeding routine now, if she does develop any vision issues, you’ll both be ahead of the game.  Let’s hope she doesn’t though but IMO, it’s really fun to train bettas because with repetition, they will catch on, especially when it’s related to food.  As a side note, they love variety if you can add some frozen food to his diet too if you haven’t already.  They love variety,  sorry if this is old news to you.  I’ve just heard about the potential eye issues with the glo-fish and dragon scale bettas.  


She is super pretty!!  

Edited by Lauren A
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@NanoNano @Lauren A I have heard some concern over their vision and wondered that too. SO FAR, Spark has excellent vision, in fact, her glowing green eyes are even easier to follow where she is spotting things than my previous Bettas. I have been finger training her and hoop training her and she does very well following along. I hope she maintains her vision. I use feeding rings in all my tanks simply because if I didn't the aggitation (even as low as it is in her tank) would send most of the food to the bottom of the tank. It's also beneficial because ALL my fish know where to go when it's feeding time. Spark (my GloBetta) likes the attention of getting fed by hand though, so a lot of the time I'm finger feeding her, then I put my finger and the rest of her food over in the feeding ring and she goes over to the corner and finishes her food. However, repetition of this sort will only help her in the future if indeed her vision diminishes over time. 

Like all my fish she is getting a variety, specialty Betta Bug Bites, freeze dried Tubifex, frozen blood worms, community flakes, and I'm starting to try Repashy- so far she's mostly spit that out. Ha! 


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@xXInkedPhoenixXOh my goodness, Spark sounds so precious and fun!  And those eyes are absolutely gorgeous, and her coloring is amazing.  She’s a beautiful gal and lucky to have you.  

I have to look up Repashy - I haven’t heard of it.  I usually also do frozen daphnia a couple times a week to keep my boys from getting constipated.  You already know all this I’m sure since you’ve owned bettas.  How cute that she spits the repashy out though.  😂 


I will keep my eyes out for your posts.  I’m curious if her coloring changes as she grows. Anyway, congrats on your new baby gal!!  Hope you have a nice night!

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@Lauren A Repashy is new for us too, since I'm not a club/member of Aquarium Co-op I thought I should at least order some things from them. I hear people talking about Repashy gel food all the time so I thought we would try it with my fish. I got the Community Plus and Super Green, we are only in the experimental phases with it in my house. 🙂 And yes I gave her just a little bit today and she would take it in and spit it out, then take it in and spit it out- I'm not sure she ate any of it but she was sure tasting it- apparently not to her liking so far- but we'll try again. 

I am curious about her coloring too- and her eyes. So I'll be sure to post here and there about her. I did start a post of her training. I'll be posting more as she progresses, just not videos all the time. She is the first Betta I've owned that shows any interest in it- and an excessive amount of interest in me- she always comes to the front when I'm around. I give her as much attention as I am able. 



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They've been around for awhile. The thing that bugs me about these fish is that they didn't select the best Bettas to start this line. They all seem like regular veil tails that anyone can get for a few bucks at any petshop. If you're gonna gmo an animal might as well start it from a high pedigree. 

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@xXInkedPhoenixXAww that’s so sweet!  Thank you for sharing her training journal.  That’s such a good idea.   I’m going to check it out.  


It’s so cute how bettas have such fun and funny personalities!   Do you have her housed with any other lil critters?  If so, how is that going?  My betta Buddy is SO aggressive but I was able to introduce a couple of horned nerites to his tank a few days ago and he’s been a good boy.  I had trouble with him and a mystery snail a few months back (he bit her antennas off - possibly an eye) so I’ve been holding my breath for a couple days but so far so good!  I know females are usually more docile.  

i hope you’re having a nice day!  Lauren

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Hi  @Lauren A Thanks, it's been fun to interact with her more than I've ever been able to with other fish- she just really seems to enjoy it. Today after feediing I played with her, finger in the tank, she likes to dance around and lets me touch her- no fear. She constantly seems to want my attention.

I've been considering a bigger tank than her current 3 gallon which wouldn't hold much as far as companions. While small it is totally stable and safe- temps are perfect without a heater- if she were any other betta I've had I'd leave her there- but because she's SO interactive I'm thinking about getting a bigger tank. I have some bladder snails (which I think she eats the eggs and possibly the smaller babies which is good- population control) and added a small Nerite ("Curlyque") a couple weeks ago- she's interested but I think she's not harmed the snail as far as I can tell she's (the snail leaves eggs everywhere aka "twinkle lights" in my house everywhere) intact and still cleaning the tank. I wouldn't add a mystery snail to a betta tank, because like you, I had a betta that was FAR too interested in the antennae thankfully I was able to stop any attacks. I feed my girl now far too many worms so I will have to continue that policy. 

My only concern in getting a bigger tank is that BECAUSE she has 0 fear and approaches the front of the tank and her food confidently (some could say aggressively) that she might not play well with other fish. If I go with this plan, I have my baby Otos still so I will put some of those in first, hopefully she'll react positively- I may even add a couple/few to the 3 gallon and see her reaction. Then if all goes well I'd get a few mid water dwellers, I have a preference for Rasboras as they seem a super peaceful species. 

Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
Typos are lame
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