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  1. I recently got a used 46 gallon bow front in need of some TLC. My husband and I cleaned it, and we peeled the existing silicone off because it was in rough shape and really needed it. We're going to reseal it tonight, but I'm a bit confused on when it will be safe to fill it with water and add my fish. I've read a bunch of different periods of time: 24hrs, 48hrs, a week, 10 days, and 15 days. How long does it take to fully cure to the point where it's safe to fill it, scape it, and add fish?
  2. As I’m preparing to get another tank there’s a small possibility I’ll buy a used one, depending on my budget. What would be some important questions to ask to make sure I’m getting a good tank?
  3. What is the best method to clean a used tank before its ready for fish
  4. Last night I brought home a 220 gallon tank and stand that someone was selling for stupid cheap. Right now it's sitting in my garage full of water to make sure there's no leaks. We're going to be doing a facelift on the stand to pretty it up. This is my first time buying a 2nd hand tank so my first question is, how long should I leave it filled up before I can be reasonably sure that the seals are good? My biggest tank now is 90 gallons that I have running with HOBs. I've never dealt with canisters or sumps. The 220 did come with a sump tank but it looks dicey (cracked rims) and I'm not really sure I want to go down the sump path. So I have a couple of questions here. What filtration should I be looking at? I'm not entirely sure what we're going to put in the tank. Right now I have a common pleco that will definitely be going in. I'm leaning towards an oscar and some blood parrots but that might change. We are certain we want to put big fish into it though. I would love to get away with something cheap like sponge filters but I don't know if that's going to cut it. I'm thinking an FX6 would be able to handle whatever I want to put in there but this is new territory for me. The tank has 2 bulkheads in the upper right corner. They have cut off pieces of PVC glued into them. I imagine getting those pieces of PVC out of bulkheads is going to be hard so we're considering removing them completely and replacing them. I don't think I'm going to use them so we'll probably just install new bulkheads and cap them. Is that the best way to go about it?
  5. This showed up in our local FB market place. 30 gallon breeders with slate bottoms and steel frame. I'm not really interested... but I am curious. How old is this thing? When was the shiny steel tank siding popular? Would this've been a store thing, a breeder thing, both? Share your funky tanks and funky tank stories. Anyone got one of those headboard tanks? A DIY coffee table tank? Or just some crazy Craigslist posts.
  6. Here are some pictures of my latest project. It is a 60 gallon tank that I got off Facebook Market Place for $20, plus a the cost of food at Buckee's for my buddy who drove his truck to pick it up. It came with a Fluval heater, air pump, AquaClear 110, the lights, and a whole bunch of other mics. stuff. Out of all that I only plan on using the tank, stand, and lights for this project, but everything else useful will be used for other projects. This is a screen shot of what the tank looked like when it was listed. After I got it home I leak checked everything and once that was done I drained it down some and started to clean it up. This is a picture of it after I did the first good scrub on it. Here is a picture of the tank as I was just checking to see how it would look along this wall. There used to be a small table here, so I think its going to fit perfect. This is where I am going to leave off for this post. As I get further along I'll continue with updates. I am going to go hunting for some driftwood and rocks tomorrow, but I think I am going to go for a stream-is look with a bunch (50+) of a community fish as well as everything else. Maybe a White Fin Minnow, but who knows.
  7. So around 10 years ago I suffered a catastrophic tank failure with a 75g. The tempered glass bottom broke. The tank was an Aqueon and I managed to get a warranty replacement tank and stand. Coincidentally, I was moving out of my parents home and I was not in a position to use the tank for these past 10 years. Hence the new tank has been sitting empty (never touched water) in a climate controlled room for the past 10 years. Now I am in a position to set it up again. What do people think about using this tank? Any potential issues with the seals? I also have some PTSD from the failure and wondering if I should risk a glass tank at all. All thoughts appreciated.
  8. Cleaning my old acrylic tank. Stuff on the inside is coming off well with a microfiber cloth, water, and a gentle touch. On the exterior, twenty year old scotch tape that held my background is proving itself a bear to get off. After googling, I tried some WD40 on the tape near the bottom of the tank - below the substrate level - with some success. And I didn't observe any harm to the acrylic. Removing the tape near the top of the tank has been a slow slog. I tried using my hairdryer and the edge of a credit card - and I imagine that I will get there eventually - but I thought I would ask the community for recommendations. Thanks, Bill
  9. I’m trying to remove hard water deposits from a used 75 gallon tank I’ve tried a magic eraser a scotch bright pad and a plastic ice scraper and tried scrubbing with vinegar and filling the tank and scrubbing and soaking none seem to work good does anybody have any good fish safe removal methods?
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