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  1. So, I've been looking into upgrading from my 72g to a 100 or 125g for a few years. I essentially begin by trying to plan how I will process this endeavor and I just end up stop planning and forget about it. Does anyone have any good tips for something like this? My process begins with: Using 4 buckets to separate the Plecos, then Use my 32gal Trash-bin (I sometimes use to prep water) to hold the rest of my stock and what's left of the 72gal water. Connect my cannister to the trash-bin to keep it cycling while I work. Use another bucket or 3 scooping out my substrate and plants. Removing 72g from its stand, replacing with the upgrade. Filling in with old substrate and additional, then re-plant. Fill the new aquarium about 1/3rd with old tank water. Re-introduce the fish, and fill the rest of the aquarium with fresh tempered water and conditioner. I would definitely use some Seachem Stability during this process. Does this plan read like it could work? Or is it too much of a risk to the fish and possibly crash my beneficial bacteria? I've been planning to purchase a larger home within the next year or two, so even if I don't upgrade, I will need to transport my aquarium to a new location anyway. That will bring a whole new set of variables as-well including water quality.
  2. Got a new 40 Breeder and 29 Gallon Tank. Planning to upgrade everyone into a larger tank. Trying to figure out the game of musical chairs without stressing too many fish out. Fish in 30 going to 40 Fish in 20 going to 29 Fish in 15 going to 30 The new 29 Gallon is going in the same spot as the 20. Substrates in some are hoping to transfer along with plants. I have a serious amount of 10 gallons available as temporary holding tanks but I don't want to move them and then move them again. Just trying to figure out the best approach. Do you think its better to start with the largest tank upgrade and work down since the 40 is already empty?
  3. my over crowded 15 gallon long has been a perpetual WC ever since the surviving swordtail fry have reached adolescense/adult. Then just before xmas i got really sick and was unable to keep up my rediculous 2-5 x per week maintance schedule and my water quality suffered greatly as a result(mainly skyrocketing nitrates}. since then ive managed to get nitrates down to around 10/20ish but with 5 swordtails, 2 corydoras and a ever growing 7 in. plecco its time to bust out the 55 gal tank i got used. heres my main Q's: how to safely make the transition? what are some prefered filters for that size tank? i have 2 aquatech 30-60"s, old and new model i aquired because currently im running aquatech 20-40 on 15 gal and thought interchangeable medias/parts would help carry BB to new tank. that been said i dont really care for the 20-40 im useing now even though its been extremely reliable and effective(0 ammonia or nitrite issues in 2 years). are the aquatech 110 HOB good? and any other suggestions on rehoming my bubble buds i much appreciate thanks
  4. Just wanted to share how I “upgraded” my sponge filter. I love Cory’s sponge filters and wish I would have discovered them sooner. I also like the ability of the finer sponge to help clear the water even if it’s only and little and for a short time. This is in my daughters 10 gal betta tank.
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