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  1. A couple of days ago one of my five corydora catfish died. The days before he had a weird lump looking thing on his gill. I was medicating him with "Esha 200" and it seemed to be working because the lump got smaller. Suddenly he stopped eating and wasn't swimming much. After two days of him not eating he died. Does anyone know what sickness or infection this could be? Her are some pictures of the fish and the tank. ess
  2. Hey everybody, I’m writing this post because I am very lost and am looking for some guidance and or advice. I’ve been keeping fish for close to a year now with honestly pretty good success, I struggled at first, mainly because I didn’t know what cycling a tank meant, but now I’ve got a 10 gallon and a 55 gallon tank that have been running over 8 months with residents. Currently the problem I’m having has mainly been in my 55 gallon. In the tank I keep corys, danios, plecos, and honey gouramis, plus one angelfish. I have 4 species of corys, panda, peppered, albino bronze, and corydoras undulatus. In the past few months, I’ve had a surge in fish sickness, and I don’t know why. I lost one of my panda corys and one of my albino bronzes within a week of each other (just died without symptoms), and then all was well for a while. I noticed one of my 3 corydoras undulatus had a fuzzy spot near his mouth, and so I moved him to a hospital tank, and began treating him with rid ich and supratect as recommended by a reliable discord group (it’s very difficult to get many reliable medicines for fish as I live in Ontario and many of them are controlled substances). It seems to have responded well to the medication, receding from his mouth entirely, and then the next morning I found him dead in the hospital tank. Next, I had a honey gourami contract a similar fungal infection, but in the gills. Transferred to the hospital and began the same treatment, responded well and was okay, returned back to the tank after a week, no symptoms since. Now, in the past week, my last 2 corydoras undulatus have both contracted a fungal infection. One I transferred to the hospital, and had the same result as the first cory, and today I just noticed the same for the last remaining cory. To give everybody a bit of an idea of my tank situation I’ll add a picture, I’ve got lots of floating plants along with some Amazon swords and Java ferns. I’ve got rounded gravel on the bottom, an aqua clear 50 filter, and a heater that has a built in temperature. I test my water every month, but more more recently because of the sickness. Every time my ph is between 7.2-7.4, Ammonia is 0ppm, nitrite is 0ppm, and my nitrates is never higher than 20ppm. I gravel vac every week, as my pleco makes a lot of poop, and do 30% water change weekly. I feed a mix of omega one pellets, tetra colour boost flakes, frozen bloodworms, and tetra algae wafers once a day and they always eat all the food very quickly. To answer some potential questions right off the bat, I never noticed any barbel damage on the corys that got sick, and my hospital tank is/was cycled with extra filter material from my tank. I also included a picture of the first sick cory I found. Any help or advice is appreciated, I just want to know what is happening or I might be doing wrong.
  3. I have one of my platies behaving differently. This morning he was just laying on the bottom on top of the substrate of the tank. I thought he was dead and I went to get a net he swam a little. He is now hiding under a plant. He is very small not even comparable to the other platies. I'm wondering if he is even a platy. He is the size of a guppy. Maybe a Molly? Ok he swam over to the other side of the tank and is hiding in plants laying on the substrate. On his way there he tried tuck himseld under a lava rock. Do I need to get him to quarantine tank??? Is he dying or tired?
  4. Betta shape has gotten weird, lethargic, hides all day. Bloated, huge stomach. Seems to have trouble breathing. Trouble swimming with its fins, seems to be struggling. Is this dropsy? Treat with Maracyn? just did a water change yesterday so water parameters probably don’t help but here they are: No3 0 No2 0 PH 6 KH 40 GH 120 ammonia 0 temp 80 its in a 10 gallon lightly planted tank.
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