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Found 7 results

  1. 🐟 AQUARIUM RESCAPE PHOTOS! SCROLL DOWN 👇 FOR MORE INFO & THE BEFORE PICTURES 🌱🌿📷 ---------------------- THE BEFORE This was my first attempt ever at a planted aquarium, or an aquarium over 10 gallons. I had no idea what I was doing, which can show. This aquascape wasn't bad! But... I did not like it. Here were the major things I disliked: the grow light being oddly attached the fact that the wood pieces all blended in really well lack of rocks in the hardscape - just pebbles pebbles ended up covering a lot of the substrate nothing in the corners made it feel unbalanced, and since it wasn't really an island scape, it was just meh So, I did try to balance it out by moving more substrate in, and adding in some corner plants: And eventually I replaced the light with an LED grow light that doesn't just clip on and bend all weird, and I was happier. But I wasn't happy with it. So, when I was visiting some of my family members (who own land on a major river), I picked up some really pretty and angular rocks. When I got home, I sanded the corners down to be less sharp and boiled them. I found all the wood pieces in the scape in my own backyard wetland, and processed them myself too. During the rescape a lot of the dirt got kicked up (as my tank is a dirted tank), and so I ended up losing a bit of the upper-most substrate. (Miscommunication with parents - but oh well.) So I am heading to a local stream to get some river sand on Saturday, since the weather will be nice! So, I will update on my 30 gallon aquarium journal when I add in the sand. I am really happy with the result, so please be nice! ⭐🍀❤️🌈🤩
  2. Updated as a journal by suggestion, thank you all for your kindness and support 😜 Update April 20th I literally butchered the moss and plants this time... 😅 This is my sad attempt of trimming the tank down... Before Trimming After Trimming Older Post January February March Everything blew up... Trimmed at the end of March Early April.
  3. Nobody around me understands how excited I am about the progress and plant growth in my tank so I thought I would share with you wonderful, fine folks. I'm a plant newbie as this is my first tank with live plants. I've added more plants since March 18, so yes there is more green for that reason, but also because of growth! The wisteria in particular has really taken off. March 18 vs March 29
  4. First tank after 20 year hiatus. Really starting to like how it looks. Shrimp still won't mate, but meh. Fist plants, first fish: One months later, below... I gave the Zebras away (too feisty for my shrimp), lost the penguins to a really fast-acting disease, added some plants, new light, lots of tiny fish (embers, albino cardinals, celestial pearls), One more month... more plants, lots of growth. Shrimp have grown. Pond snails, scuds, and a couple leeches have moved in because noob ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. ...Going to trap the leeches. Snails and scuds are welcome. (Use some easy green, root tabs, no CO2)
  5. This is my Quarantine Tank, a 5-gallon Marineland Portrait. I set it up in early September and added this plant on the 8th. I was so amazed by the growth. Thought I'd share a pic:
  6. Was perusing my Facebook when a "on this day..." post came up. It was so surprising to see how much my tank has changed in the past year. I have done a lot in the past 3-4 months after finding the Co-op youtube channel. It's very interesting to see the progression of my tank. At this time last year, I was super happy with my tank and didn't think it could get much better. Now I think it looks WAY better, but I can imagine more improvements. Looking forward to what next year will bring! Can you tell which is before and after? Lol
  7. Hello from South Carolina. I am Garren and have been following aqaurium Co-op/Cory's videos since I got into the hobby back in February. I have learned a lot between all the videos, blogs, live streams, Facebook support group, and now this forum. My tank would not look this good without all the help. I have attached photos to show the progress and changes over several months. All my plants are from aqaurium co-op and so are several other items. Currently I have only one 39 gallon bow front stocked with dalmatian mollies, neon tetras, shrimp, nitrite snails, and one piece. I have had a lot of luck with breeding mollies and have given at least 100 to the LFS.
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