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Everything posted by sweetpoison

  1. Oh I just put water in it a week ago today actually. I’ve just been buying pieces and adding things for 2 to 3 months So you are in the UK as well? After two years? Wow. Thanks for your input Cory!
  2. Is it a good thing? Do you trust that little monitor in my aquarium?
  3. I thought that too I am going to get ammonia strips they’re actually in my cart on Amazon😂
  4. Thank you! I’ve never had test trips I’ve always had that whole kit with the glass tubes. But Its so time consuming I don’t wanna do that anymore😂
  5. You’re killing me here, Pep🥴 so either one of those would be good? Also that’s good to know to dose for 16 gallons because I have a 20 long. When I buy that one I showed you or one of the ones I showed you I’m gonna come back here and find you😂 You can run but you can’t hide😐 Do you think one bottle will be enough? As far my heater you can’t turn it up or down ~ I’ve never had one like that nor my buying one at the moment. Light kicks on when the temperature drops I guess so there’s no turning it up.
  6. I used to have liquid with test tubes ~ I loved playing the role of Scientist🤫 But that was a while ago. So somebody suggested I get the test strips much less expensive. Are the test strips less accurate then the liquid with test tubes? I already bought test strips because someone said they were just as good and accurate
  7. Thank you for your input but I don’t see me adding any fish for a while at this point.
  8. Modified lung. I understand exactly what you’re saying. Said no one ever😂 when I get my bottle I will come back here for instructions is that OK cause I have no idea what you’re talking about😞
  9. This one? There are like five different ones Is this OK?
  10. I knew something was wrong. I couldn’t understand how I could have zero ammonia in one week when I haven’t done anything😂 And I knew it couldn’t be cycled. And I don’t want to put fish in there I do want to do a fishless recycle. So now I have to buy some ammonia. Well shitums. I will buy some don’t go away guys cause I’m gonna need you😂🥴
  11. Oh I see! My best friend lives in England and she suggested that. And my tank is not cycled. I don’t think ~ heck I am at a lost at this point😂 that’s good cause I’m tired of buying stuff LOL I got that media stuff coming and that’s it not buying anything else I want fish!!😂😂😂 i’ve been working on this tank I don’t even remember how long 2-3 months🤦‍♀️ thank you so much♥️👏
  12. 🤪🤪🤪 OK I have not dosed with ammonia. So I’m getting this right ~ I don’t have any ammonia but we’re gonna dose with ammonia so I CAN have ammonia so we can get rid of it? 🤦‍♀️🫣😂
  13. I hope I’m in the right section for this. So my tank is up and running cloudy with sand but I’m working on that, no fish yet. I’m testing my parameters I forget how often to do that. I tested everything on the ninth and then again today. And the ammonia has always been zero. According to other test shouldn’t I have at least 10 nitrates? This tank cannot be cycled in one week ~ Can it? I am not sure what to do next. Just wait? That requires patience not one of my virtues😂 Im thinking about doing a water change and sucking up all that dust and stirring up the sand and doing something to get rid of all this dust in the sand! Thoughts on everything?
  14. I ordered it thank you so much! I’m so tired of this my tank was all clear not very perfect but clear so I went into move stuff around again and now it’s a mess!
  15. My tank gets clear and then I go in and I move a plant or rock and here we with sand dust up so tired of this😞 I did get some floss media filter as I have read good things about it.
  16. 10 years? That’s amazing! Post a picture!
  17. Same sand I always use ~ aquarium sand
  18. So every time I want to move a plant or something in this aquarium it is going to do dust up like this and then take three days to clear up? That is total BS😡 I washed this sand FOREVER! I’m so annoyed I just want to rip it all out😢
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