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Everything posted by sweetpoison

  1. I got it to work! Can you put birch in our aquariums?
  2. I was told not to test with distilled water. Now I’m confused ~ so you couldn’t use the rocks because they made the Ph rise? i’m in California we have very hard water ~ I’ve never tested it out out of the tap I just got my kit I should test it when I get home! enomol Gravel Vacuum for Aquarium Water Changer Fish Tank Cleaning Tools,Siphon Universal Quick Pump Aquarium Water Changing https://www.amazon.com/dp/B098D3QJ1J/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_KCZRTZ4Y8VKP9GPQW054?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 I have this one and the adapters three of them none of them work on any of the bathrooms or the sinks😡 unless I don’t know what I’m doing🤫😂
  3. And the toys are rolling in♥️ I also have plants and rocks in my mailbox parcel and some stuff at my neighbors! I was worried that my Python imitation hose wasn’t going to reach from the living room to the kitchen but it does ~ measured that great. And I was excited that it came with like three different valves for the faucet. I remember having to go and get the valve for my python years ago. But none of these fit😞I’ve been working on them forever! And I even tried the bathrooms in the house and they still won’t fit that faucet😡 any rate my hands are raw I can’t do anymore I have to call the company and they’ll send me the correct adapter ~ I don’t know how they’re gonna do that but that’s what it says. I have lots of gravel and rocks and plants somewhere at some neighbors😂😂 Making progress!
  4. Oh I’m so sorry! I’ve had them many times ~ the redder their nose the better the water quality is. And I know when you buy a whole bunch of any schooling fish we are bound to lose one or two
  5. I fixed it now but I was in private mode I don’t know how I got there🤦‍♀️
  6. No I’m not gonna put anything in this tank it is completely cycled but you think I should do my Rummynose last? Great information here thank you so much! I used to have Rams I love them I’ll show you some pictures!
  7. I forgot to add my tank in here🤦‍♀️
  8. Damn! What about bumble bee goby? I had them and love them!
  9. Thanks Duck for answering! Peapuffers I have been reading about them and I know they take live food. That wiggle. I’ve had Discus for years and I kept those wiggly black worms in my refrigerator all the time. I know the people puffers eat snails. As far as the rummy nose and the Tetris go I’ve had them for years in my other tanks and We did just fine. But I am going to definitely check out the ones that you suggested! I’m getting more supplies this week and eventually I’ll get some water in that tank😑 you didn’t say anything about the axolotl I was thinking about
  10. Great advice as usual! OK so I’m gonna put some rocks in a container of water ~ do I have to my testing kit to do this first because I don’t. And so how long am I leaving them in there for? I will pass on my home silk plants! I don’t have any painted rocks😉 Widget now that I have your attention because nobody answered my question on this… i’m thinking of these fish and I wanna know what you think pea puffers but I don’t know how many Rummynose and Cardinals There was one more I can’t remember ~ could be a clown fish. Somewhere along the line I would like to get an axolotl but I don’t know if they can be with these guys I’m gonna do my due diligence and read about that
  11. I agree I love this thread and I wish I could answer everybody! It’s so fun to see what everybody does For a living♥️
  12. Your tank is beautiful! I have a 20 long as well!
  13. I know I know! I waiting on my python thingy to come!
  14. Your are too sweet! Well that’s my plan too! I have my sand, but I just need to get sponge filters for my filter and for the inside of the tank but I need that little mini python more than anything😉 Hey I have a question. How do you know if something is safe to put into your aquarium? I have some really cool rocks and I think I used them in my 125 and my 55 but I can’t remember. And I have some polished stones and some silk plants around the house that I thought about using, Seems to me I think I remember we used the vinegar testing…
  15. OK guys here it is! Put it on my background too! Almost ready for water ~ I have to get some more things. I thought about putting a very long drape that way it will cover everything Underneath. But that thought was last week dammit😂 Guppy I am messy too🤫
  16. That is so funny! I was thinking about using lace too! So Guppy what do you think ~ I Should I cut up to the center board there? Will be OK not to cut anything just let it be that long and put something over it?
  17. That’s sounds great. Well I’m using Amazon fancy thick tablecloth😂. So how far or much should I cut off?
  18. Ok! Finally! I couldn’t have a better fit ~ it’s just a plastic tablecloth really thick like you suggested and long. What do you think Widg? So I can cover this plastic tablecloth with something right it’s quite ugly😩😂
  19. What an awesome post! You have a wonderful career!! Can you show any sketches of your houses?
  20. OK guys here are some of the fish that I’m looking at getting and let me know what you all think ~ Pea puffers clown loaches Rummynose I think that’s it for a long while ~ I only have a 20 gallon I just wanna know how many and if they’re compatible. Do I get them separately are all at once?
  21. Thank you for all that information truly appreciated! I have been watching landscapes being created on YouTube in the aquarium~ is so fascinating!!
  22. You are so wise thank you so much! One last thing then I won’t bug you anymore. Today at least🙄😂 what is the safest glue to use for underwater?
  23. It is upside down isn’t it! Australian treatment😂😂 Okay bear with me. What stops that wall from just collapsing? That’s very clever!
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