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Everything posted by sweetpoison

  1. I LOVE THIS!! I been looking at this site forever. I’m going to get one! Look: I have seen lights like this different colors in aquariums and I always wondered how they did that! Sair ~ you are my new best friend♥️
  2. My tank is empty and clean today the gravel comes and my new background👏 Talk about starting over! I’m going to rinse that gravel until Hell freezes over, and that goes in first then plants go back in and then water last? I’m going to hit that tank with prime, put the heater, filters with back on. And then I’m going to start the Ammonia cycle thingy. I have to go back and read my notes from you guys about the Ammonia…
  3. Almost done! This looks like milk liquid milk🤢 It would’ve never cleared up!
  4. This mess of a tank is finally draining! Took me awhile to get it started to drain ~ I was tearing up and on my way here🥺 I will come back as soon as it’s all clean ~ my gravel and background comes tomorrow. Everything‘s been clean and ready to put back in. Still have to take out this sand😡 I started a new discussion because I’m afraid nobody would find me in my old thread but moderators, feel free to bump me where this belongs♥️
  5. @Guppysnail“They don’t carry diseases etc that cross species to fish through contact. But things can be carried in the water on the shell etc just like plants” This is good to know! As far as I can remember we can’t really medicate with snails in the tank or am I mixing it up with shrimp? One time I had an infestation of snails everywhere ~ little tiny ones all over my beautiful discus tank I don’t know how that happened! Seems like you only need one it’s like a cockroach😩 freaked me out! And they were ugly too
  6. This is hideous what was I thinking😂😂😂 I ultimately went with a black background but I’m not doing that anymore either🤪
  7. Hey guys ~ Do we have to quarantine snails after we buy them or can we just pop those puppies right in?
  8. Very interesting! I have black background now, but you really think it makes the fish pop more ~ I agree but I think it makes the tank look smaller and gloomier… Whatever I Change to it must pull right off and on because I am so fickle😂😂😂
  9. Thank you so much! I’ve had sand in all my tanks throughout the years but this time I did not rinse it ~ it was my fault and it was never gonna clear up😡 far as my patients were concerned😂. I got everything out here so it looks like now I’m still working on the sand mess!
  10. “do have one tank with a Universal Rocks background that was a total pain to install” I’ve seen those ~ do you still like it?
  11. Is there anything you don’t know, Pep? Great information👏♥️
  12. “I enjoy seeing the tank from the other side” I remember enjoying that at one point as well, in this hobby😉♥️
  13. Thank you, Torrey! I can’t wait for you to see it!
  14. I have decided to tear down my tank I hate it! I can’t deal the cloudiness this sand anymore and I hate the black background😡 I’m off for a week next week and I’m gonna do it then👏 It’s gonna look so cool I’m gonna love it. Until of course I don’t🥴 Please don’t forget me you guys cause I’m not gonna hit the tank anymore with ammonia because I’m gonna take all that water out anyway when I start over…yes?
  15. Does coming gobs of color I found a real pretty blue I’m getting♥️ I decided to go with the blue background I had it before with my discus and I love it. And I hate my tank right now hate it. I’m getting rid of the sand too. I think I’m going with black gravel..
  16. Oh I love all of your shots here! That first one is priceless👏 Well done!♥️
  17. Nabo ~ I am sorry you’re having such a problem with your tank. You help out everybody else so much I’m sure that you will figure this out! ♥️
  18. Here’s what I did! I got some filter floss and I just put it in my tank filter. Help clear it up. Because every time I go move a rocker plant it all clouds up again I’m so tired of it. So I was going to vacuum it all out and clean it up but then is that OK to do that in the middle of hitting it with ammonia ?
  19. Have you seen my tank? It is all ready set up sand, plants and everything just no fish😂 or anything else actually! And lots of sand dust everywhere it’s driving me nuts!
  20. Perfect! Thank you so much I am gonna keep you posted! Don’t forget about me☺️
  21. “How long has the tank been setup?” About a week and a half. I just hit it with a ammonia for the first time yesterday
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