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Jacob Hill-Legion Aquatics

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Everything posted by Jacob Hill-Legion Aquatics

  1. Yeah I have a good diffuser but wouldn’t I lose quite a bit of co2 from going to the surface?
  2. I've planned my 40 gallon tank and I just need to gather the equipment and looking at all types of filtration the sponge filter gives me everything I want in a filter and its good for the guppies and shrimp I want to get. I have a spare co2 system in storage from my last tank, can I use co2 with sponge filters? and what's the best way to diffuse it into the water? because sponge filters are lowflow and the fish I want don't like flow so I don't know how it would diffuse easily.
  3. I built the stand for my 40 gallon I have planned, I still need to get the tank and equipment but I was wondering what would you do? I want the fish to be plant safe cause I wanna do lots of plants, I’m leaning towards guppies but I just was wondering what other options do I have?
  4. I hope you figured it out but I wanted to say your tank looks beautiful, do you have a full tank picture cause I’m setting up my own guppy tank soon and I’d love to see how yours is set up.
  5. K thanks everyone, I’m not gonna get some angles for this tank but I might in the future if I get a 75 gallon.
  6. @Patrick_G @redfish yeah planted tanks can have their ups and downs but they usually end up working out in the end and when they do it makes me so happy and makes me want another tank. Lol
  7. I'm planning a 40 gallon breeder tank and I really want to do guppies and some dwarf chain loaches but then I saw the share your angelfish pictures thread and it made me really want some angels. would a 40 breeder with guppies and dwarf chain loaches be too small or would I need a 4ft tank? because I've seen people like @Dean’s Fishroom say you can keep them in a 29 gallon but then others say you need at least a 55 gallon. also how many would you do if I can keep angels? and can I keep guppies with angelfish or will they eat them?
  8. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea I planted mine in the substrate but I’ve had it growing weighted down and even floating. It doesn’t really care, it just need some light, to be in water and nutrients do make sure you fertilize your tank.
  9. @Guppysnailits a really easy and beautiful plant to grow I highly recommend it.
  10. What’s the sword like plant in the back it’s beautiful and how big is the tank?
  11. I wanted to share with you the story of my 7 month old planted 10 gallon. it started in January with a my white cloud minnows that I moved from my pond to this tank for the winter (with cycled filter). I had a jc&p light, an aquaclear 20, fluval stratum and the plants where Java fern, anubias, S repens, Christmas moss, a bunch of Cryptocorynes and Myriophyllum guyana. It started with all the crypts melting and not coming back because I didn’t know you aren’t supposed to bury the crown of the plant in the substrate. Only my crypt lutea survived. Then the Java fern and anubias turned all brown and died. I was getting lots of algae on the Christmas moss at this point. So my only thing thing alive was the Myriophyllum guyana, my S repens and the crypt lutea for about a week. Then the s repens melted and the Myriophyllum guyana turned brown and Died. This was all super disappointing because I did so much research before setting it up and I was doing everything the internet told me. Day 1 ^ ^after all the crypts melted and stuff started turning brown. Probably a month after setting up the tank I was so annoyed all plants died but I went to a store called: Planted Aquaria they have the healthiest plants I’ve ever seen and the owner was super helpful and sent me home with some easy fast growing plants (elodea, limnophila sessiliflora, salvinia and a new Java fern) then after a week of having these new plants my algae was slowly disappearing and the plants were actually growing. Then I went back and picked up a new anubias, a stiphodon goby and at some point I got some buce. day 1 with new plants ^ after a week with new plants ^ new goby ^ then for the next couple of months the tank just kept getting better and all the plants were doing great and growing healthy and I was super happy. Through out the process sadly 3 fish died, one just randomly died, one got an internal peracite and ones swim bladder got damaged and died. Then about a month ago I moved across country (3 day drive) I have to stay with my grandparents for 2 months then I have a 1 day trip in a couple weeks to get to my final destination. through the trip all my fish didn’t have any problems but my limnophila sessiliflora took a hit and started doing badly. Also my substrate and hard scape shifted during the move and the tank just looked bad. So for a couple weeks I kinda neglected it, still doing water changes and feeding fish and plants but not making the tank look nice. this isn’t the best pic cause I don’t have many of when I was neglecting the tank, it got much more overgrown. finally we reach today when I just decided to spend an hour and a half making it look better, trimming tons of plants and moving somethings around. it’s not perfect but it looks better then before the maintenance. 🙂 The tank today ^ That’s pretty much the journey of my tank currently, I hope you like it and I’ll probably update this in the future if I make any major changes. If you have any questions please ask away 🙂
  12. Alright Thanks guys I’ll probably just go with 1 pleco and try breeding the plecos in a separate tank by themselves.
  13. I want to know if you guys think this would be overstocked or could cause aggression? I’m planning a 40 breeder it would be heavily planted with guppies that would breed like crazy and some dwarf chain loaches below but I was wondering if trying to breed a pair of longfinned bristlenose plecos would be overstocking or if they would get aggressive? Should I just go with one pleco?
  14. I have this blue neon stiphodon goby and he’s always been super calm and never has shown aggression, he even is sometimes a bit scared of my white cloud minnows but the other day I noticed he was chasing the white clouds away if they swim close to the bottom of the tank. any idea of why he would be doing this now after being peaceful for so long? But he’s not terrorizing the fish and just kind of scaring them off his territory.
  15. I personally think they look pretty nice when you don’t have a lot of handles and hardware showing but I also like the look of tank without one so I’m still deciding on what I should do. It’s made for an outside look so it’s not pretty inside but here you go. also here’s a picture of what the stand looked as just the frame before I put the outside on.
  16. I built a 40 gallon breeder stand and I was wondering if I should build a matching canopy? If you’ve had one how did you like it? Did it ever become annoying and what are your overall thoughts on them? I still need to stain the stand and put a protective coating on it.
  17. This is my first planted tank so I hope you like it. 🙂 -10 gallon tank -all easy plants(elodea, limnophila sessiliflora, Java fern, anubias, buce, Christmas moss, crypt parva, crypt lutea, S repens, floating plants) -6 golden white cloud minnows -1 stiphodon goby - 3 nerite snails -all real wood and rock -fluval planted substrate and sand
  18. Pantano cichlid! the personality is amazing and the colour is awesome but I probably will never have a tank big enough for one. (Minimum 7ft tank)
  19. I was just adding up how much the equipment will cost for the new tank I’m gonna set up and I was wondering how much do others spend on a low tech planted tank? could you tell me how much you spend on average for a planted tank(whole system)
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