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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. To be fair, barbs enjoy pond life a lot too. They are so fun to feed.
  2. 1 per 3 has generally been ok for most plants for me. Some plants like anubias, ferns don't mind salt nearly as much as others (like hairgrass). Amano shrimp do just fine with salt. @Zenzo even keeps some in a brackish tank.
  3. Hey everyone, I have a bit of a fun challenge! Please find a video that you believe is something that will teach a hobbyist something. It could simply be out of the norm of information, something you're passionate about, or just something really in depth that has a nice piece of niche information. I could not help but sit in awe (just a little bit) enjoying all of these barbs. What a fun fishroom and there are absolutely some nuggets of information there for anyone who wants to breed fish or just see what wild tiger barbs are.
  4. Chili Rasbora, emerald green Rasbora. Baaaaaaaaaasaarbs. All of the barbs. White clouds might be a bit too chill. Danios. All of those should do well. Activity level goes to barbs though. Small barb species: Stoliczkae’s Barb, melon barb, cherry barb, snakeskin barb, Odessa barb, checkerboard barb https://www.tfhmagazine.com/articles/freshwater/top-10-barbs-for-the-community-aquarium-full-article
  5. Very understandable! I am on team "the wood is helping". Find a nice piece of mopani and just toss it in a bare tank and you'll have tannins for a long time. Add something like catappa leaves if you need to or some other botanical just for the antifungal and antibacterial properties.
  6. I have done it with repaahy before, but I'm low on foods right now. Dry stuff, repashy, or brine shrimp are the choices right now. A lot of up downs and activity this morning.
  7. There's multiple ways to look at it, but understand that each install of the aquaclear is different. Some will start up just fine. Others will start, but the impeller doesn't actually spin until you start it manually with a chopstick or your finger. And other times it just won't start and will not pull water in. There's a variety of reasons for this. The tidal (and other filters of similar design) push water from the tank into the HoB container. Aquaclear and older filters pull water from the take through the lift tube.
  8. I would think everything is ok as long as the sponge has been cycled and it stays wet/aerated.
  9. Maybe. They definitely had the activity, breeding, but just no eggs. It's gotta be food related. I checked just a little bit ago. nothing.
  10. This is mine. Not neglected as much as very low stocking and I just want it to do it's own thing. I try to keep the sußwassertang clean, but the main reason it looks the way it does is just because I need to replace the filter (or add a second one). I could use something like my tidal to go ahead and run fine filtration and it'd be great, but it's a tank meant for a single fish, potentially a second colony. Undecided and so right now it just stays put. It also needs better substrate. This is the ridiculously fine moonlight sand.
  11. @Jaspyjasp definitely something there, not sure what. As always some great advice from Colu. What are the other tank parameters and temp? (KH, GH, PH, etc.)
  12. We actually discussed this in depth on the Juneteenth live stream on Corvus Oscen's channel. I got a clip of it, but it's not uploaded yet. We were talking through one of the old threads and some awesome advice from @Pepere about what kind of wood to use.
  13. I'm trying to figure out how long they last compared to the other ones. It would be nice to get the ones with the slightly stronger output pressure.
  14. You can run carbon in the filter to ensure the residuals are removed. It definitely could have had an impact on the algae and biofilm on the tank which does impact the aufwuchs and things the shrimp interact with. As such, you need to be sure the shrimp are getting calcium and other minerals which are not common in certain foods. It can be important to make sure.the food is "complete" so to speak for shrimp. There are a plethora of things that will work and it doesn't have to say shrimp to be acceptable. It's just a note and something to look into. If you're.not seeing saddled females I would lean towards water quality, food, etc. Water changes trigger breeding as well. Not changing enough water comes into play at that point.
  15. I have 3 D Cell battery pumps and I have a nano pump with a USB battery bank. Planning to get another nano pump (or two) and another battery bank. The goal is to also have some of the coop battery backup pumps.
  16. How are things going? You may be able to order some meds on something like eBay in an emergency. They do have some esha meds too available. Bacterial med - kanaplex is the common one or maracyn 2 (these are brand names not the actual med names, my apologies) Internal parasite med - Common one is levamisole or praziquantel but sold under many names. Esha gdex is one of the common ones.
  17. How is the behavior? Do you notice them getting bolder and more active in different parts of the tank as they mature?
  18. I think we all end with one eventually tucked in a corner somewhere. Maybe it was that tank you thought you needed to home fish for a period of time or maybe it was just a location that isn't easy to work with. Whatever the reason, please feel free to share your sad tank. Give it some love today. I was watching a tour and saw these two.... One was difficult to work on because of the access (too tall) and the other was a project that lost the male fish, likely due to a nutrient deficiency based on the comments by the author.
  19. Do you have the ability to put ~20-30 shrimp in a tank by themselves? While it wouldn't matter if there is 1 or 10, the kuhli is likely going after shrimp. The other loaches might, but it's difficult to say. Especially at night, the loaches may be extremely active and trying to feed. The corydoras might not bother the shrimp, but they are a very active fish and may lead to the shrimp not wanting to be on the substrate level of the tank. This means a reduction in places to graze, especially if you're main food for them is wafers. They do have a food called shrimp baby or other versions of powdered shrimp food that you can feed and will give the shrimp the opportunity to graze easier and get access to minerals they need. Something like a "shrimp baby" food and another one is called "mineral junkie" which will both be powdered and help them to eat as those land on the rock piles. For shrimp, a feeding dish is highly recommended, which is complicated by the corydoras as well.
  20. they are kept with swordtails. plenty of hormones for them around in both tanks. We'll see! Definitely a fickle species to trigger sometimes.
  21. not anymore. re-homed them to some members on the forums.
  22. Cc @tolstoy21 I would think everything would be fine with that setup, but there's a lot of people with more knowledge than myself! https://www.seriouslyfish.com/species/apistogramma-macmasteri/
  23. Still nothing. I read an article from Eric Bodrock (I can try to find it, just to verify if need be, but it was a pretty good source) looking at schultzei breeding specifically. It mentioned a drop of 10-15 degrees as well as a 50-75% volume change. I normally do 30-50%, so it makes sense as to why I am not really seeing a lot of the breeding response I'd expect. I have done the very cold water change method, but just potentially not enough volume. As always, I feel like I'm always starting at square one with these guys until I can reliably trigger them. Ice water change is done, tank is cooler than it was when I started and I did a solid 75% water change this time. I can't be sure how much the temp dropped, but it's right around the 5-10 degree mark. Considering the heat today, I don't think it's out of range at all for the fish. The night air is cool, sounds like a storm might be rolling in, but I only mention it to note that there is some sort of a pressure change from the day to the night. There is also the big moon approaching, so maybe the timing is pretty good for this. I'll let you know if they trigger, but as far as I can see they are conditioned, the setup is good for spawning, they have shown behavior, but just need that trigger.
  24. UNS is the go-to for me for that stuff. 90P or 90L being the two that most similarly fit what you're looking for.
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