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  1. I have had this parrot Cichlid for a few years and in the last few weeks she has developed a large lump on her rear left side. She currently lives in a 75 gallon tank where the PH is 8.4, Ammonia 0.0, Nitrites 0.0, Nitrates 05. I have put her in a epsom salt bath twice and it doesn’t seem to help. Does anyone have any ideas on how to help her?
  2. I have had the fluval flex for probably the last 3 years. About 3 months in it sprung a leak and we had to reseal it. It’s been fine since then. I do really like the filtration setup in the back
  3. I have a 40 with guppies and cherry shrimp. I have thought about adding plecos too. I would think that the shrimp would eat the corydoras eggs wouldn’t they?
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Honduran Red Points Breeding
  5. Thanks Cory that’s what I figured! I wonder do you think it would be possible to line breed females to be more colorful over like 5-10 years?
  6. I breed some peacock African cichlids and obviously there is less demand for the females. What do y’all do or recommend doing with the females?
  7. Usually with my small fish I feed once a day unless I am trying to breed them. I would guess it depends on the fish. My guppies I do feed twice a day but that’s just because they are so good at begging for food. My galaxy rasboras are once a day as well as my spotted blue eye rainbows. My multis actually breed really well only feeding once a day. I do think that with most fish though the more you feed them the more likely they are to breed.
  8. I have a 110 gallon rubbermaid bin that I need ideas of fish to breed. It is full of guppy grass so hopefully nothing that would destroy that.
  9. I got a lemon oscar for my wife on Friday and he is still moping around. I don't have any experience with oscars. He swims around normal until he sees one of us and then just rests on the bottom. Is this normal for a new oscar or could something be wrong? I think the behavior might go away with time but my wife is worried.
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