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Everything posted by Mmiller2001

  1. I personally would wait to buy it if freezing is the case. You don't have to test if you know exactly how much you're dosing. As long as you dose enough you should be good to go.
  2. If you like the look, do it. Just prepare for a mini cycle.
  3. 10 degrees would worry me. I like to keep no more/ less than 2 degrees.
  4. Stop using them and dose the water column appropriately.
  5. You would mineralize RO or distilled water to a Ca:Mg ratio you wanted and do water changes with that water. Over a few changes, the tank will match the mineralized water. The easiest way is to use CaSO4 and MgSO4. Both can be bought as dry fertilizers.
  6. That's more trace elements, If you like Seachem, use their potassium.
  7. Luckly, potassium is one of those nutrients we can push to the higher side with almost no negative effects. We don't want to go super high as that's just wasteful, but I would go ahead and raise it to 15 to 20ppm per week.
  8. I would check out Ludwigia species and look into the rarer Bacopa species. Rotalas are really nice too and are a step up in difficulty. There are Myrio species that are really nice and challenging, but do well and are forgiving. Check out Myrio Guyana. I would also look into using just Ca and Mg to build GH. Those boosters contain Potassium and usually too much.
  9. Are you wanting to try more challenging plants? Are you interested in stem plants? What other inhabitants will be in the tank? And I'm curious why you are using crushed coral?
  10. BBA is not linked to nutrients added to the aquarium. It's more linked to CO2 issues and overly strong flow as well as organics building up in the aquarium.
  11. I have a product called Net Soak that I use, but heaters just stay in the tank. Tools get washed with dawn soap. As far as buckets, I have 2 set, one set is dirty water and the other is clean water and they are different colors. Same goes for draining and filling. I never use my python in the QT tank. It only ever touches my display tanks. I just use old cut hose or tubing for the QT tank. To fill it, I use a clean pump and hose.
  12. I hate it, it's ugly and can drop needles making a mess. Hygrophila Polysperma
  13. I just let my tank run empty for 30 days. Many of these disease can be treated, and if treated properly, are eradicated. The other diseases, I'm worried about, have life cycles that require fish to complete or die. If I ran into something nasty, like Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia, I would throw everything away.
  14. There's no rules regarding the construction of the wall. You don't need one either. But the judges do like/prefer the look.
  15. Water changes not only remove unwanted element, but also replace elements. If you are not adding those elements; then water changes are 100% necessary.
  16. Unintentional, my water change caused a spawn. The water was about 40TDS lower than it was before. As I stated earlier, I wanted to try a different fertilizer routine and apparently had this side effect. Who knew!
  17. Thank you forgetting back to me. You confirmed my concerns and I've taken corrective action. I've removed the Wallichii and replaced it with Bacopa Colorata. I thinned the tank out and I'm starting my new fertilizer procedure tomorrow. I'm looking for alternatives for the Belem and Repens also. It's probably a bad idea to force the plants I want into the scape. I will see how the Bacopa changes things before any other "big changes.\ Thank you again!
  18. Eheim filters are near silent. I have to sometimes touch mine to make sure it's on.
  19. I run 0KH in all my tanks, 2 with CO2 and I have never experienced this so called "crash". That said SAE's will help. I bet they get fat!
  20. As I mentioned, I'm definitely out of my comfort zone here. I'm just trying to keep to what I know and keep it stable. I kinda shot myself in the foot trying an aqua soil for the first time too 😆.
  21. I looked into auto dosing. I'm not sure if I want to fiddle with it to be honest.
  22. From my reading, it's very good! Report in after trying it!
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