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Everything posted by Mmiller2001

  1. Both of those plants need proper CO2 and good strong light to do well. There's always that one person who can put it in any tank, and it looks amazing, but I can't achieve that.
  2. Shouldn't be a problem as all the fertilizers are basically the same and very mostly around their individual amounts/ ratios.
  3. By any chance did you forget dechlorinator?
  4. I would save your money and not buy a test kit. Unless you find it fun or just plain ol' curiosity, but honestly it's just not necessary. The most important thing is knowing how much you want to dose and then just dividing that dose over the days you want to. Say if you want to dose .6ppm over 7 days. .6/7=.09 so dose .09ppm Fe every day. I've tried over 3 days and 7 days, I couldn't tell any difference.
  5. All of my tanks have the same BPS regardless of size (too fast to count). What's consistent though is massive surface agitation, suface skimming and the altitude I live at. What's your KH and pH? You can guage quickly what ballpark you're in with just those numbers.
  6. It's not necessarily bad, just something you want to account for as it could be bad. I would check your local water report. They usually list Ca and Mg ppm. You would buy MgSO4 and CaSo4. About 6 dollars total. That's all you need to mineralize for GH.
  7. You can definitely have a nice planted tank even with a higher GH. A good majority of plants do prefer soft water (lower GH) and do enjoy lower pH's. Of course there are exceptions, but those plants can usually handle the conditions in our tanks given enough time. Time and stability seem to be able to make many impossibilities possible. Macro nutrients (NPK) should have no problem being added to any hardness. Maybe there's some threshold, but I doubt we would run into any problems with our aquariums. Maybe someone smarter than I might know of a problem, but I just haven't read where a problem might exist. Micro's are a different story. Often, hardness gets confused. There's dGH (water hardness) and dKH (carbonate hardness) and many assume or mistake dKH as water hardness. dKH is just a measure of carbonates and bicarbonates (Hydroxides) in the water that buffer our aquariums. In my dumb TL/DR explanation, "if dKH increases then pH increases. If dKH decreases then pH decreases." This is also said to be the alkalinity of water. Back to Micro's. Fe (Iron) is one the important micro's and it must be chelated as Fe just doesn't dissolve in our water. There are several chelates but 3 are often seen in our hobby. EDTA, DPTA and Ferrous Gluconate are the main chelates you will see. If I remember correctly, Easy Green is EDTA chelated. Each of these chelates react at certain pH levels. I will post a chart explaining this towards the bottom. But what we want to know is the pH of our water. If you are using Easy Green, and have a higher pH, the Fe becomes unavailable to your plants. In return, this would cause a deficiency even with a large addition of fertilizer. You'll want to pick a fertilizer chelated for your tank environment. Using Ferrous Gluconate can be used as it's is available at almost any pH. One last thing to consider. dGH is made up of Calcium and Magnesium. Some fertilizers include these elements, so be mindful. Both Ca and MG can be overdosed and cause problems. If you do have a high pH, I would look for a NPK source, separate Fe, Ferrous Gluconate and a Micro Mix.
  8. 10ml hydrogen peroxide per 1 gallon of water no more than 10 minutes. Roots and all. Wash in fresh dechlorinated water after the soak.
  9. I would lower the lights too. Anything I could do to reduce stress.
  10. Do another 50% change, and again later today. Match the temperature to reduce stress. Heavy air stone action too, both in the tank and the source water. If this was me, I'd do a 100% water change now and heavy air stone.
  11. I like the high temperature alarm because in the summer I've had the AC off and didn't realize it. Luckly, I had the WiFi version and an Alexa enabled thermostat.
  12. Works well for me. https://www.co2art.us/collections/co2-accessories/products/new-pro-series-precision-co2-check-valve
  13. Some of you may know that I inject CO2 in several of my tanks and I've noticed an interesting phenomenon that maybe you can explain. I have tried porcelain bubblers, in line diffusers, DIY reactors and finally a professionally made reactor, yet I must always inject at an increased rate and non of the various methods have improved efficiency. I do surface skim and purposely create significant surface agitation to increase gass exchange, but I see others doing the same with significantly lower injection rates. How are they doing this? My only guess is I live at 5000 plus elevation? What am I missing?
  14. It could be that particular plants' genetics. But these are pretty undemanding plants and should do well in most tanks. If it's growing, looks nice and not struggling, my guess is that particular plant wants to stay low. Some plants that get enough light tend to grow out versus up. This could be the case? Maybe exploit this plants feature and move it more forward? Could be pretty cool!
  15. It probably just wouldn't produce the bubble size to make the diffusion efficient. You could certainly try though!
  16. I would try removing it and see how it does when allowed to spread its roots.
  17. How in the heck am I just finding out about Safe? You rock! Thank you!
  18. I wonder if a mist type machine/ sprayer could be used to water regular moss?
  19. That substrate is too coarse and the tab will leech out rapidly often spiking nutrients and causes irregularities that can be difficult to navigate.
  20. It will 100% hit the Dwarf Sag. Maybe dosing on the lower side might be okay, but normal dosing nuked mine. It did recover eventually.
  21. I would remove them from the pot and place them in the substrate. I would check CO2 levels and make sure you have enough. I would also stop using root tabs with Eco Complete and look for a comprehensive fertilizer to dose the water column. What hardness is the water? What is the KH? Can you take a picture?
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