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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. Well my Anubias in this tank seem very happy. My 2nd Anubias has bloomed- probably took it a lot longer to than the other because it's about 5 inches up off the substrate attached to the aquarium back wall with a suction cup. It's reached the substrate now and growing roots into it. Of all 5 of my tanks this is the only tank that has gotten blooms so far.
  2. What an awesome collection of animals already! 🙂
  3. Welcome to the forum @Robinlikescories! What a great thing to do!
  4. Oh my! I recently got some Guppy Grass- it's growing fine and don't use fertilizers. What are your tank parameters like? Lighting?
  5. The pictures you have posted though it doesn't show a full view it's definitely a rimmed tank. The standard glass lid might work even if it is a different brand (as long as the sizes are similar) you'll just need the measurements. There are lots of clever people here who have made their own lids and swear by them they may answer up as well. I think the nice part about being retired (which I think I recall you are?) is that it doesn't matter what hour you are at the computer you can do what you want. I however get to be at work.
  6. Welcome to the forum @Anitab. 🙂
  7. I have some insight I guess because I totally understand where you're coming from. When I started back in the hobby all I really wanted was my one 20 gallon tank. I purposefully picked fish that supposedly wouldn't breed or are near impossible to breed. I did that because, like you, nobody is good enough for the animals I raise. (I worked in an animal shelter for a time and I had to stop fostering because I didn't like "giving away" my furkids, to people who no matter how good they were- were never good enough for them). My Otos spawning was the best and worst thing that could have happened. It started a chain reaction and now I have 5 tanks that all were started in some form or fashion because of the Otos. The plan was to put as many of them as I could into the new tanks and then take the "leftovers" to the LFS. Well. I still don't like that idea, it just feels so very animal shelter to me. So I have what might be considered an "overstocked" tank (that gets daily maintenance and tests well). I think I would feel better if I could give fish away to people I knew were fish people. What I need to do is join the local fish club(s) and participate in those sorts of functions, but I haven't yet. It's something I really shouldn't be procrastinating with because future fish babies count on me. 🙂 ....I need to get some Horwort....
  8. If it's a standard Aqueon rimmed tank you can get glass lid replacements but you will need to consider a light. 🙂 Petco usually has them and I'd recommend buy online pick up in store to get the best price. I'm sorry you lost a couple more fish. Hopefully that's the end of that.
  9. I agree with @laritheloud it's true, meds can crash a cycle. So just do frequent smaller water changes (I wouldn't do more than 20%, personally I've found more than that can do more damage than good.), detoxify with whatever it is you use (I use Prime), monitor your levels and treat the fish with the meds you chose. When done with medication be prepared to continue with the water changes and detoxifying. Use bottle beneficial bacteria if you want and/or treat it as a fish in cycle if you don't have already cycled media you can put in once medicating is over.
  10. ...and I mean more pics, cause I like to see them grow. 🙂
  11. Pics when you can!! I love to see the babies!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🥰
  12. OTOCINCLUS COCAMA: The 2 Gallon QT: Popeye Patient @Odd Duck and @Colu again thanks for the tech support here, it's appreciated. When I did the Maracyn I was treating with Aquarium salt as well which I think made the biggest difference in the swelling at that time (it was huge). When I switched to Kanaplex I did a big water change but there was likely still some salinity left. While Oto was in their 3rd Epsom soak today I tidied up the tank (of old food) and dosed the 2nd dose of Kanaplex and added in some Aquarium salt as suggested. Depending on results I think I might do a 2nd round as odd duck suggests. Once finished I may put them in my breeder box that hangs on to the tank and monitor them that way. Here's todays pic (not much change if any that's ok we're determined.)
  13. Yes that would be a concern as Otos do better in established tanks so it would be good to try and get them to eat the commercial food or veggies if you can. When you first get them sadly it's not unusual to lose some within the first month you have them as they are already starved at times and there's no coming back from that. I lost 6 of my very first 7. So when I had to QT my new set of Otos in a small tank I already had for QT it had lots of diatom algae but they quickly ate it. So I started crushing Hikari wafers and left them on the bottom for them. That's when they started eating Hikari for me.
  14. You know I did a couple of times but I don't remember being wowed by the results. Maybe I just didn't have the kind of particles that this would usually help. Maybe I got a bad bottle? Not even sure.
  15. Oh wow! What a nice thing for a graveyarder to wake up to. I'm with @lefty o, not something I would have ever expected, and like @Guppysnail I feel like I get just as much or more help than I ever give. How neat! Thank you very much. 🙂
  16. Yea we're a little rotten over here that's for sure, I get it. I will say I've got a weather advantage though maybe not right now. It's 37 degrees (f) here right now- my tanks actually run hotter in the winter because I keep my house warmer. I detest being cold.
  17. OTOCINCLUS COCAMA: 2 Gallon QT Popeye patient: We are on day 2 of Epsom salt soaks in conjunction with Kanaplex (only one dose so far as it is dosed every 48hours). Poor Tiger Oto is very patient with me taking them in and out of the tank though today he wasn't too happy when I caught them to put them back. Patient is very inactive and doesn't really seem to be eating much at least from what I can tell. Daily I baste up all the food and put new food for them. I have some hope they are since today after placing them back I spotted them on top of the food for a bit whether or not they ate is a mystery but at least I can say they know the food is there. I think it's good to continue treatment of meds though at this point so I appreciate the advice I've gotten from @Odd Duck. (Do you think I should do 2 rounds or give them a break after this? Or try another med?) The look is a bit paler but it's a little trick of the light since in the QT tank they look darker. I got a couple of pictures of them in the Salt soak and side by sides of the last couple of days: I also heard back from Fritz this last week after I had emailed them asking about the Maracyn and Maracyn Two boxes both saying they treat Popeye and told them I was treating a Popeye that was result of injury. This was their reply ( @Colu you may -or may not- be interested in what they say):
  18. Not sure if that's normal but I've had good experiences usually when emailing the manufacturer directly. Typically they respond within a day. I've not used a Tetra product but I have seen some "safe starting" bacteria bottles do similar things just not chunks, mostly clouding water a little and it goes away fairly quickly.
  19. I don't run heaters in any of my tanks. Today they tested between 76.5 and 78.5 (5 tanks, Fahrenheit of course). They never run below 74 and if they did I'd probably run a heater to come on around then. This has never been an issue for me. I keep heaters on standby for fishy first aid, that's about it.
  20. I've used it and didn't see any change in my fish or snails at all. I can also say it didn't seem to do much for me any time I've used it. Unfortunately.
  21. Hi MBP welcome to the forum. Is there any reason to be concerned about your Otos? Meaning, do they not have rounded bellies? You've fed them everything I feed mine (but I've also started recently feeding Repashy as well). They may have plenty to eat in your tank and are just not interested, but I would continue to leave out food for them as they may eventually come to it. My Otos are active more at night so maybe leave out food where you see them most after the lights go out. It took a while, I find them very, very picky eaters- and what one Oto keeper can get them to eat another can't (I've tried lots and they've rejected lots). Which is why I started feeding mine in bowls- which is how I monitor how much is being eaten and it's easy clean up.
  22. This is BFG happily trolling their Flex9 tank near a granite statue, in the blurry distance there is an Ember Tetra...
  23. Just to update here for an ending. Verti fully recovered from his injury and has been back in the main tank for some time now. I used to be able to tell them apart- I can't any longer. 🙂 Happy Ending!
  24. Congrats! I hope it all goes well! Post pics!
  25. I let one go for a bit this is all it produced above water before I cut it:
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