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Everything posted by Keeg

  1. I have only gotten a spike when it was grown emersed, they're kind of like flowers but with plants inside of pedals. I only cut off the baby plant when I felt it was mature enough to grow itself, around 4 inches. When I want to propagate it (submerged), baby plants will grown from the base of another. So In my experience, it won't grow another spike unless you're growing it emersed.
  2. Baby fry get food 2 times a day. Puffer tank with guppies every other day usually, sometime every two, puffer eats the guppies and they eat algae. Adult bettas, nano tank, and gourami, all every other day. Snails are around once a week. Scarlet badis and shrimp aren't fed specifically, they find their own food from the tank, or if I have left over bbs from fry.
  3. Do you think he'll reply on here or should I send a private message?
  4. When people ask what kind of pets I have, what I do for fun, and what im studying in college. Once that happens I have to limit my tanks to the attention grabbers like breeding and puffers.
  5. Does anybody know if the co-op will do store credit for pure bred plakats and cross bred plakat crowntails? If so, how would somebody set up a meeting or inquisition? And how much would somebody expect?
  6. Washingtonian Fam😎 45 min to co-op, and co-op is 10 min from Sunday Dim-Sum 🤤
  7. Darn, thanks anyways. There used to be a guy like that in the city but his shop burned down and he couldn't afford to rebuild so now I dont even know where he could be. This was like a decade ago as well, back when I didn't use natural decor.
  8. Keeg

    Ich or..?

    I honestly have no idea what it could've been if it just disappeared. But im glad it's gone!
  9. Thats one freaking adorable eel. 10/10 wish they were more in aquariums and not on plates
  10. @Nooby do you have a specific link that you used? And with all the fake reviews on amazon, I prefer sources in person or spread by word of mouth.
  11. yeah the rules are a bit limiting but amazon and eBay are allowed but im suspicious with both. But no stores sells Malaysian drift wood nearby, only spider and its just a pin sometimes. My best piece is from my father and its almost as old as I am.
  12. Im looking for a medium sized (8 ish inches in length) Malaysian drift wood piece and I want it to be a sort of branch/ large branch root system. It is my favorite type so far because of how dense, long lasting, and dark it is. What is an appropriate price for a piece like this. Last time I went to the co-op they really didn't have any pieces I was looking for and the pieces they did have were out of my budget. What would you consider a piece like this to be a fair price? Also does anybody have any luck with Amazon? I would try but im afraid I'd get some bad pieces.
  13. In my opinion, I say the honey gourami. They've got the classic look of a gourami and they're tiny, I feel like sparkling gourami look too much like juvenile bettas for my liking. Whatever you choose, I hope you'll love em.
  14. SAME, one of the biggest regrets ive had 😬😬😬
  15. I agree with @Tihshho, the parameters look good anyways. pH is a little low for plecos but not bad and if you want to change it, you could add crushed coral or add a buffer. I use Seachem neutral regulator to get 7.0. Im also on well and the ph is also a little low here too
  16. I dont know much about wattage, plug it in, if it makes a strong flow of bubbles, it's good. this image from google shows a good example
  17. I talk about these when I say bubble filter but what you sent technically are the same thing. You can add a pump to the tube and make it stronger without risking fish safety too, though its a sponge filter at that point. Its all interchangeable in my mind.
  18. Keeg

    Ich or..?

    It appears that it could be early enough that you can provide her with clean water and less stress to hopefully aid her in fighting it off herself. If it continues to grow but doesn't affect her behavior, it could be a growth like a tumor, fairly common older bettas. When did the spot appear?
  19. Keeg

    Plecos dying

    it could have been internal parasites, with plecos being bottom feeders, it isnt unheard of them sucking them in. My best guess was the added stress of a large water change, coupled with some sort of illness was too much for them to handle.
  20. Keeg

    Plecos dying

    A lot of people (including myself) will take their deceased fish and freeze them before dealing with the body. This allows time for people to handle the remains such as burial or taxidermy. Kind of like a morgue but for fish.
  21. Personally I like to just do a visual quarantine, especially with sensitive fish. In most cases, the fish are completely healthy and can be moved in as long as I feel they are safe to be introduced to other fish. Generally a few weeks, maybe earlier if they're definitely healthy with signs like being a pig
  22. Keeg

    Ich or..?

    It would be very helpful if you provide some more photos and water parameters. From first glance, it looks like a wound, sore, infection, or fungus but I can't get a good look with your pic. You can quarantine and treat with the med trio and clean water and it should reside. It looks like you just caught whatever it is in its beginning stage and that is great for treating early!
  23. I would say a big bubble filter with a strong air pump or power head should be good. And unagi can be found from Japan to Vietnam so their water temp really varies. If yours has been doing fine without one for half a decade now, I would assume it wouldn't need one now.* Eels are pretty slow so anything with streamline bodies like tetras can do fine. But with the water temp (would be great if you could give an estimated number) you can be fairly limited. I would go with snails as a clean up crew, lots of people hate them but hey, the eel shouldn't/ probably won't eat them. *They like 25-29 C on average, I would go with around 26 because they like the fresh water rivers and breed with warmer temps. Assuming you want to control the temp with a heater or not* With a max size of 40 cm, I would say the ideal home is 55 g (200 liter) or more, but you can get away with a 30g (120)ish long tank with a tight lid on both. Thats the absolute perfect name for an eel, I (and probably lots of others on this site) would love to see some pictures of Una-chan. Extra tip: When I try to find info on animals that are usually meant as food like fugu or trout, its way easier to look at the farming requirements rather than aquarium hobby specifics.
  24. looks like wendtii green to me, going off the stripes in the older leaves, plus the new leaf is wavy which para doesn't do.
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