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Everything posted by Ogpulchra

  1. The corners will be an inch away from the vertical supports. I was worried about them not being directly under, but I wouldn't have room for the other tank on the bottom. I'm a pretty anxious person, so I don't know if I'm worrying too much about it or if I should scrap the bottom tank and move the vertical supports over. Braces are a good idea. Thanks!
  2. I went with my boyfriend's building plan, despite feeling iffy about it. Now I'm worried about using it for my 33g long. The boards are 2x3s and the longest span is 50" between vertical supports. The tank is 48"x13"x13" and will weigh about 400 lbs. I know the cinder block stands don't have vertical supports under the corners, so I thought this would be okay. Should I replace the horizontal boards the tank will sit on with 2x4s or move the vertical supports so that they are directly under the tank corners? Or is this stand strong enough as is? I chose the 50" span because I wanted to put another 33g on the bottom shelf too. I will be adding some 2x3s across the back to prevent racking.
  3. Are you sure something is munching on them? My anubias gets holes and starts to sad when I don't add potassium.
  4. I know the Aquarium Co-op site has a care guide for them that lists freeze dried and frozen in the feeding section. I think Cory did a video on their care too. I just noticed that some of my killifish fattened up better with live food. I think you'd be fine with freeze dried and frozen. I had read a few care guides before I got them that stated most would only accept live food. I guess I could probably make it easier on myself, but it's also fun to watch them "hunt" and I'm hoping they eventually breed.
  5. I feed my clown killifish baby brine shrimp, daphnia, fruit flies and flake. I went through a busy period where I could only feed flake and they seemed to thin out a bit. Baby brine shrimp are super easy but can be time consuming if fed every day without the proper setup. Fruit flies are super easy too. I'm still figuring out how to keep my daphnia culture from crashing. They're one of my favorite fish and definitely worth the extra effort.
  6. Are there any freshwater gobies that would do well in a community tank with 76° temp and average water flow (40g breeder with an aquaclear 50 in one back corner and a large Aquarium Co-op sponge filter in the other)? I love pretty much every goby and am open to species. If not, I can also do a 40g long hillstream type setup, but I would prefer more diversity than a species only tank. Any ideas for nano tankmates that would do well in a high flow environment? I particularly like nano schooling fish like rasboras (Boraras sp.) and oddball fish/invertebrates.
  7. True. I did plan on adding some kind of bracing, but 2x4s for the vertical supports is a good idea.
  8. Thanks, Patrick! It will save money too. I can't believe how expensive 2x4s are now. Yeah, the 2x3s would be 1.5"x2.5".
  9. I'm going to build a stand for a 40g long next weekend, and I'm wondering if I can get away with 2x3s. I'm planning on using a design similar to this, but I can add a center support if needed. I am limited on vertical space, so the extra 2 inches would allow me to add a couple of small tanks on the bottom.
  10. My 6 puffers did well in a heavily planted 20g long. I feed them black worms (love them because they will survive in the gravel for quite awhile and the puffers always a food source), snails and frozen bloodworms. There were aggression issues once I increased their number from 6 to 8, so I moved them to a 40g breeder. I think having a ton of plants to break up line of sight and establish territories really helps.
  11. Then I'm going with a robot dolphin from Edge Innovations. I just learned about them last night. Robot dolphin best friend. Sick. Edit: oops, meant to quote Cinnebuns about the blue whale
  12. Need: Brine shrimp eggs Want: A nicer rack. Gussied up 2x4 racks instead of the ugly steel garage type shelving I have. I don't mind it for the tanks in the basement, but the rack in my bedroom is an eyesore. I'm satisfied with the one in my shirt. Wish: More time. More time. More time. Between family obligations, work and a boyfriend, I don't have as much time or energy as I'd like to try fun DIY projects or work on my aquariums.
  13. I bought 2 female bettas (for separate community tanks), and they both turned out to be a-holes. I scrapped plans for a 29g community so I could keep them in their own 10g tanks. It really does depend on the individual fish, so you might want to have a backup plan for the betta.
  14. Amazon swords are heavy root feeders. You might want to try putting a root tab in the gravel next to it. I have had good luck with API and Aquarium Co-op root tabs.
  15. I plan on adding another hob filter and an air stone. There isn't enough water movement when the plants fill in. Thank you!
  16. I have a heavily planted 40g breeder with: 17 kuhli loaches 15 strawberry rasboras 7 clown killifish 4 otocinclus 1 betta Sounds heavily stocked, but the tank looks pretty empty unless it's feeding time. I have stable water parameters and do a 30% water change every 7-10 days. Assuming I'm not overstocked, can I add 10 green neon tetras without stressing the other fish? Primarily worried about whether I have enough territory/ swimming space for another group of nano fish. I'm not too worried about the bioload. I initially bought them for a planted 29g (3 otocinclus and ramshorn snails), but I think they'd look amazing in the 40g. They'll be in the quarantine tank for the next 2-3 weeks.
  17. I once saw "blue eye gold neon tetras" and thought they were gorgeous. Pictures don't really do them justice. I plan on getting a school once my plants fill in. I think green neon tetras are underrated.
  18. I've drilled 2 1/8" holes into 5.5g and 10g tanks for tarantula enclosures. It can definitely be done, but you might want to get a beater tank to practice on. You really can't put more pressure than the weight of the drill or the entire pane will crack.
  19. Can't wait to see how your project turns out! You can probably tell by my username, but I also keep tarantulas and true spiders.
  20. I might just hold off and do a 33 long. Any thoughts on fish compatibility?
  21. I'd like to set up a community tank with fish that would do fine at about 68° (evening temp) to 70-72° (daytime) long-term. Would the species below work in a heavily planted 20g long? 29g? I'm pretty set on this stocking list unless there are compatibility issues with any of the fish. I can go bigger if this seems like it would overstock a 20g long. I'd also bump up temps if needed. 6 red neon blue rainbowfish 6 clown killifish 1 male scarlet badis, cherry shrimp 2 nerite snails
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