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Everything posted by Ogpulchra

  1. My bettas have done a lot better with rasboras (Boraras species). A couple of my green neon tetras were fin nippers, but you might not have that issue with your neons.
  2. 36"! A betta got me into the hobby about 3 years ago, so it will be his special retirement tank. 🙂
  3. The 12g long is $120-130 everywhere I've looked locally, so I thought it was a decent deal. I agree that I spent way more by gallon, but that footprint is niiiice.
  4. I thought the aquamaxx tanks were a good deal, but I could be wrong. I bought a 12g long for $75.
  5. Bulk reef supply has bookshelf aquariums for about 50% off and free shipping on orders over $50. Can't beat Petco prices, but seems like a good deal for bookshelf tanks.
  6. Finally big enough to get pictures!
  7. Can fry get stuck in hair algae?
  8. I have 10 green neon tetras that have been doing well for about 3 months, but some of them are pretty big. I haven't had any losses or noticed unusual behavior since I got them. Are they just gravid females? Sick? They are round like this even when fasted.
  9. They were eggs! I noticed fry a few days ago and have been feeding them vinegar eels and microworms. I think a couple of them might be big enough for bbs. I moved the adults into my planted community tank until I can set up a separate tank for them. Super exciting!
  10. I really love the way they look with my strawberry rasboras and zipper kuhli loaches (Pangio cuneovirgata). The red of the rasboras and stripes of the kuhli loaches really make their colors pop while still being teeny-tiny so they don't take too much attention from the killis. (cuneovirgata is supposed to be much smaller than the more common Pangio species.) I'm letting plants get established before I transfer them to the 33g long in my bedroom. I'm also going to try them in a bookshelf tank with Elassoma gilberti (pygmy sunfish).
  11. @Fish Folk Yeah, eggs seem unlikely. I do hope to raise up some of their young eventually, so probably just wishful thinking. Thank you for replying!
  12. I've had these Elassoma gilberti in a quarantine tank for about 7 days. Are these eggs or just debris that got caught up in the plant roots?
  13. I ordered 3 pygmy sunfish and the seller sent 6. Unfortunately, all of them died in transit. I'm feeling pretty guilty and bummed. I hate when animals suffer. Just wanted to vent here since I don't have any nerm buddies.
  14. Nano fish and plants. I have to remind myself every time I go to buy a new tank that I can't have every species I want. I'm naturally impulsive when it comes to hobbies, but try not to be when they involve animals.
  15. I have 2 community tanks and they both have rocket killifish and kuhli loaches. I would probably put them in every tank, but I don't trust my pea puffers and my bettas seem to do better with less active tank mates.
  16. I feel the same way about my strawberry rasboras.
  17. Any chance you'll get more crocodile toothpick fish/Indostomus crocodilus any time soon?
  18. @Guppysnail watching the kuhli loaches, otos and pygmy corys go to town on the gummies never gets old.
  19. Grossest gummy bears ever
  20. I inject co2 at about 2-3 bubbles a second in my 40 gallon breeder and it made a huge difference in plant health and algae control. The stem plants do grow a little faster, but I only have to trim once a month.
  21. I started soaking a bunch of spiderwood I bought from a big box store a couple of weeks ago and it smells terrible, like rot. I initially had it in still water for a week, noticed the smell and pulled it out to clean off the biofilm. I put it back in a tank with clean water, airstones and a sponge filter, but the smell is back after a day. 0 ammonia in tap and water from driftwood tank is between 0 and .25 ppm. It's barely darker than the tap water. I've never had spiderwood smell like rotten garbage before. Has anyone else experienced this? Should I give it more time or maybe soak it in a mild bleach bath?
  22. I'm transitioning to shallow tanks in relatively tight spaces, so the compact shape and easily accessible controller are really exciting. I bought one last night to test out before splurging on more. Flashing lights should be easy to hide if needed. Still waiting for the Aquarium Co-op lights and mulm sweatpants!
  23. I don't particularly care for plecos, but I absolutely love the bristlenose I got with a tank I bought used. Thought I'd love neon blue rasboras (Sundadanio axelrodi), but I didn't know they had so much red. They colored up a ton once I got them home and on live food. They remind me too much of neon tetras. At least they are hardier and less shy than expected. Still enjoying them though!
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