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Everything posted by Colu

  1. Colu


    Any listlessness hanging near the surface reduced feeding response fish separating from the group and hanging around on there own colour loss also can you try and take a picture of the fish also how long have you had the fish and have you added any new fish recently that could have bought parasites @Constevein to your tank
  2. Fenbendazole is extremely toxic to snails it can be absorbed by porous material such as rocks and leech out months later from what I have read I would be very cautious about adding snails to a tank you have treated with fenbendazole no planaria active ingredient is betelnut Palm extract some conflicting information some saying it kills Ramshorns MTS and pond snails what I would do is run active carbon or purigen for a couple of months just in case any medication is leeching from porous material in your tank then I would add bladder snails or MTS to see how they do before add mystery or nerite snails @Cinnebuns
  3. Expel p active ingredient is levamisole that treats different types of parasites such as nematode worms round worms hooks worms praziquantel treats flukes and tape worms tape worms can also cause weight lose @Odd Duckhas a good treatment protocol for parasitic infections @Cinnebuns
  4. With parasitic infections you will get the odd random fish death every couple of weeks with the weight lose I think it would be worthwhile treating with Expel p once a week for 3 weeks
  5. I would just treat with prazipro can you get a picture of yellow spots on the rainbow fish
  6. What I would do is treat with anti-parasitic medication such as prazipro or paracleanse prazipro is better value for your money you dose on day one leave it a week do two 50% water changes over 2 days then redose repeat this for 3 full courses of treatment over 3 weeks @tetra
  7. Yes stop treating with maracyn2 days 1-3-5 add one scoop of kanaplex per 10 gallons days 1-5 add one dose per 10 gallons of jungal fungus clear fizz tabs do a large water before starting treatment than do a 25% water change on days 3-5 redose medication Forgot to mention the extra dose of both medication is on day 5 as you usually treat with kanaplex every 2 days it's not a double dose just an extra dose of the medication per 10 gallons on day 5
  8. Is looking better you can fast for 2 days it won't hurt with bloating I wouldn't feed blood worms I would feed live or frozen daphnia or brine and a couple of Betta pellets once a day
  9. Possible columnaris that a gram negative bacterial infections that spreads more quickly at temperature over 75 and can kill in 24hr to 7 days for some of the cold water strains the most effective treatment is a combination of kanaplex and jungal fungus clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone following this treatment plan the remaining spots in your picture look raised so the treatment I recommended will treat suspected epistylis and columnaris @Evan
  10. Am not seeing any Redding to the edges of fins that would indicate fin rot could be thought nipping or something else could be going have you added any new fish that could have bought in parasites to your existing guppies @Cinnebuns
  11. What I would do is fast him for a couple of days add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons if you the bloating doesn't Go down after fasting for a couple of days then I would do Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant @Helpwithmy_snailpls
  12. looks like hemorrhaging it could have swim into something and killed it self fish decompose really quickly after they die that could be changes to the tissue after it has died the white line on the body doesn't look like a parasite to me so I would just keep monitoring your other fish for now to see if there's any change in behaviour and there still eating ok I would also add an extra air stone to increase levels of desloved oxygen @Anomaly16
  13. Have you noticed any rapid breathing listlessness hanging near the surface flashing spitting food out sunken belly @tetra
  14. You can add a dose of prazipro on day one leave it for 7 days then do two 50 % water change over next 2 days then redose the prazipro for another 7 days then repeat the water changes and redose it can take a minimum of 4 treatment with prazipro if your not seeing much improvement after a couple of treatment then I would start to treat with Fritz Expel p active ingredient is levamisole once a week for 3 weeks
  15. Looks like an injury possible broken jaw I would monitor to make sure it can eat properly and its not having any other issues you could add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons it will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes @suurrruuh
  16. Looking at the fish I would do another course of kanaplex which is 3 treatments 2 days apart then do a large water change and run carbon for 24 HR before doing the first course of paracleanse I would just dose the tank as you can't guarantee there will get the correct dose in food
  17. What I would do is a course of maracyn2 in food the active ingredient minocycline also has anti-inflammatory properties and dose the tank with kanaplex the combined treatment provides a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment @Ashlyn
  18. There's a couple of things that could be going on with the white patch on the head of your Otto and pale colour of your Cory's what I would do is two courses of kanaplex back to back as there seems to be something bacterial going on I would follow up with prazipro once a week for 3 weeks to deworm your Otto's as the majority are wild caught there's always a risk of a parasitic infections or you can treat with paracleanse once every two weeks for 3 full courses of treatment @Teresa72
  19. I wouldn't keep it longer than 7 days if your using pellets if your using frozen I make a new batch every 3-4 days
  20. Colu

    Ich Help

    Yes if you do a 10 gallon water change put 1 table spoon back in I have used salt upto 1 table spoon for 5 gallons without any issues with my vall
  21. Colu

    Ich Help

    I would just keep going with daily water changes and redose the ick X I would add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 10 gallons as Ich causes massive electrolyte loss and the salt will add back in essential electrolytes at that level it won't harm your plants alot of plants can tolerate 1 table spoon for 5 gallons of aquarium salt I wouldn't go above that with plants @Zac
  22. If you can't get them to eat the medicated food then I would dose the tank
  23. You could do that unless your seeing any ammonia or nitrite I wouldn't do daily 50% water changes that would be stressful on them during treatment i would just do one large water change a week during treatment unless you detect any ammonia or nitrite
  24. You could treat with maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days or lower the water level in the pond treat the pond I wouldn't put 9 goldfish in a 40 gallons
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