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Everything posted by Colu

  1. Have you started treating with Esha gdex or ndx yet if you have it can still take a week or two depending on the causes before you see some improvement that looks like scoliosis that mainly has a genetic component more common in varieties of guppies with larger tail fins
  2. I have never bought frozen food online hopefully someone else has a recommendation for good online company to ship frozen food
  3. Looking at the diet I wouldn't feed cod or salmon that could be causing the bloating I would only feed the freeze dried Tubifex worms twice a week what I would do if you can is get some frozen or live daphnia or brine shrimp feed a couple of time a week and feed the Xtreme pellets once a day I wouldn't feed any more medicated food I don't see anything that would require antibiotic or anti parasitic treatments and holed off on the Epsom salt for now the blue spots on the scales are natural colour and don't need treatment I would try feed the way I recommended for two weeks than give us an update @HelplessNewbie
  4. A little more information would be helpful what are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH kH GH temperature what food are you feeding and how often
  5. What I do is treat with a combination I of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon added directly to the tank or Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days to reduce fluid buildup dose the tank with kanaplex it's a good antibiotic treatment for internal bacterial infections and kidney infection that can cause some of of the symptoms associated with dropsy and do a course of metroplex in food feeding a small twice a day for upto 3 weeks as it treats aeromonas that can cause some of the symptoms associated with dropsy it's is difficult to treat with out noing the cause that why I Go for a methodical approach and treat the most likely causes it can be caused by kidney infection internal parasites can cause pineconing internal bacterial infections organ failure good quality food good stayble water parameters low stress environment will lesson your chances of fish getting dropsy
  6. Unexplained deaths are a difficult one it's possible your new guppies introduced disease into your tank are you sure the platys which you say are over weight aren't bloated thought some other cause such as a parasitic infections can cause bloating can you post a picture of the over weight fish just in case something else is going on @iwanttostayanonymous 92074
  7. As you haven't added any new fish that could have bought in parasites possible bacterial infections with colour loss what I would do is quarantine if you can and do a course of kanaplex and aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons @Hulkson88
  8. How old is the fish have you added any new fish to this tank recently any rapid breathing listlessness hanging near the surface flashing spitting food out @Hulkson88
  9. Am not familiar with this brand of medication usually praziquantel it's a treatment over a couple of days to a week not one day I am not sure about this I would have thought Esha medication would be readily available in most European countries if your get Sera you want bactopur direct tables not Sera bactopur that has a different active ingredient acriflavine you might be able to Esha gdex and ndx off Amazon or eBay I would treat with anti-parasitic medication Frist before going down the route of antibiotic treatments
  10. With the picture quality it's difficult to tell if that's hole in the head if it were you would want to treat with metroplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for upto 3 weeks the co-op treatment protocol is a preventive treatment if your fish have an active infection I would treat following instructions of The box @Zac
  11. Depending on the size of your tanks for smaller tanks under 10 gallons snails or shrimps are what I would use for bigger tanks Otto's Bristlenose kuhli loach they would all still new regular feed just relying on a fish to eat uneaten food they won't get enough food it's a balancing act more fish to clean up equals more waste I think Ramshorn snails work be your best option and there population will self regulate over time with amount of food your feeding your Betta @Louise02
  12. Colu

    Quarantine ADF?

    Just in case anyone did need to treat there ADF general cure is safe to use it treats parasitic infections and some skin infections on ADF frogs tetracycline based antibiotic such as maracyn2 active ingredient is minocycline are also safe use with ADF
  13. Depending on the type of infection it can take anywhere from a couple of weeks or longer with fin rot you can kill the bacterial response able for the infection it can take a couple of weeks for the fins to fully regrow depending on the severity of the fin loss
  14. Kuhli loach are scaleless fish and are more sensitive to certain medications what I do is a minimum 1 months quarantine and monitor for any signs of disease and treat according to any symptoms I see i just feed good quality food and keep good water parameters if any issues develope during quarantine that I need to treat I restart the month long quarantine after treatment just to make sure am no introducing any pathogens or parasites into my main tank @Louise02
  15. I think it would be worthwhile treating for a parasitic infections the bent spine can have a bacterial component it can also be caused by scoliosis that really common in guppies or lack of minerals your kH and GH are fine as your in Europe I would treat them with a combination of Esha gdex active ingredient is praziquantel and Esha ndx active ingredient is levamisole following @Odd Duck treatment protocol for parasitic infections I would also get holed of Sera bactopur direct tables active ingredient is nifurpirinol is a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment have it to hand just in case there's a bacterial component @ToothlessTheGuppy
  16. Colu

    EBO foods

    Not tried the shrimp sticks veg sticks have been very popular with my bristlenose and MTS and bladder snails the shrimp sticks are compressed to make very hard so they don't back down in tank maybe that's why there not as popular with your aspidoras or some of your other fish bristlenose plecos should like them
  17. Colu

    EBO foods

    Just got some EBO artemia paste to try I been feeding it 1-2 times a week my bristlenose give it a thumbs up like just as much as the EBO youngsters grow past and the spirulina paste
  18. Am struggling to see yellow spots on the tail fin it looks more like natural colour to the tail what species of rainbow fish is it is more than likely natural colour to the tail fin @tetra
  19. Sorry to hear that saprolegniasis does have a high mortality rate even with treatment
  20. Its caused by a microganism that affects the fish when the slime coat has been compromised by disease or stress once the skin is contaminated the microganism destroys layers of the skin look very similar to a fungal infection
  21. Looks like saprolegniasis it's a type of water mould the active ingredient in ick X malachite green is an effective treatment and aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons I wouldn't go above that levels of salt with Cory's @Jaspyjasp
  22. Colu

    Betta bloaded

    What I would do is fast for a couple of days if your still seeing bloating then I would do Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant just in case it's suffering from constipation and feed frozen or live brine shrimp or daphnia @alcidmr
  23. Colu


    What I would do is add an extra air stone and a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 10 gallons that will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes if after a couple of days your still seeing rapid breathing and flashing then I would treat with prazipro do 3 full courses of treatment with prazipro
  24. Red Gills can be a sign of ammonia burn I noticed you haven't put any parameters for ammonia so I would start there test your ammonia do another water change and add a double dose of prime that will help to detoxify any potential ammonia if your ammonia comes back fine you could be dealing with Gill flukes they can also cause some of the symptoms your seeing for that you would want to do is treat with paracleanse every 2 weeks for 3 full courses of treatment @Anomaly16
  25. Colu


    Any listlessness hanging near the surface reduced feeding response fish separating from the group and hanging around on there own colour loss also can you try and take a picture of the fish also how long have you had the fish and have you added any new fish recently that could have bought parasites @Constevein to your tank
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