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Everything posted by Colu

  1. You follow the instructions on the bottle for cyropro doing water changes before the full 21 days is up will make the medication less effective what you could do is do two doses of cyropro on day 14 do a very large water change and do another two courses of cyropro if you need to do a water change before the 21 days @CJs Aquatics the most effective treatment for anchor worms is lufenuron active ingredient in Esha ALX I don't think that's available in the USA
  2. I agree with @Zac quarantine and treat with a broad spectrum antibiotic such kanaplex and 1 table spoon for 2 gallons of aquarium salt he's not looking good if you can't quarantine I would dose the tank with kanaplex if you have live plants I would use a lower dose of salt 1 table spoon for 6 gallons at that level it won't harm your plants and add an extra air stone during treatment@Kevin A
  3. Colu


    Yes they are susceptible to neon tetra disease what I would do is start add 1 table spoon for 2 gallons for no more than 2 weeks just remember to only add back in what you take out so if you do a two gallon water change put one table spoon of salt back in and add an extra air stone during treatment
  4. Am not seeing any Redding to the edge of the fin that would suggest fin rot more than likely damage to the fin if you notice the fin start to recede and Redding to the edge of the fin than I would do a course of kanaplex
  5. Colu


    Yes endless can get neon tetra disease it also causes cysts to develop in the muscle tissue that could be the other spots you seeing near the tail fin
  6. Colu


    Looks like snout chondroma there commonly associated with neon tetra disease that spread when infected fish die and are eaten by other and they ingest to many pleistophora for there immune system to handle it can infect angelfish danios barbs guppies goldfish and other species of tetras such as cardinals and rummy nose currently they not treatment available I would quarantine any fish fish showing symptoms he's a picture of neon tetra with snout chondroma for comparison @rotpaw
  7. Nifurpirinol is an antibiotic treatment that was developed for the treatment of fish in aquaculture system from what have read it's a good antibiotic medication to add to food some resistance to the antibiotic has built up over the years due to over use so there are better antibiotic treatments available it still effective at treating a wide range of diseases
  8. What I would do is add a so aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons if there filled with air your more than likely dealing with gas bubble disease I would also lower the level of water to reduce pressure or put him in breeder box closer to the surface it can help with gas bubble disease hopefully he will improve
  9. Kanaplex is best used to dose the tank the active ingredient kanamycin sulfate is poorly abosrb by the gut when added to food what I do mix the medication in a jug till it's dissolved and distribute it evenly over the surface of the aquarium maraycn 2 is good alternative antibiotic treatment to kanaplex when added to food when added to the tank kanaplex is adsorbed by the fish so it can treat internal infection some antibiotic treatment such as maraycn active ingredient erythromycin isn't effective at treating internal bacterial infections unless added to food so your essential wasting money adding it to the tank to treat internal infection
  10. There a gland just behind the dorsal fin of Cory's that can show protein secretion you can also get gas bubble disease that's what @Guppysnailmentioned and it looks similar to what your fish looks like that and it can be caused by supersaturation of oxygen in your tank or though leak of gas in to your water though small holes filter piping I would check your filter to see if you have any leaks in the connections @Row-Z if it is fatty deposits I would feed a lower protein diet for next couple of week to see if there's any improvement
  11. Colu


    Can you post a picture of the sick fish it will help with a diagnosis
  12. Everything am seeing is the result of the injury it sustained it's causing some inflammation near the eye that could be dead or damage tissue falling of his fins if there's any secondary bacterial infections the kanaplex and salt should deal with that @Cinnebuns
  13. Colu

    Oto disease help

    Looking at the picture it could be bacterial or it's been trapped and injured it's self I couldn't rule damage caused by leech in your tank what I would do is a course of kanaplex to prevent any secondary bacterial infections and add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 10 gallon
  14. Very unusual for multiple fish from different species to have swim bladder it could still be because caused by over eating and the stomach putting pressure on the swim bladder parasitic infection can affect the swim bladder with medicated food you have treated with a think that's unlikely I would try Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days give an update after 5 days I would also fast them for the first couple of days of Epsom salt baths
  15. If it dies you want to remove it as soon as possible to prevent an ammonia spike
  16. if you fry are constantly picking the fins of the males that will be a difficult habit to break once the males fins have been heal reintroduce them and monitor them closely maybe removing the males for a period of time will change the habit of fry and they will spot nipping the fins
  17. You can get raised white spots or lumps on the fin rays of goldfish when they facture a fin ray and you get a proliferation of fibrous tissue to help stabilise the break causing these white lumps it's very common in long fined goldfish and nothing to worry about ich is flat white spots that look like a sinking of salt on the fins and and body
  18. If you still have him in with the fry that were nipping his tail that probably why it isn't improving I would quarantine or put him in breeder box to give him some time for his tail to heal fully
  19. Colu

    Possible tumour?

    That the one I use
  20. Colu

    Possible tumour?

    It could be a tumor or it could have a bacterial component as antibiotic treatment such as kanaplex aren't available unless you order off of eBay and it can take weeks to arrive what I would suggest is adding some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons for one week just remember to put back in what you take out so if your do a 10 gallon water change put 5 table spoons of salt back in if you have catfish or loach I would add a smaller amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 4 gallons after a week give us an update @danio
  21. Still can't see your picture any level of ammonia is toxic to fish what I would do is test daily any time you see ammonia do a large water change and add a double dose of prime or Fritz complete to help detoxify any ammonia till it constantly stays at zero this could be the cause of what your seeing
  22. It's more than likely some soft tissue damage I would just monitor for now it should get better on it own given time give an update if you think it's getting worse over the next couple of days
  23. If only a couple of fish are showing symptoms I would quarantine and treat if it's spreading to multiple fish over a short period of time I would treat the main tank
  24. You can get these patches with columnaris or a fungal infection what I would do is keep treating with kanaplex and I would also treat with ick X just in case it's a fungal infection if your noticing them get worse after the first course of kanaplex then I would treat with a combination of kanaplex and jungal fungus clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone following this treatment plan @Jaspyjasp
  25. What are your water parameters ammonia nitire nitrate pH temperature the picture hasn't uploaded properly can you repost the picture @murphy lover 101
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