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Everything posted by Colu

  1. I have taken it apart and clean and check everything three times the flapper valves aren't stuck no obstruction nothing blocking inlet or outlet side
  2. The impeller is working the flow is only at about 20% of what it should be i have cleaned the prefilter sponges the all filter pads in the trays cleaned the impeller cleaned the hoses with a pipe cleaner still no difference in flow am at a bit of a loss at the moment
  3. I have inspected the impeller and it looks fine goes back in no wobble with the impeller in place and it doesn't lock back in place if you have it clocked at weird angle
  4. Prefilter only effects the flow when they need cleaning I have clean them so they shouldn't be effecting the flow I have tried it with half of the prefilter sponges to see if that had any effect the flow stayed the same
  5. I have tried that the only other thing I can think of is a problem with motor it's not make any odd noise thanks for your help
  6. Just checked both intake and outtake set on maximum no noise
  7. Am having problems with flow on my oase biomaster Thermo it has drop to a trickle I have clean the prefilter that didn't help I have clean the impeller and filter pads that did help and I have clean the pipes still no improvement in flow looking for suggestion just in case am missing something if I remember rightly have these filter hopefully they can chip in with some suggestions@Danielle77 @gjcarew
  8. Colu

    Is my fish sick?

    Popeye can be caused by an injury to the causing swelling or a bacterial infection or a growth behind the eye what I would do is quarantine and treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons that will help reduce fluid buildup in the eye and do a course of kanaplex @andieb
  9. What I would do is wait a couple of days make sure there eating well and have round bellys then I would treat with levamisole once a week for 3 weeks do 3 course of paracleanse two weeks week as there wild caught the chance of them having a parasitic infections is quite high the combination of the two medication will treat most commonly encountered parasites
  10. It could be caused by constipation as it's come on over night have you notice it pass anything what are you feeding and how often what I would do is fast for a couple of days and do Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant to help with constipation
  11. It could be a mast in tissue caused by a foreign body or bacterial infections can cause some growth's it's difficult to say for sure it's a case of wait and see to see if it progresses if it gets worse gives use @ShineOn75
  12. From what I can see the only ingredient is fenbendazole so that should be fine to use just remember it's extremely toxic to shrimp and snails
  13. You can use the dog dewormer Panacur c this is @Odd Duckrecommends treating with fenbendazole @HelplessNewbie
  14. Metroplex treats aeromonas that can cause some of the symptoms associated with dropsy maracyn2 is better absorb by the gut in to the bloodstream when given in food it's very effective at treating internal bacterial infections kanaplex isn't effective in food as it's poorly absorbed by the gut into the blood stream the combination I recommended is the most effective I have found for treating symptoms associated with dropsy even then there's no guarantees
  15. Betta do better with temperature of 80- 82 I would raise the temperature to 82 it looks like it's had a prolapse and has passed some of its intestine from the vent if that's the case the prognosis isn't good I can see some pineconing what I would do is treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons that will help remove any possible fluid buildup causing the pineconing and do a course of metroplex and maracyn2 in food if he's not eating dose the tank @Bettafishloverlyns
  16. Water contamination would be my first fought possible cleaning chemicals or high levels of chlorine or chloramines as @lefty osuggested or a fast acting bacterial infection like columnaris can cause mast die off with out any symptoms in 24hr
  17. As your seeing improvement it's more than likely bacterial in nature it can take two full course back to back so I would follow up with a second course of maracyn2
  18. What I would do is epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant help with constipation I would do treat with expel p once a week for 3 weeks as he's not eating a couldn't rule out a parasitic infection @shokanti
  19. You want your minimum KH to be no less than 170ppm for long term health of your Mollie's
  20. What are your water parameters any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy flashing spitting food out sunken belly
  21. That's good news has the redness fully gone away
  22. I would say it a combination of Gill damage caused by ammonia and nitire and epistylis any more fish develop spots @tetra
  23. Looks in good condition with with 4 rounds of paracleanse and expel p I would expect most parasites to be dealt looking at your water parameters your KH is a bit low for mollies they like 170ppm that can cause them to flash what I would do is add some crushed coral to raise your KH and monitor I wouldn't treat with any more medication
  24. I have seen these spots/pimple before and they respond well to aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons for a week just remember to only put back in what you take out so if you do a 3 gallon water change put 1 table spoon of aquarium salt back in @Ken J
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