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Everything posted by Colu

  1. What probably happened was the fish died as a result of an ammonia or nitire spike fish decompose really quickly in warm water if they had other fish or snails in the tank they would have started to eat the other fish and the body would start to fall apart if it was an advanced stage of decomposition
  2. If you provide some caves that will help lower aggression the male probably wants to breed with the female that the nipping behaviour your seeing
  3. If you can't get an antibiotic treatment ick X and aquarium salt would be the recommended treatment 1 table spoon for 5 gallon is highest level of salt I would use with pea puffers as they are sensitive to salt that's not as effective at that level of aquarium salt what the active ingredient in your parasite medication @struttinsoul
  4. Definitely a rainbow fish what species anyone guess at this point
  5. Second peacock Gudgeon there cave spawns if I remember rightly very colour
  6. The spot are raised so that not ich possible epistylis that feeds off of gram negative bacteria on the slime coat of your fish and spreads more quickly at higher temperatures the most effective treatment is maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days and dose the tank with ick X if you can't get them to eat the medicated food I would dose the tank @struttinsoul
  7. A little more information would be helpful what are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature can you try and get a better picture of the back it's difficult tell what it is @Dave Spangler
  8. Looking at the pictures it could be Dermosporidia if it is it will rupture and release thousands of fungal spores infecting your other fish and there's no treatment available so I would remove this fish and quarantine to be on the safe side @blackout_titan
  9. Could be a snout chondroma that's caused by neon tetras disease it can Also infect angelfish danio rasbora barbs guppies goldfish and other species of tetras and there no treatment available it could also be caused by a bacterial infection if you can get a side on picture that would be helpful
  10. Looks like a bacterial infections you would want want to do a full course of maracyn following the instructions on the box and add an extra air stone during treatment 72°F is to cold for Bettas that can compromise the Bettas immune system leave them susceptible to secondary infection fin and body rot Bettas do best at 80-82 I would get 5 or a 10 gallon tank for you betta move him and raise the temperature gradually to 82°F him @bpowell487
  11. Looks like columnaris that's a gram negative bacterial infections that spreads more quickly at temperatures over 75°F and can kill in 24hr to 7 days depending on the stain the most effective treatment I have found is a combination of kanaplex and jungal fungus clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone following this treatment plan i would quarantine and any fish showing symptoms and treat straight away kanaplex and nitrofurazone medication be harmful to shrimp and snails if your treating the main tank I would remove them @FishFry
  12. Add a Small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes add an extra air stone I would test for ammonia or nitrite just in case you had a spike
  13. I would get a GH and KH test kit before getting any fish if you have low KH and GH I would add crushed coral to the substrate typically you need to add 1 pound of crushed coral per 10 gallons to raise your KH and you want your pH above 7 for guppies and endlers
  14. Lower pH usually means you have low KH and GH that can cause a lot of health issues with Guppies and endlers what your KH and GH @Setiawan
  15. Just noticed you put it it doesn't specify what's in the medication looking at what it treats I would assume it contains antibiotic possible metroplex and levamisole or praziquantel I would do a course of the medicated food and add aquarium salt at 1 table spoon for 2 gallons @knee
  16. I no a lot of people who have use this combination of maracyn2 and ick X with catfish and loach without any issues
  17. Do you no what the active ingredient is in the medicated food
  18. With pineconing that can be associated with dropsy that can be caused by a number of things the most effective treatment I have found is aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons that will help with any possible fluid buildup and do a course of kanaplex to treat any possible internal bacterial infections causing pineconing metroplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 3 weeks
  19. If you have pineconing that can be caused by a number of things organ failure parasitic infections bacterial infections over eating do you have a tank you can use to quarantine him
  20. The spot looks raised and they don't look like ich to me you could be dealing epistylis it feeds off of gram negative bacteria on the slime coat of your fish and spreads more quickly at temperatures over 75°F the most effective treatment is maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days and dose the tank with ick X i use 3% hydrogen peroxide solution to sterilise equipment and nets after 24 HR it breaks down into H20 and oxygen I soak what every i want sterilising in a bucket with 3% hydrogen leave it 24 hr remove and rinse with dechlorinated water @pancake
  21. Yes dose how you have been it's fine to leave the ick X in 48hr as you don't want to interrupt your antibiotic treatment
  22. Could have tried to jump and injured itself on the lid I wouldn't do epsom salt baths in this case it can be stressful what I would suggest is adding Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties you might have to add one leaf per gallon to get a beneficial effect and monitor if you notice it getting worse then I would do a course of kanaplex
  23. I wouldn't recommend adding one dose and leaving it for week with any antibiotic medication that can lead to antibiotic resistant If your other fish aren't showing any symptoms I would just monitor for now and only treat if your fish start showing symptoms active ingredient in maracyn2 minocycline is less effective in hard water with a higher pH kanaplex is better choice for hard water high pH
  24. No it doesn't it's rarely fatal is treat with praziquantel
  25. It might need a second course of kanaplex and ick x to get rid of the last couple of spots
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