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Everything posted by Colu

  1. What are your water parameters could be over production of the slime coat or it could have a bacterial component if your water parameters are fine I would do a course of kanaplex or maracyn2 which every one is more readily available then give an update @Sage_Senpai
  2. Columnaris is a gram negative bacterial infection that spreads more quickly at temperatures over 75 and can kill in 24hr to 7 days depending on the stain the most effective treatment I have found is kanaplex and jungal fungus clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone following this treatment plan as you have maracyn2 to hand I would start treating straight away I would get holed of kanaplex and jungal fungus clear fizz tabs just in case you need it if your having persistent problems with parasite I would use flubendazole or fenbendazole both are toxic to shrimp and snails @svelez
  3. Colu

    ID Pleco Disease

    Good to hear he's maid a full recovery
  4. Use one scoop of medication for 5 gallons every 48hr repeat for a maximum of 3 dose then give us an update
  5. What I would suggest is one full course of kanaplex dosing tank with ick X that deal with any remaining epistylis
  6. If your not using garlic guard add more water to the mix
  7. You don't have to use garlic guard that's just to make the medicated food more appetising to your fish
  8. I would do another course of kanaplex and stop treating with paraguard
  9. Add the pellets add one scoop focus one scoop metroplex one cap garlic guard and a few drops of water and mix it well it form a medicated slurry
  10. Yes do one course following the instructions of the box than give use an update
  11. Sorry to hear she not doing well If she not eating keep dosing the tank if she not eating and becoming weak it's difficult one you could add some garlic guard to her food to help stimulate her appetite other than that it's a case of wait and see at this point hope she turns a corner
  12. If your fish has ich I would use ick X and aquarium salt as ich causes massive electrolyte loss and the salt will add back in essential electrolytes up the temperature as @Tony srecommended
  13. Colu


    Most effective treatment is ick X or a similar medication containing malachite green such as kordon rid ick plus and aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons as ich causes massive electrolyte loss and the salt adds back in essential electrolytes ick X safe for bristlenose I have used it before not had any issues @EcstaticTiara
  14. What I use is metroplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for upto 3 weeks and dose the tank with kanaplex I have found that to be the most effective way to treat with these medication together
  15. At the level I recommended it's fine just remember to only put back in what you take so if you did a 10 gallon water change put 1 table spoon of epsom salt back as salt only removed though water changes
  16. Could have puffed up and got trapped air or over eaten and become bloated what I would do is fast for a Couple of days add low dose of epsom salt 1 table spoon for 10 gallons as epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant it won't harm your puffer or plants at that level for 5 days then give an update @Ryan1988
  17. Low temperature is probably what's been causing most of your issues that could have contributed to the fin rot looking at the mouth that could have a bacterial component what I would do is another course of kanaplex along side the salt and catappa leaves make sure temperature is stable other wise medication wont work as well because the fish will be stressed that will affect there imume response @Nick93
  18. If there internal it could be a parasite some larvae can coil up and form a cyst around them in the muscle tissue it's difficult to say for sure I would quarantine if you can and treat with levamisole active ingredient in expel p once a week for 4 weeks give us an update if your not seeing any change in the next couple of weeks or it gets worse if you have snails in tank i would remove them as levamisole can be harmful to some species of snail
  19. I don't think she has fin the low dose of salt will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes I can't tell of your picture if she has camallanus worms that why I give you some pictures for comparison doe's it look like any of the pictures
  20. I can't tell off your picture if it's camallanus worms he's pictures of fish with camallanus worms for comparison at first fish will become bloated as the the parasitc infection become chronic the intestine become compromised and fish can't absorb food leading to a sunken belly recommended treatment for camallanus worms is four course of levamisole active ingredient in expel p once a week so you would treat on week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 that if you need to treat with fins am not seeing any Reddening to the edges of the fins I would just add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons and monitor for a week @Guppylover999
  21. What I would do is add salt back 1 table spoon for 2 gallons for a week and keep adding catappa leaves am not seeing any signs of fin rot if it was fin rot paraguard isn't effective at treating the gram negative bacteria that causes fin rot I would stop using it only thing I would use paraguard for is to treat ich or a mild fungal infection temperature fluctuations caused by your large water change could be stressing them leading to a weaken immune system what I would do if you can is get a bin or large tote put a small heater and an air stone in it the days before to so your water has time to come upto temperature before your water change
  22. The spots look like there internal on the first picture that might just be the light making it look like that have you added any new fish recently when did it develop these spots have you treated with any medication
  23. It can stain rocks and clear silicone
  24. The fins on your angelfish don't look bad in video am not seeing any Reddening to the edges of the fins or hole's in the fins I wouldn't recommend using kanaplex and Polyguard together at the seem time using multiple medication can be stressful I would lower the level of salt to 1 table spoon for 2 gallons how much is tanks temperature dropping by after a water change with 18 celsius water
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