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Everything posted by Colu

  1. It could be over production of the slime coat caused by poor water quality as at @xXInkedPhoenixXsuggest another possibilities is a bacterial infection such columnaris what are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature @GoofyGarra
  2. I would follow do a large water change and run active carbon for 24hr to remove any remaining medication then do a course of kanaplex @AnxiousAndFishious
  3. Mollies like hard water Your KH is on the low side for mollies they do best with a KH of 180- 280ppm from what I have read low KH can cause a lot of health issues with liverbears I would raise your KH you can add crushed coral to the substrate or in media bag in your filter you would have to add one pound of crushed coral per 10 gallons @Henry the fish keeper
  4. How long have you had the fish before the first death and how long between the fish showing symptoms and dieing When you first started losing did notice if you had an ammonia or nitrite spike have you noticed any other symptoms such rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy spitting food out white stringy poop over production of the slime coat @Sondra Bradshaw
  5. Possible hole in the head with secondary bacterial infections most effective treatment is metronidazole active ingredient in metroplex or fritz metrocleanse feeding a small amount twice a day for 3 weeks and dose the tank with kanaplex salt is not an effective treatment for hole in the head I would get the medication I recommended and start treatment straight away @B1gJ4k3
  6. You want to treat two weeks after the first so the second course will be at the start of week 3 then the third course on week 5
  7. You can do a course of kanaplex that a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment but it can be harmful to shrimp it's not very effective in food as very little of the medication is adsorbed by the intestinal tract you could quarantine your fish if you have another tank or a tote or remove the shrimp and then treat with kanaplex maracyn oxy active ingredient is sodium chloride essential salt so it would be more effective against fungal infection @AnxiousAndFishious
  8. With how quickly the Cardinal are dieing something else could be going on what I would suggest is stop treating with paracleanse for now there could be a bacterial component to what going on and do a course of maracyn or maracyn2 which every one is more readily available both are shrimp safe @AnxiousAndFishious
  9. It's not very likely for shrimp to have bought in parasites if your betta was lone for a long period of time in that tank chances of your betta having a parasitc infection that's now affecting your endlers is less likely unless there came in with a parasitc infection from your sister tank I would check your tap waters KH and GH just to make sure your tap water hasn't changed low KH and GH can cause a lot of health issues in liverbears diet what are you feeding and how often
  10. Colu


    It probably will survive till then camallanus worms can cause internal damage when your fish has a high parasite burden even with treatment it may still die I would still treat all of your fish with 4 full courses of expel p. you don't need to start a new thread each time you ask a question just continue on the original thread it makes it easy to follow
  11. Sorry typo koi sedate the one you want
  12. Keep treating with paracleanse the fact that he's showing more interest in food is a good sign
  13. Possible parasitic infection you can get the odd random deaths weeks apart I can't be a 100% that's what's going on if you have introduced fish recently and didn't quarantine it would be worth while doing three full courses of paracleanse two weeks apart so you would want to treat on week 1 week 3 week 5 @AnxiousAndFishious
  14. What your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature
  15. With Prime you actually you use less of product to treat your water so it lasts a lot longer than Tetra's aquasafe
  16. I would keep the temperature below 75 as columnaris spreads more quickly at temperatures over 75 unless you have any fish that requires the higher temperatures in the tank @bbitsaboy
  17. Any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy flashing spitting food out sunken belly white stringy poop any Reddening to the body or over production of the slime coat
  18. Am going to tag @Guppysnailas she has a lot of experience with mystery snail
  19. Looks like an aggressive bacterial infections could be columnaris that's a gram negative bacterial infection that spreads more quickly at higher temperatures and can kill in 24hr to 7 days depending on the stain the most effective treatment I have found is kanaplex and jungal fungus clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone following this treatment plan I would quarantine any showing symptoms and start treatment straight away keep treating with API fin and body cure as you have it to hand and up level of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon is what i would do if you don't have kanaplex and jungal fungus clear fizz tabs to hand @bbitsaboy
  20. Depending on how long they were exposed to that level of ammonia you would want to add salt to help with ammonia poisoning you would need to use 1 table spoon for 1 gallon I would monitor and only up the salt to 1 table spoon for 1 gallon if your seeing signs of ammonia burn such as black patches on the body or fins redding of the gills @Guppysnail
  21. Colu


    Camallanus worms can cause intestinal blockage that can be caused when your fish has a high parasite burden it struggling to pass the parasites @Cjbear087
  22. I wouldn't recommend doing that it sends the fish into shock it doesn't died straight away it can be painful I would use clove oil or you can get a product call koi sedate that acts as a sedative that will make your fish unconscious than you administer an overdose i used this method when I recently had to euthanize my 14 year old goldfish who developed an aggressive tumor on his gill that spread rapidly in to the face use an air stone or some air line tubbing it helps to keep the clove oil moving round the water instead of floating at the surface
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