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Everything posted by Colu

  1. If you see no improvement after treating with maracyn I would wait a couple of days then start treating with kanaplex
  2. Looks like Ellobiopsidae some people clam to have had success using malachite green active ingredient in ick x to treat it
  3. Looks like a Malaysian tumpet snail
  4. What I would do is monitor for now and add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties you need to add 1 leaf per gallon to get a beneficial effect as it could be the start of Fin rot if you notice his fin start to recede or develope holes then I would add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons for one
  5. If he's spitting out food and starts to get a sunken belly then I would treat with Fritz Expel p as that could be wasting disease if he not losing weight and can still eat then I would just monitor for now he looks healthy from what I can see in the picture
  6. I would remove your nerite snails if your using flubendazole it will kill them
  7. Colu

    Is This A Worm?

    I second prolapse Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxants helping your fish to reabsorb the prolapse
  8. It will take time cycled media from another tank is the best at helping to lower your ammonia
  9. Sometimes torn fins or holes in the fins are caused by your Betta fairing his fins I would add some Indian almond leaves you need 1 leaf per gallon to get that benefial effects as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties and monitor if you notice the fins getting worse then you could add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons if your have live plants salt at that level will harm them so you could do a salt bath 1 table spoon for 2 gallons for no more than 15 minutes 2-3 times a day
  10. daily water changes and add prime to detoxify any ammonia you could also add some seachems purigen to you filter that helps remove ammonia as well till your benefial bacterial catches up if you have some cycle filter media from another tank you could add that
  11. Put the table spoon of pellets in a jug or jar and sprinkle maracyn2 and seachems focus over the pellets add the one cap of garlic guard and a few drops of water mix it together usually leave it half an hour for the pellets to adsorb the medication primafix is a herbal treatment and not effective at treating bacterial infections I wouldn't use it unless I had no alternative I would finish your course of api fin and body cure and do a course of maracyn2 in food for one week maracyn2 treats gram negative bacterial @Emily Z
  12. Colu

    Fish Tank Crash

    Stop medicating do daily water changes add a double dose of prime detoxify any ammonia till reads zero the shredded fin was more then likely caused by a water quality such as ammonia and nitirte aquarium salt will help as it helps with Gill function and adds essential electrolytes
  13. That is a Molly I haven't herd of the BB gene if it was genetic then it would have had it from birth it wouldn't have developed it later in life
  14. If your don't add shrimp I think you could get away with keeping the u2 filter you will only no if it's to much flow once you add fish
  15. I sore some crenicichla zebrina that look stunning if they were readly available and I had space for a hugh tank I would definitely get some
  16. A sponge filter might be better if your having shrimp what I would do is add the sponge filter and run it a long side of the u2 filter till your tank cycle them remove the other filter the one in the picture should work fine am not sure how effective the bio media would be or you could try a co-op course sponge filter
  17. I would just let them live out the rest of their live in the tank their in treating again is a personal choice if you just let nature take its course as long as they aren't suffer I would just try and enjoy them
  18. How big is your tank as the u2 is rated for 30 gallon as long as you have some were out of the flow for your fish to rest a don't think it will be a problem
  19. I have used a fluval u3 in a 50 gallon it did have a lot of flow you can adjust it so it comes though the long middle section to reduce the flow a bit
  20. Their always a possibility that your fish multiple things going on its not uncommon for fish to parasitic and bacterial infections at the same time it difficult to no for sure
  21. You have a couple of options treat them again or just let nature take its course as these fish have had constant problems I would essential keep them Qarantined don't use any nets or equipment from this tank in any other tank unless it thoroughly disinfected with fish TB you can get wasting you also get loss of scales and skin ulcers bloating and other secondary infection symptoms your fish have similar symptoms to wasting disease that doesn't mean something else isn't going on it difficult to no for sure all you can do is treat based on the symptoms your seeing
  22. I would personally not keep fish in a 5 gallon but a lot of people do I prefer snails or shrimp in a 5 gallon if your population gets to big you could see if your lfs will buy some
  23. What you could do is a course of maracyn2 in food the active ingredient minocycline has proven effective at shrinking some types of lumps use 1 table spoon of pellets 1 quarter of a packet of maracyn2 1 scoop of seachems focus 1 cap of seachems garlic guard a few drops of water mix well feed a small amount twice a day for 7 days store any leftover medicated food in the fridge
  24. It's possible they still have internal parasites as some types of parasites are becoming more resistant to medications you might have to use medication with a different active ingredient like fish aids fenbendazole the rainbow with the white patch as he had it for a long time if it were something like Columnaris it would have kill him by now if he's eating and not showing any odd behaviour I wouldn't treat him forgot to add definitely not snail safe
  25. As swim bladder infections are internal dosing the tank with maracyn will have no not effect just feed the medicated food in the morning and evening for the 7 days if the Epsom salt baths and fasting don't work
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