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Everything posted by Colu

  1. It could be a parasitic infection causing over production of the slime coat or a bacterial infection I think the best course of treatment would be to do a course of paracleanse to treat the tank and a do a course of maracyn in food using this food recipe that will cover most bases I would repeat the paracleanse every two weeks for a total of 3 full course of paracleanse if you can't get them to eat you could do a course of paracleanse then follow up with a course of maracyn then repeat the paracleanse on week3 and week5@Scottdd2002
  2. I would recommend dissolving the tetras fungus Guard tables in a cup before adding them to your tank @Marcisaninja
  3. You can use the tetras fungus Guard with kanaplex they have the same active ingredients as jungle fungus clear fizz tab's and the same amount of nitrofurazone you could try soaking his food in seachems garlic guard to help simulate his appetite
  4. I looked in my book by Heiko bleher INDIAN ORNAMENAL FISHES lots of beautiful species of barillus love the blue spotted hill trout barillus bakeri though I would add a couple more pictures barillus sp 1 and barillus canarensis just stunning
  5. Orange fin Hill trout are stunning great addition
  6. You don't have to add any medication week 4 if you think they need second course of maracyn2 you could do that on week 4 that really depends on how your fish are doing
  7. Yes week 1 general cure week 2 treat with maracyn week 3 treat with general cure week 5 treat with general you can use maracyn2 instead of maracyn
  8. Are they sewellia lineolata and have you had any successful breeding from them
  9. Yes you can use maracyn without mixing it into food the symptoms of the parasites Expel p treats is in more severe cases you will see sunken belly spitting food out nodules or masses in the skin or muscles abnormal swimming listlessness rapid breathing hanging near the surface in some cases stunted growth if a small number of nematode worms are present in your fish you won't see significant symptoms you can get random deaths spread out over the course of months @anewbie
  10. There's two treatment options use general cure and Expel p to provide broad spectrum antiparasitic treatment or use a combination of general cure and maracyn if you think theirs a bacterial component then use treatment option two general cure and maracyn the food recipe I provided can be used with maracyn or maracyn2 I wasn't recommending to use both
  11. Expel p treats different types of parasites to general cure that why I recommended treating with general cure then following up with Expel p treatment wise if you only treat with general cure week 2 you could do a course of maracyn week 3 and week 5 repeat general cure
  12. Fritz Expel p active ingredient is levamisole usually these types of random deaths are caused by poor water quality ammonia nitrite etc or a parasitic infection that why I recommended the combination of general cure and Expel p that will treat most types of commonly encountered parasites treatment options two treat with general cure every 2 weeks for a total of 3 full course of treatment and do a course of maracyn in food that will most bases
  13. I think the best course of treatment would be week 1 general cure then water change Expel p week 2 water change Expel p week 3 general cure water change then Expel p week 5 general cure that will treat most types of parasites from skin and Gill flukes Hexamita nematode worms round worms to cover all bases
  14. With ich you want to treat for three days after you see the last spots and add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons it will add essential electrolytes as ich causes massive electrolyte loss
  15. Do you use aquasoil or fluval stratum they can leech ammonia
  16. As he's not eating I would recommend treating with a combination of kanaplex and Jungle fungus clear fizz tab's containing nitrofurazone following this treatment plan as epistylis feed's off the gram negative bacteria These medication effectively remove there food source @Marcisaninja
  17. Theirs a couple of things that could be causing your deaths have you had any ammonia or nitrite spikes when doing water change do you use a water dechlorinator like prime and have you notice more fish deaths after a water changes and odd deaths over a period of time can be caused by a parasitic infection bacterial infection can take two weeks in some cases to kill fish I think with the 6 to 8 weeks between deaths a bacterial infection is unlikely and you would have seen some other symptoms if it were bacterial infection killing your fish @anewbie
  18. Has he been accepting the medicated food if he has then what I would do is keep feeding him kanaplex in food and treat the tank with jungle fungus clear fizz tab's containing nitrofurazone the combination of the two are very effective
  19. General cure is an effective treatment for Gill flukes and it won't harm your plants it can take three courses of treatment 2 weeks apart have you notice any rapid breathing hanging near the surface listlessness sunken belly spitting food out flashing @anewbie
  20. Sorry to hear they didn't make columnaris is a very aggressive bacterial disease even with treatment you will sometimes lose fish
  21. It's difficult to see on your picture if the white patch or spot on the mouth starts to spread then you could be dealing with columnaris I would just monitor closely for next couple of days update if you notice it getting worse
  22. Colu


    treat with ick x for 3 days after you see the last spots gradually increase the temperature to 82 that will speed up the life cycle and add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons that will add essential electrolytes as ich causes massive electrolyte loss @Hally M.
  23. You don't have to use focus it does bind more of the medication to food I would start treating with kanaplex straight away
  24. I would limit food like blood worms to no more than twice a week
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