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Everything posted by Colu

  1. If you part way through a course of kanaplex I would finish that than do the week of salt and Indian almond leaves and then if needed do maracyn2 in food @MoonMom
  2. Doesn't look like ich what I would do is finish the course of kanaplex you started and add some aquarium salt like at @nabokovfan87suggested as you have live plants I wouldn't go above 1 table spoon for 5 gallons update after you have finished the course of kanaplex
  3. I would do another week of salt Indian almond leaves then I would follow up with a course of maracyn2 in food following the recipe I provided if your seeing no improvement
  4. Most cases of Fin rot are caused by gram negative bacterial what I would do is add Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties and aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons and do a course of maracyn2 in food it's a more broad spectrum antibiotic treatment feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days @ccmay
  5. Licorice and chocolate gouramis come from peat swamps and like tannin rich soft acidic water with plenty of leaf litter pH of 4-6 depending on the species' very beautiful I wouldn't say they are a beginner fish I would get some experience with pearl or honey gouramis and do a lot of research before getting licorice gouramis or chocolate gouramis I would only get them if your going to breed them as a lot of species are endangered thought loss of habit @Cinnebuns
  6. I use Hannah instruments hi 700 low range ammonia checker very accurate for freshwater and I use a blue lab digital pH pen accurate to 0.1 good quality pen for price I would stay away from cheap pH pen's on Amazon
  7. Colu


    Possible epistylis he's how you tell the difference between ich and epistylis if it's epistylis I would do a course of maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days and dose the tank with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons if if you not sure whether it ich or epistylis you can do a course of maracyn2 in food and ick X to treat the tank to cover all bases @Nelo
  8. I would like see test results but recommending any treatment the symptoms your fish is displaying can also be caused by high levels of nitrates or ammonia
  9. What are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate etc also swim bladder can be caused a number of things such as your fish over eating and the stomach putting pressure on the swim bladder bacterial infection of the swim bladder injury high levels of nitrates can also effect the swim bladder @SandBkeeper
  10. It possible it was already weak when you got them though under feeding as you said they looked skinny the added stress of being bag and being bought home could have been to much their also the possibility of a parasitic infections if they were under weight when you got I would keep a close eye on them if you notice any rapid breathing listlessness hanging near the surface flashing loss of appetite then I would treat with paracleanse
  11. Without any symptoms other than the small bubbles in his belly it difficult to give a definitive diagnosis you can get bubble under the skin of fish with gas bubble disease that caused by super saturation of desloved oxygen i think this is highly unlikely how long have you had the fish and was eating ok and have round full belly @Lennie
  12. I would add aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons Indian almond leave and increase water changes for week if theirs no sign of improvement after week then I would do a course of maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days @MoonMom
  13. Water lettuce Amazonian frogbit grow well in tanks with lids on them and are great at removing excess nitrates
  14. Am in the UK and I order all of my medication such as kanaplex metroplex maracyn2 off eBay it can take a couple of weeks to get here I like to have them to hand just in case
  15. Sera baktopur direct table active ingredient is nifurpirinol is a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment I would use this if you can get metronidazole or maracyn2 @aquatoid
  16. Depending on what country you come from some antibiotic treatments won't be available what country are you based I might be able to find you an alternative treatment
  17. I think @tolstoy21keeps rummy nose Rasbora maybe he can chip in
  18. It's possible the amount of benefial bacterial on your cycled media wasn't enough to cope with initial load of fish you add the medication caused a drop in the level of desloved oxygen the combination of two probably kill some of your fish I always add extra air stone when treating with any medication and higher levels of desloved oxygen have proven to increase the efficacy of medications and have lower motility rates during treatment @Rob2718
  19. It comes to 0.46grams for 60 gallons I would leave that dose for 4hr before removing it with active carbon potassium permanganate is toxic in water with high pH
  20. The amount of nitrofurazone in jungal fungus clear fizz tabs is at low enough dose that it won't effect your invertebrates kanaplex can causes some of invertebrates to slow down it shouldn't harm your I would recommend treating your fish in quarantine tank @BrittStar
  21. Possible columnaris it a gram negative bacterial infection that spreads more quickly at higher temperatures and can kill your fish in 24hr to 7 days depending on the stain the most effective treatment is a combination of kanaplex and jungal fungus clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone following this treatment plan just in case something else is going on What are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate KH GH temperature @BrittStar
  22. What I would do is closely monitor the loach you saw with the thin red line for next week or two update if you notice any rapid breathing listlessness hanging near the surface flashing spitting food out sunken belly then I would treat
  23. Green phantom plecos are really colourful
  24. It depends of the plant the root came from some will shrivel up quite a bit when dried
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